GCSE entries for SHAPE subjects (England, Northern Ireland and Wales)

This page provides an overview of GCSE entries for SHAPE subjects in England, Northern Ireland and Wales since 2012. Entries for SHAPE subjects have comprised between 50% and 55% of all GCSE entries during this period.

The first two graphs on this page depict overall GCSE entry trends. The table further below provides entries data for each SHAPE subject included in this work. Further details on trends in subject uptake are available in the Academy’s Studying SHAPE report on social sciences and humanities subjects in secondary education.

User notes: In the subject-level entries table at the bottom of the page, the ‘Trend in subject entries (as a proportion of overall entries) 2012 to 2023’ trend line demonstrates how the number of entries for a particular subject has evolved as a proportion of overall entries (SHAPE and non-SHAPE) for GCSEs.

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