Ambrogio Lorenzetti: The Artist as Political Philosopher [Raleigh]
Quentin Skinner, pages 1-56
Thurstan of Caen and Plainchant at Glastonbury: Musicological Reflections on the Norman Conquest [Art]
David Hiley, pages 57-90
Wyclif [Master-Mind]
Anthony Kenny, pages 91-113
The Mosque of Tinmal (Morocco) and Some New Aspects of Islamic Architectural Typology [Wheeler]
Christian Ewert, pages 115-148
On the Tendency of Humans to Form Varieties [Radcliffe-Brown]
W G Runciman, pages 149-165
The Corridors of History: Shakespeare the Re-maker [Shakespeare]
Giorgio Melchiori, pages 167-185
Wordsworth’s ‘Grand Design’ [Warton]
Alan G Hill, pages 187-204
From Medieval to Renaissance? Chaucer’s Position on Past Gentility [Chatterton]
A J Minnis, pages 205-246
Philosophy and Philosophy Of [Philosophical]
J R Lucas, pages 247-267
Explaining Economic Growth [Keynes]
M FG Scott, pages 269-294
Old English Wicing: A Question of Semantics [Gollancz]
Christine Fell, pages 295-316
Hegel on Self-Consciousness [Dawes Hicks]
D W Hamlyn, pages 317-338
American Political Culture and the Asian Frontier, 1943–1973 [Phillips]
Christopher Thorne, pages 339-394
Hedley Norman Bull, 1932–1985
Michael Howard, pages 395-408
Stanley Lawrence Greenslade, 1905–1977
Henry Chadwick, pages 409-422
Guy Thompson Griffith, 1908–1985
N G L Hammond, pages 423-432
Aubrey Rodway Johnson, 1901–1985
G W Anderson, pages 433-439
Lorenzo Minio-Paluello, 1907–1986
William Kneale, pages 441-454
Beryl Smalley, 1905–1984
R W Southern, pages 455-471
Harry Street, 1919–1984
J C Smith, pages 473-490
Carol Humphrey Vivian Sutherland, 1908–1986
R A G Carson, pages 491-499
Daniel Pickering Walker, 1914–1985
M A Screech, pages 501-509
William Henry Walsh, 1913–1986
Leon Pompa, pages 511-524
Ellis Kirkham Waterhouse, 1905–1985
Cecil Gould, pages 525-535
Philip Maynard Williams, 1920–1984
Douglas Johnson, pages 537-551