‘…In or about 1970…’: artists, writers, and feminist thought

Thu 2 - Fri 3 Jul 2020, 09:00 - 17:00

Loughborough University, Epinal Way, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU

This conference has unfortunately been postponed

Details about re-scheduled British Academy events will be added to our events at a later date.

“...In or about 1970...” a shift in sexual politics impacted the arts with the publication of books by artists and literary scholars: ​Kate Millett’s ​Sexual Politics​; Shulamith Firestone’s ​The Dialectic of Sex​, and Germaine Greer’s ​The Female Eunuch​. Fifty years later we consider how the arts shaped the Anglophone 1970s women’s movement and how the legacy of that relationship resonates today.

Conference convenors:
Professor Hilary Robinson, Loughborough University
Dr Marion Arnold, Loughborough University
Dr Elspeth Mitchell
, Loughborough University
Dr Sarah Parker, Loughborough University

This conference will take place at the Loughborough University and registration will open in 2020. A registration fee is payable at the time of booking.

© Martha Rosler, Body Beautiful or Beauty Knows No Pain, 1966—1972

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