Presidential Address [Presidential]
Isaiah Berlin, pages 1-9
The Mind of Nietzsche [Master-Mind]
J P Stern, pages 11-26
The Tempest: What Sort of Play? [Shakespeare]
Harold F Brooks, pages 27-54
Keynes, Political Arithmetic and Econometrics [Keynes]
Richard Stone, pages 55-92
The Compilation of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 60 BC to AD 890: Vocabulary as Evidence [Gollancz]
Janet Bately, pages 93-129
The Pre-Conquest Boroughs of England, Ninth to Eleventh Centuries [Wheeler]
C A Ralegh Radford, pages 131-153
A Carolingian Renaissance Prince: The Emperor Charles the Bald [Raleigh]
J M Wallace-Hadrill, pages 155-184
Locke and the Ethics of Belief [Dawes Hicks]
J A Passmore, pages 185-208
Kipling’s Magic Art [Chatterton]
Jacqueline S Bratton, pages 209-232
The Place of James Thomson [Warton]
D W Jefferson, pages 233-258
Political Judges and the Rule of Law [Maccabaean, 1997]
Ronald Dworkin, pages 259-287
Charlie Dunbar Broad, 1887–1971
Karl Britton, pages 289-310
Charles Clay, 1885–1978
Christopher Brooke, pages 311-340
Bruce Dickins, 1889–1978
R I Page, pages 341-357
John Goronwy Edwards, 1891–1976
J S Roskell, pages 359-396
Vivian Hunter Galbraith, 1889–1976
R W Southern, pages 397-425
Andrew Sydenham Farrar Gow, 1886–1978
F H Sandbach, pages 427-441
Harry Gordon Johnson, 1923–1977
James Tobin, pages 443-458
Paul Oppé, 1878–1957
James Byam Shaw, pages 459-465
Gabriel Turville-Petre, 1908–1978
Peter Foote, pages 467-481
Emlyn Capel Stewart Wade, 1895–1978
H W R Wade, pages 483-486
Neville John Williams, 1924–1977
A G Dickens, pages 487-496
Report of Council 1976-1978
pages 497-565