The English and Irish Urban Experience, 1500–1800: Change, Convergence and Divergence
Peter Borsay & Lindsay Proudfoot, pages 1-27
From Frontier Town to Renaissance City: Kilkenny, 1500–1700
John Bradley, pages 29-51
Small Towns in England, 1600–1800
Alan Dyer, pages 53-67
Markets, Fairs and Towns in Ireland, c.1600–1853
Lindsay Proudfoot, pages 69-96
The Creation and Evolution of Small Towns in Ulster in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
W H Crawford, pages 97-120
Change and Continuity in an Irish County Town: Kells, 1600–1820
Anngret Simms, pages 121-150
A County Town in Transition: The Great Fire of Warwick, 1694
Peter Borsay, pages 151-170
County, Town and Country: Three Histories of Urban Development in Eighteenth-Century Chester
Jon Stobart, pages 171-194
The Cultures of Eighteenth-Century Irish Towns
Toby C Barnard, pages 195-222
Provincial Culture and Urban Histories in England and Ireland during the Long Eighteenth Century
Rosemary Sweet, pages 223-239
The Significance of the Villages and Small Towns in Rural Ireland during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Susan Hood, pages 241-261
pages 263-267