Proceedings of the British Academy 63, 1977

Volume published 1978

Presidential Address [Presidential]
Isaiah Berlin, pages 1-11

Rome Beyond the Southern Egyptian Frontier [Wheeler]
L P Kirwan, pages 13-31

The Outland Dart: American Writers and European Modernism [Phillips]
Malcolm Bradbury, pages 33-52

Shakespeare and Baroque Art [Shakespeare]
Nicholas Brooke, pages 53-69

Lorenzo de’ Medici: The Formation of his Statecraft [Italian]
Nicolai Rubinstein, pages 71-94

T. S. Eliot: Language, Sincerity and the Self [Chatterton]
John Casey, pages 95-124

Britain and Julius Caesar [Wheeler, 1975]
Christopher Hawkes, pages 125-192

Gladstone and Ireland [Raleigh]
John Vincent, pages 193-238

Pre-established Harmony versus Constant Conjunction: A Reconsideration of the Distinction between Rationalism and Empiricism [Dawes Hicks]
Hidé Ishiguro, pages 239-263

Castle-building in Thirteenth-century Wales and Savoy [Reckitt]
A J Taylor, pages 265-292

Provenance and Problematics of ‘Sublime and Alarming Images’ in Poetry [Warton]
Edwin Morgan, pages 293-313

The Lost Beginning of Menander, Misoumenos
E G Turner, pages 315-331

Maurice Herbert Dobb, 1900–1976
Ronald M Meek, pages 333-344

Godfrey Rolles Driver, 1892–1975
J A Emerton, pages 345-362

Ralph George Hawtrey, 1879–1975
R D Collison Black, pages 363-397

Norman McLean, 1865–1947
H St J Hart, pages 399-401

John Ernest Neale, 1890–1975
Joel Hurstfield, pages 403-421

Edward Stanley Gotch Robinson, 1887–1976
C H V Sutherland, pages 423-440

Arnold Joseph Toynbee, 1889–1975
William H McNeill, pages 441-469

Jack Allan Westrup, 1904–1975
Gerald Abraham, pages 471-482

Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler, 1890–1976
Jacquetta Hawkes, pages 483-507

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