Report of Council 1982-3
pages 1-88
Presidential Address [Presidential]
Owen Chadwick, pages 89-92
The Study of Winchester: Archaeology and History in a British Town, 1961–1983 [Reckitt]
Martin Biddle, pages 93-135
Shakespeare’s Liars [Shakespeare]
Inga-Stina Ewbank, pages 137-168
The Search for Principle [Maccabaean]
Robert Goff, pages 169-187
The Bravery of Shakespeare’s Sonnets [Chatterton]
Elizabeth Cook, pages 189-207
Henry James among the Aesthetes [Phillips]
Richard Ellmann, pages 209-228
The Ban Chiang Culture in Wider Perspective [Wheeler]
C F W Higham, pages 229-261
How Useful are Keynesian Ideas in the 1980s? [Keynes]
Brian Reddaway, pages 263-278
Terms and Sentences: Theophrastus on Hypothetical Syllogisms [Dawes Hicks]
Jonathan Barnes, pages 279-326
Predisposition and Prevenience: Prologomena to the Study of Dante’s Mind and Art [Italian]
P Boyde, pages 327-354
Johnson’s Poetry [Warton]
J D Fleeman, pages 355-369
Religion and Welsh Literature in the Age of the Reformation [Rhys]
Glanmor Williams, pages 371-408
The Crisis of Medieval Germany [Raleigh]
Karl Leyser, pages 409-443
Self-Creation [Philosophical]
Jonathan Glover, pages 445-471
Edward Hallett Carr, 1892–1982
R W Davies, pages 473-511
David Charles Douglas, 1898–1982
R H C Davis, pages 513-542
Michael Moissey Postan, 1899–1981
Edward Miller, pages 543-557
David Randall-MacIver, 1873–1945
David Ridgway, pages 559-577
Stephen Wentworth Roskill, 1903–1982
John Ehrman, pages 579-594
Howard Hayes Scullard, 1903–1983
F W Walbank, pages 595-610
Lucy Stuart Sutherland, 1903–1980
Anne Whiteman, pages 611-630
John Bryan Ward-Perkins, 1912–1981
J J Wilkes, pages 631-655