The British Academy Annual Report 1966-7
pages 3-38
Presidential Address [Presidential]
Lord Robbins, pages 39-46
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester [Chatterton]
Anne Righter, pages 47-69
Aï Khanum on the Oxus: A Hellenistic City in Central Asia [Reckitt]
Paul Bernard, pages 71-95
The Black Book of Carmarthen ‘Stanzas of the Graves’ [Rhys]
Thomas Jones, pages 97-137
Othello and Colour Prejudice [Shakespeare]
G K Hunter, pages 139-163
The Trade Union and the Common Weal [Thank-Offering]
Henry Phelps Brown, pages 165-178
Nationalism and the Literature of the United States [Phillips]
Douglas Grant, pages 179-192
Kant’s Conception of Freedom [Dawes Hicks]
Stephan Körner, pages 193-217
Robert Browning [Warton]
Ian Jack, pages 219-241
The Idea of Truth in Manzoni and Leopardi [Italian]
Kenelm Foster, pages 243-257
Hitler and the Origins of the Second World War [Raleigh]
Alan Bullock, pages 259-287
Judex Tarentinus
Evelyn Jamison, pages 289-344
A Draft of Magna Carta (1215)
V H Galbraith, pages 345-360
Sir Ifor Williams, 1881–1965
I Ll Foster, pages 361-378
Sir Alexander Morris Carr-Saunders, 1886–1966
Henry Phelps Brown, pages 379-389
Sir Carleton Kemp Allen, 1887–1966
A L Goodhart, pages 391-398
Sir Cyril Fox, 1882–1967
Stuart Piggott, pages 399-407
Sir Harold Idris Bell, 1879–1967
C H Roberts, pages 409-422
Amy Marjorie Dale, 1902–1967
R P Winnington-Ingram, pages 423-436
William Laughton Lorimer, 1885–1967
K J Dover, pages 437-448
Stanley Morison, 1889–1967
S H Steinberg, pages 449-468