The British Academy Annual Report 1971-2
pages 3-60
Presidential Address [Presidential]
Denys Page, pages 61-65
The Literate Anglo-Saxon — On Sources and Disseminations [Gollancz]
J E Cross, pages 67-100
The Discovery of America and the Discovery of Man [Raleigh]
J H Elliott, pages 101-125
Bertrand Russell as a Philosopher [Master-Mind]
A J Ayer, pages 127-151
British Foreign Policy since 1945 [Thank-Offering]
Roy Jenkins, pages 153-162
Unblotted Lines: Shakespeare at Work [Shakespeare]
M M Mahood, pages 163-176
The Sceptical Anthropologist? Social Anthropology and Marxist Views on Society [Radcliffe-Brown]
Raymond Firth, pages 177-213
Some Uses and Misuses of the Terms Baroque and Rococo as Applied to Architecture [Art]
Anthony Blunt, pages 215-243
Donne: A London Poet [Chatterton]
Barbara Everett, pages 245-273
In Defence of Objectivity [Philosophical]
Mary Hesse, pages 275-292
The International Monetary Problem [Keynes]
Lord Robbins, pages 293-311
The Figure in a Landscape: Wordsworth’s Early Poetry [Warton]
Roger Sharrock, pages 313-333
The Impartial Spectator [Dawes Hicks]
D D Raphael, pages 335-354
Arthur John Arberry, 1905–1969
G M Wickens, pages 355-366
Jaroslav Cern, 1898–1970
I E S Edwards, pages 367-377
Walter Bryan Emery, 1903–1971
Adolf Klasens, pages 379-392
Sir Maurice Bowra, 1898–1971
Hugh Lloyd-Jones, pages 393-408
Kenneth Sisam, 1887–1971
Neil Ker, pages 409-428
Victor Scholderer, 1880–1971
Frank Francis, pages 429-446
Ernest Fraser Jacob, 1894–1971
W A Pantin, pages 447-474
Cyril Lodowic Burt, 1883–1971
L S Hearnshaw, pages 475-492
Sir Hamilton Gibb, 1895–1971
Albert Hourani, pages 493-523
Doris Mary Stenton, 1894–1971
Kathleen Major, pages 525-535
Nora Kershaw Chadwick, 1891–1972
Kenneth Jackson, pages 537-549
Henry Stanley Bennett, 1889–1972
Basil Willey, pages 551-567