The British Academy Annual Report 1967-1968
pages 3-44
Presidential Address [Presidential]
Kenneth Wheare, pages 45-49
The Development of the British Literary Portrait up to Samuel Johnson [Art]
David Piper, pages 51-72
Medieval Poetry and the Figural View of Reality [Gollancz]
Elizabeth Salter, pages 73-92
Alexander Scott and Scottish Court Poetry of the Middle Sixteenth Century [Warton]
John Macqueen, pages 93-116
The Objects of the Five Senses [Philosophical]
J O Urmson, pages 117-131
Erosions of Personal Freedom in a Modern Society [Thank-Offering]
Lord Goodman, pages 133-148
Jonathan Swift [Master-Mind]
Irvin Ehrenpreis, pages 149-164
Reform by Statute: Thomas Starkey’s Dialogue and Thomas Cromwell’s Policy [Raleigh]
G R Elton, pages 165-188
The Law and the Reasonable Man [Maccabaean]
Lord Reid, pages 189-205
Kierkegaard’s Two Ways [Dawes Hicks]
Patrick Gardiner, pages 207-229
Pope and Dulness [Chatterton]
Emrys Jones, pages 231-263
Shakespeare’s Histories and ‘The Emotion of Multitude’ [Shakespeare]
A R Humphreys, pages 265-287
Herbert John Davis, 1893–1967
Helen Gardner, pages 289-299
Florence Elizabeth Harmer, 1890–1967
Dorothy Whitelock, pages 301-314
Frank Merry Stenton, 1880–1967
Doris M Stenton, pages 315-423
Frank Ezra Adcock, 1886–1968
N G L Hammond, pages 425-434
Austin Marsden Farrer, 1904–1968
E L Mascall, pages 435-442