Sign up to our mailing listWelcome to the British Academy Virtual Summer Showcase.
Featuring live and pre-recorded talks, performances and demonstrations, our Summer Showcase brings the best new humanities and social sciences research to life for audiences at home.
The programme for Friday 19 June can be found below. Ready-to-watch content from our Fellows and funded researchers is now available to view on our YouTube channel.
Live content will also take place throughout the day. Most live events require no booking, apart from two, Culture in crisis? and the Digital dinner party, which will be hosted on Zoom Webinar. Information on how to book is below. All other live events will be hosted on our YouTube channel. All content is free to view.
If you have any questions about the British Academy Virtual Summer Showcase please refer to our Public Events FAQs. If your question is not answered, please email [email protected].
#forcuriousminds #cultureathome
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Live programme on Zoom Webinar
Culture in crisis? and the Digital dinner party will be hosted on Zoom Webinar.
To book for these two events please click the relevant links below.
Live at 15:00: Culture in crisis?
Four Fellows of the British Academy discuss if virtual venues can ever replace the thrill of a live performance, how culture might continue in the post-COVID world and more.

Live at 18:30: The digital dinner party
Join food historian and artist Tasha Marks for a unique taste of the Summer Showcase. Inspired by the work of three British Academy researchers, this cook-along and conversation will be a historic dinner party like no other, with discussion and delicacies aplenty.