British Academy Annual Report 1964-5
pages 3-37
Presidential Address [Presidential]
Lord Robbins, pages 39-46
Michelangelo’s Prophets and Sibyls [Art]
Edgar Wind, pages 47-84
The Latifundia in Modern Sicilian History [Italian]
D Mack Smith, pages 85-124
The Platonism of Aristotle [Dawes Hicks]
G E L Owen, pages 125-150
British Merchants and South American Independence [Raleigh]
R A Humphreys, pages 151-174
The Roman West and the Parthian East
J B Ward-Perkins, pages 175-199
Çatal Hüyük, A Neolithic City in Anatolia [Reckitt]
James Mellaart, pages 201-213
Shakespeare’s Primitive Art [Shakespeare]
M C Bradbrook, pages 215-234
The Colonization of Brittany from Celtic Britain [Rhys]
Nora K Chadwick, pages 235-299
W. B. Yeats and the Poetry of War [Warton]
T R Henn, pages 301-319
Some Problems about Time [Philosophical]
P T Geach, pages 321-336
Obligation and Obedience to Law [Maccabaean]
A H Campbell, pages 337-355
Literature and Education in the United States [Phillips]
David Daiches, pages 357-373
Some Aspects of Kipling’s Verse [Chatterton]
Andrew Rutherford, pages 375-402
Charles Johnson, 1870–1961
H C Johnson, pages 403-416
Clive Staples Lewis, 1898–1963
Helen Gardner, pages 417-428
Lord Wright, 1869–1964
A L Goodhart, pages 429-437
Edgar Frederick Carritt, 1876–1964
D D Raphael, pages 439-453
Harold Herbert Williams, 1880–1964
Geoffrey Tillotson, pages 455-466
Charles Earle Raven, 1885–1964
I T Ramsey, pages 467-484
Paul Ernst Kahle, 1875–1965
Matthew Black, pages 485-495
Eric Arthur Barber, 1888–1965
C A Trypanis, pages 497-503
Theodore Frank Thomas Plucknett, 1897–1965
S F C Milsom, pages 505-519