Decent wages, decent work: how can we improve job quality in Europe?
Tue 8 Nov 2016, 18:00 - 19:30

- Venue
- Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Rue Ducale 1, Bruxelles 1000, Belgium
Event ended
Employment in Europe has become increasingly polarised into high and low skilled work. With more people forced into low-paid, temporary or part-time positions, what are the implications for their lives and wellbeing? Should the worst affected, arguably the young and migrants, accept that any job is better than no job? Or does poor quality employment present a cause for concern for companies, society and the economy?
Chaired by:
Professor Bea Cantillon Professor of Social Policy and Director of the Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp
Professor Duncan Gallie CBE FBA Emeritus Fellow of Nuffield College and Professor of Sociology, University of Oxford
Commissioner Marianne Thyssen Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, European Commission
Professor Bruno Van der Linden Research Director, National Fund for Scientific Research
Thiébaut Weber Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation
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