Overseas Conference Grants Awards 2000-01

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2000-01.

Mr F A Aberg 
Other Institution
Ruralia IV. The peasant house: from migration period to the earliest standing building
(Section: H7)


Dr D Abondolo 
University College London
International symposium on deictic systems and quantification in languages spoken in Europe 
and North and Central Asia
(Section: H4)


Dr P Adderley 
University of Stirling
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr W M Aird 
Cardiff University
Read the truth among the lies, and read the lies among the truths: a conference comparing 
the medieval documents of England and Japan
(Section: H8)


Dr R Allen 
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Nation and federation in the Celtic world
(Section: H10)


Dr D R Andress 
University of Portsmouth
Society for French historical studies, 47th annual meeting
(Section: H9)


Professor J M Andrew 
University of Keele
Dostoevsky and Germany: XI symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society
(Section: H6)


Dr M R Antognazza 
University of Aberdeen
Leibniz society of North America meeting, American Philosophical association
(Section: H12)


Dr D W Archard 
University of St Andrews
Beijing international conference on political philosophy
(Section: H12)


Dr A Armstrong 
University of Manchester
Les grands jours de Rabelais en Poitou: Etat des lieux (1483-1564)
(Section: H5)


Dr J H Arnold 
University of East Anglia
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr A Astvaldsson 
University of Liverpool
Noveno congreso internacional de literatura centroamericana
(Section: H6)


Mr G Baeten 
University of Strathclyde
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr A R H Baker 
Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge
11th International conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: H10)


Dr K Bakker 
University of Oxford
The role of water in history and development
(Section: S3)


Dr M Balshaw 
University of Birmingham
Crossroutes: the meaning of 'Race' for the 21st century
(Section: H6)


Dr C Barnett 
University of Bristol
Colonial and Post-Colonial Cultures of the Book
(Section: S3)


Professor T H Barrett 
School of Oriental and African Studies
115th Annual conference of the American Historical Association
(Section: H8)


Mr J C Barrett 
University of Sheffield
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Dr E Barry 
University of Wales, Bangor
2001 Modern Languages Association annual convention
(Section: H6)


Dr H Bartel 
University of Nottingham
Grenzen, neue, alte und Deutsch als Fremdsprache
(Section: H5)


Dr N W Bawcutt 
University of Liverpool
7th world Shakespeare congress: Shakespeare and the Mediterranean
(Section: H5)


Dr P Beal FBA
Other Institution
36th International conference on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr R Beasley 
Birkbeck College
19th International Ezra Pound Conference
(Section: H6)


Dr R Beckles Willson 
University of Bristol
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Ms K Beeching 
University of the West of England
L'annee europeenne des langues: la situation du Francais en Europe
(Section: H6)


Professor R Benewick 
University of Sussex
Globalisation and the urban community
(Section: S5)


Dr A Bennett 
University of Surrey
Looking back, looking ahead: popular music studies 20 years later
(Section: S4)


Dr B Bennett 
University of Leeds
Americans in Paris: Paris in America
(Section: H6)


Dr D C Bennett 
School of Oriental and African Studies
28th LACUS Forum
(Section: H4)


Dr S Benson 
Brunel University
Word and music studies
(Section: H6)


Mr C Bertram 
University of Bristol
12th biennial colloquium of the Rousseau association: Rousseau: music and language
(Section: H12)


Dr M Biggs 
Nuffield College, Oxford
Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association 2001
(Section: S4)


Dr C A Bithell 
University of Wales
36th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music
(Section: H11)


Dr I S Black 
King's College London
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr M A S Blackburn 
University of Cambridge
14th Viking Congress
(Section: H7)


Dr M B Bland 
Open University
Remembering Don McKenzie
(Section: H5)


Dr A Bloch 
Goldsmiths College
7th International Research and Advisory Panel (IRAP) of The International Association for 
the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)
(Section: S5)


Dr H H Blumberg 
Goldsmiths College
The changing terrain of peace psychology
(Section: S6)


Dr G Bonsaver 
Royal Holloway
American association of Italian studies: annual conference 2001
(Section: H6)


Dr M C A Bose 
University of Southampton
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr W V Boucher 
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H10)


Dr J Bowen 
University of Keele
The Dickens universe
(Section: H6)


Dr K V Boyle 
University of Cambridge
XIVth Congress of the UISPP
(Section: H7)


Dr M J Braddick 
University of Sheffield
The Boston area early American history Seminar
(Section: H9)


Dr P T Bradley 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Simposium de Historia Maritima y Naval Iberoamericana
(Section: H9)


Dr C S Brandist 
University of Sheffield
10th International Bakhtin Conference
(Section: H6)


Dr K J Brehony 
University of Reading
What we know and how we know it. 82nd annual meeting of the American educational 
research association
(Section: S4)


Professor J L Brockington 
University of Edinburgh
2nd international conference on Indian studies
(Section: H3)


Dr C Brooks 
University of Durham
Litigation, past and present
(Section: S1)


Dr J Brown 
Royal Holloway
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Professor S C Brown 
Open University
Leibniz and his correspondents
(Section: H12)


Professor A H Brown FBA
St Antony's College, Oxford
33rd national convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
(Section: S5)


Dr S R Brown 
University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
4th national Men's and Boys' Health conference
(Section: S4)


Dr R Brown-Grant 
University of Leeds
Courtly literature and clerical culture
(Section: H8)


Professor T J Buckland 
De Montfort University
Transmigratory moves: dance in global circulation
(Section: H11)


Dr R M Burchill 
University of Hull
Global human rights and diversity: Area expressions
(Section: S1)


Dr R Burden 
University of Teeside
Eighth international D H Lawrence conference
(Section: H6)


Dr V Burholt 
University of Wales, Bangor
17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology
(Section: S4)


Dr J E Burns 
University of Warwick
American association of Italian studies: annual conference 2001
(Section: H6)


Dr A Burns 
Nottingham Trent University
Rhetoric and conceptual change
(Section: S5)


Professor R Burt 
University of Exeter
XXI International congress of History of Science
(Section: S2)


Dr R M B Burt 
De Montfort University
Trans-actions: Culture and Performance
(Section: H6)


Dr W A Callahan 
University of Durham
Globalization and its challenges in the 21st Century
(Section: S5)


Dr L Cameron 
University of Leeds
Researching and applying metaphor IV: metaphor, cognition and culture
(Section: H4)


Professor M Canovan 
University of Keele
The origins of totalitarianism: fifty years later
(Section: S5)


Dr M J Carpenter 
University of Warwick
Social policy in Greece and the European Union: new challenges, trends and reform prospects
(Section: S4)


Dr C Cassidy 
University of Strathclyde
24th Annual scientific meeting of International Society of Political Psychology
(Section: S6)


Dr N Cassidy 
University of Keele
Archaeological prospection 2001 - The 4th international conference on archaeological prospection
(Section: H7)


Dr N Castree 
University of Manchester
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr P Catterall 
University of London
28th Annual western conference on British studies
(Section: H10)


Dr K Cavanagh 
Other Institution
31st annual conference of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies
(Section: S6)


Dr A F Chapman 
University of Dundee
British women writers conference
(Section: H6)


Dr R W Chapman 
University of Reading
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Dr T Charman 
University College London
International meeting for autism research
(Section: S6)


Dr X Chryssochoou 
University of Surrey
Barriers to women's career prospects in academia: a dialogue between social psychology and policy
(Section: S6)


Dr S D Church 
University of East Anglia
Read the truth among the lies, and read the lies among the truths: a conference comparing the 
medieval documents of England and Japan
(Section: H8)


Dr M Ciaraldi 
University of Birmingham
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Professor D S T Clark 
University of Wales, Swansea
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H9)


Professor E G Clark 
University of Bristol
Travel, communication, and geography in late antiquity
(Section: H1)


Dr J L Clarke 
University of Durham
La culture du Grand Siecle: hommage a Jean Mesnard
(Section: H6)


Professor D J A Clines 
University of Sheffield
2001 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion
(Section: H2)


Dr S Clucas 
Birkbeck College
XXI International congress of History of Science
(Section: H9)


Dr E E Coast 
London School of Economics and Political Science
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population XXIV General Population Conference
(Section: S4)


Dr P Coates 
University of Aberdeen
Cinema and theatre of Andrzej Wajda
(Section: H6)


Dr S M Coleman 
University of Durham
2001 American Anthropological Association Meeting
(Section: S3)


Dr T E Coles 
University of Exeter
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Professor M C Cook 
University of Exeter
Annual conference of the American society for eighteenth-century studies
(Section: H5)


Dr A R Cooper 
Birkbeck College
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr N I Couldry 
London School of Economics and Political Science
5th Conference of the European Sociological Association: Visions and Divisions
(Section: S4)


Dr V Cox 
Christ's College, Cambridge
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H8)


Dr K Craik 
University College London
29th annual meeting of the Shakespeare association of America
(Section: H5)


Professor G Crossick 
University of Essex
North American conference on British studies
(Section: H10)


Dr N J Crowson 
University of Birmingham
28th Annual western conference on British studies
(Section: H10)


Dr D J Culpin 
The exotic during the long eighteenth century, 1660-1830
(Section: H5)


Professor P J Davies 
De Montfort University
8th International public relations research symposium on marketing and public relations 
in elections and government
(Section: S5)


Ms S S Davies 
British Library
19th International conference on the History of Cartography
(Section: S3)


Dr C Delano Smith 
Renaissance Society of America
(Section: H8)


Dr T Delph-Janiurek 
University of Wales, Lampeter
The 9th annual American University conference on lavender languages and linguistics
(Section: H4)


Dr H Denard 
University of Warwick
Digital media and humanities research
(Section: H1)


Mr J S Deol 
St John's College, Cambridge
2001 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion
(Section: H3)


Dr M Diaz-Andreu 
University of Durham
7th Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 2001
(Section: H7)


Dr J Dillon 
University of Nottingham
10th Triennial Colloquium of the Societe Internationale pour l'etude du theatre medieval
(Section: H8)


Ms A C Dinerstein 
University of Warwick
5to. Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo
(Section: S4)


Dr K J Dodds 
Royal Holloway
Border regions in transition V: mapping borders between territories, discourses and practices
(Section: S3)


Dr A Drew 
University of York
The Burden of Race: 'Whiteness' and 'Blackness' in Modern South Africa
(Section: S5)


Dr F Driver 
Royal Holloway
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr V Duckett 
University of Manchester
Society for cinema studies 2001 conference
(Section: H6)


Professor R A Duff 
University of Stirling
Restorative justice: principles and practices
(Section: S1)


Professor A R Dutton 
University of Lancaster
29th annual meeting of the Shakespeare association of America
(Section: H5)


Dr D Edelman 
University of Sheffield
2001 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion
(Section: H2)


Dr I R Edgar 
University of Durham
Advances in qualitative methods
(Section: S3)


Dr N E Edmunds 
University of the West of England
Socialist realism and music: antimodernisms and avant-gardes
(Section: H11)


Professor P Edwards FBA
International Association of University Professors of English, Jubilee Conference
(Section: H5)


Dr E M Edwards 
De Montfort University
Ars Textrina conference on textiles: embellishment
(Section: S3)


Dr G Egan 
De Montfort University
7th world Shakespeare congress: Shakespeare and the Mediterranean
(Section: H5)


Professor R J Ellis 
Nottingham Trent University
Crossroutes: the meaning of 'Race' for the 21st century
(Section: H6)


Dr S A Ellis 
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Twenty-seventh annual conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
(Section: H10)


The Revd Professor J A Emerton FBA
Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies
(Section: H2)


Mr R Espindola 
University of Bradford
V congress of the Spanish Association for Political Science and Administration, 'citizenship and 
integration policies'
(Section: S5)


Dr S Evangelisti 
University of Birmingham
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H9)


Dr E Ezra 
University of Stirling
Society for cinema studies 2001 conference
(Section: H6)


Dr A Fagin 
Queen Mary and Westfield College
American Political Science Association Conference
(Section: S5)


Dr C Fandrych 
King's College London
XI Congress of German Studies in Argentina
(Section: H6)


Mr J Farrell 
University of Strathclyde
Sicily: myth, metaphor and reality
(Section: H6)


Dr M Feakins 
Jesus College, Oxford
ESRI thematic research workshop on changing contextual construction of economic rationality
(Section: S2)


Dr J Fielding 
University of Surrey
Barriers to women's career prospects in academia: a dialogue between social psychology and policy
(Section: S4)


Dr J Finch 
University of Aberdeen
Comparing economic institutions
(Section: S2)


Dr A G Findlay 
University of Lancaster
7th world Shakespeare congress: Shakespeare and the Mediterranean
(Section: H5)


Dr J Fitzpatrick 
De Montfort University
7th world Shakespeare congress: Shakespeare and the Mediterranean
(Section: H5)


Professor J E Flower 
University of Kent at Canterbury
Gide en Floride
(Section: H6)


Dr R G Forman 
Kingston University
Anglophone cultures in Southeast Asia: appropriations, continuities, contexts
(Section: H6)


Mrs R J S Forrester 
University of Edinburgh
Fifth International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
(Section: S4)


Dr M A Freeman 
University of Essex
Beijing international conference on political philosophy
(Section: H12)


Dr S Fuller 
University of Reading
67th annual meeting of the American Musicological Society
(Section: H11)


Dr D R Gadd 
University of Keele
Law in Action
(Section: S1)


Dr V L Gaffney 
University of Birmingham
Society for American archaeology, 2001 annual meeting
(Section: H7)


Mr D Galbraith 
Staffordshire University
What we know and how we know it. 82nd annual meeting of the American educational research 
(Section: S6)


Dr M Gandy 
University College London
The role of water in history and development
(Section: S3)


Dr L Ganobcsik-Williams 
University of Warwick
Teaching academic writing across Europe: the first conference of EATAW/EWCA
(Section: H6)


Dr D A Gatley 
Staffordshire University
The 26th meeting of the Social Science History Association
(Section: S4)


Dr R K Gibson 
University of Salford
American Political Science Association Conference
(Section: S5)


Professor G S Gilbert 
University of Essex
United Nations working group on minorities
(Section: S1)


Dr P D Giles 
Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Second biennial conference of the society of early Americanists
(Section: H5)


Professor J Gilliard 
Other Institution
17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology
(Section: S4)


Dr B K Gills 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Globalization and its challenges in the 21st Century
(Section: S5)


Dr B Giordano 
University of Manchester
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr D Glaser 
University of Strathclyde
American Political Science Association Conference
(Section: S5)


Dr N Glover-Thomas 
University of Liverpool
Mental Health Crisis and Social Change
(Section: S1)


Mr G Gomori 
Darwin College, Cambridge
5th International Congress of Hungarian Studies
(Section: H5)


Dr J Goodare 
University of Edinburgh
Sixteenth Century Studies conference
(Section: H9)


Dr G Gowans 
University of Wales, Swansea
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Professor L L Grabbe 
University of Hull
2001 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion
(Section: H2)


Mr J Graffy 
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London
33rd national convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
(Section: H6)


Professor K Graham 
University of Bristol
The 20th world congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
(Section: H12)


Dr R A D Grant 
University of Glasgow
XVth International Congress of Aesthetics: Aesthetics in the 21st Century
(Section: H12)


Dr J P Grattan 
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
European geophysical society XXXI general assembly
(Section: S3)


Dr Y Griffiths 
University of York
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 2001 annual meeting
(Section: S6)


Dr D M Grimley 
University of Surrey
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Professor S Hafez 
School of Oriental and African Studies
European Meeting on Arabic Literature
(Section: H3)


Dr S Haigh 
University of Warwick
Fourth international conference on Caribbean literature (ICCL)
(Section: H6)


Dr M J B Hall 
Loughborough University
76th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International
(Section: S2)


Dr S M Hamilton 
University of Exeter
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Professor C S P Harding 
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
15th Annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC)
(Section: S1)


Dr H Harke 
University of Reading
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Dr N J Harkness 
The Queen's University Belfast
Modern Language Association convention 2000
(Section: H6)


Dr D Harper 
University of East London
Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference
(Section: S6)


Dr S Harris 
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Society for cinema studies 2001 conference
(Section: H6)


Dr R Harris 
School of Oriental and African Studies
7th international CHIME conference: music and meaning in China and East Asia
(Section: H11)


Professor H Haste 
University of Bath
24th Annual scientific meeting of International Society of Political Psychology
(Section: S6)


Mr N R Havely 
University of York
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Professor S Heald 
Brunel University
AIDS in context: explaining the social, cultural, and historical roots of the epidemic in Southern Africa
(Section: S3)


Dr D Healey 
University of Wales, Swansea
33rd national convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
(Section: H10)


Dr R A Hill 
University of Liverpool
XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society
(Section: S6)


Dr A E Hills 
King's College London
International relations and the new inequality: power, wealth, and the transformation of global society 
at the beginning of the 21st century
(Section: S5)


Dr S Hindle 
University of Warwick
Metamorphoses: peoples, places, times
(Section: H9)


Dr A Hindley 
University of Hull
36th International conference on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr K U Holden 
University of the West of England
Family, kinship & cultural studies: 10th annual cultural studies symposium
(Section: S4)


Dr E Holmes 
University College London
2001 World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies
(Section: S6)


Professor A Hoogvect 
University of Sheffield
2001 International Studies Association Annual convention
(Section: S5)


Dr R D Hopkins 
University of Birmingham
American philosophical association Pacific division seventy-fifth annual meeting
(Section: H12)


Miss C Horlyck 
Other Institution
53rd Annual meeting of the association for Asian studies
(Section: H7)


Professor A Horner 
University of Salford
Gothic cults and gothic cultures
(Section: H6)


Dr S M Horrocks 
University of Leicester
Engineering post-war industry: 1940s-1970s
(Section: S2)


Dr C Hough 
University of Glasgow
Tenth conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
(Section: H8)


Dr D J Howarth 
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Globalisation, European Integration and Domestic Transformation
(Section: S5)


Dr R Howat 
Royal College of Music
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Dr S Hudspith 
University of Leeds
Dostoevsky and Germany: XI symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society
(Section: H6)


Dr A Hughes 
Kingston University
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr B Hull 
University of Teeside
4th British-Nordic conference on library and information studies, 'continuity, culture, competition - 
the future of library and information studies education'
(Section: S4)


Dr E C Hunter 
King's College London
World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies
(Section: S6)


Professor L Hunter 
University of Leeds
Storytelling in the Americas
(Section: H6)


Professor S L Hurley 
University of Warwick
Beijing international conference on political philosophy
(Section: H12)


Professor L W Hurtado 
University of Edinburgh
2001 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion
(Section: H2)


Dr R Hutchinson 
University of Leeds
The JSAA (Japanese Studies Association of Australia) biennial conference, 2001
(Section: H3)


Mr D A Ingram 
Brunel University
Making a start out of particulars: the 4th biennial conference of ASLE: the association for 
the study of literature and the environment
(Section: H6)


Dr S E Irvine 
University College London
Tenth conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
(Section: H8)


Professor P A Jackson 
University of Sheffield
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Ms C C Jackson 
University of Aberdeen
Seventeenth annual American real estate society meeting
(Section: S2)


Dr P James 
Open University
Roman bodies: metamorphoses, mutilation and martyrdom
(Section: H1)


Dr S James 
Birkbeck College
28th Annual Hume Society Conference
(Section: H12)


Ms A Jamieson 
Birkbeck College
17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology
(Section: S4)


Dr J Jesch 
University of Nottingham
The fourteenth Viking congress
(Section: H8)


Dr S L Jewitt 
School of Oriental and African Studies
53rd Annual meeting of the association for Asian studies
(Section: S3)


Dr J Johnson 
University of Sussex
Romantic Subjects
(Section: H11)


Dr R P Jolley 
Staffordshire University
Xth European Conference on Developmental Psychology
(Section: S6)


Mr M R Jones 
University of Ulster
Grenzen, neue, alte und Deutsch als Fremdsprache
(Section: A6)


Dr W M Jones 
University of Wolverhampton
7th world Shakespeare congress: Shakespeare and the Mediterranean
(Section: H5)


Dr E Jones 
University of Nottingham
Small states in world markets: fifteen years later
(Section: S5)


Dr G A Jones 
London School of Economics and Political Science
XXII international conference of the Latin American Studies Association
(Section: S3)


Dr S Kay 
University of Cambridge
54th Kentucky Foreign Language conference
(Section: H8)


Dr A M Kaye 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Southern Historical Association Conference
(Section: H10)


Dr A L Kilgour 
University of Liverpool
Global Change and Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia
(Section: S3)


Dr H King 
University of Reading
132nd Meeting of the American Philological Association
(Section: H1)


Dr J Kitzinger 
Brunel University
5th Conference of the European Sociological Association: Visions and Divisions
(Section: S4)


Dr A B Knapp 
University of Glasgow
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Professor M A Knibb FBA
King's College London
International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: XIth Congress
(Section: H3)


Dr V N M Knights 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Popular Music Studies 20 Years Later
(Section: H11)


Mr D Knowles 
University of Glasgow
Beijing international conference on political philosophy
(Section: H12)


Dr C Knowles 
University of Southampton
American Sociological Association
(Section: S4)


Dr T Kohn 
University of Durham
2001 American Anthropological Association Meeting
(Section: S3)


Dr P Kopecky 
University of Sheffield
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association
(Section: S5)


Dr J Ladyman 
University of Bristol
2001 Conference of the Philosophical Society of Southern Africa
(Section: H12)


Dr A Lamont 
University of Leicester
2001 Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition
(Section: S6)


Mr D J Lane 
'The Peshitta: its use in literature and liturgy': IIIrd Peshitta Symposium
(Section: H2)


Dr M F Lang 
University of Salford
XXI International congress of History of Science
(Section: H9)


Dr L Lasselle 
University of St Andrews
16th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
(Section: S2)


Dr V J Lawrence 
Nottingham Trent University
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr P M Lawrence 
Open University
The Western Society for French History 29th annual conference
(Section: H10)


Professor R Lawton 
International conference of historical geographers
(Section: S3)


Ms P C Lee 
University of Cambridge
XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society
(Section: S6)


Dr H Lee 
University of Sheffield
53rd Annual meeting of the association for Asian studies
(Section: H6)


Dr T S Lee 
University of Durham
36th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music
(Section: H11)


Professor W R Lee 
University of Liverpool
XXIVth General population conference
(Section: S4)


Mrs P Leopold 
University of Reading
International conference on ethnic autonomy systems
(Section: S1)


Dr A Lester 
University of Sussex
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr M Levene 
University of Warwick
Deterring and preventing genocides: missed opportunities, contemporary issues and 
future possibilities
(Section: S5)


Dr R E Liddiard 
University of Wales, Bangor
ANZAMEMS conference, Metamorphoses: peoples, places, times
(Section: H8)


Dr T H Lim 
University of Edinburgh
International organization for Qumran Studies
(Section: H2)


Dr L Lloyd 
University of Keele
2001 International Studies Association Annual convention
(Section: S5)


Dr F Lobban 
University of Manchester
2001 World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies
(Section: S6)


Dr M J W Lobban 
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Law and the enlightenment: the British Imperial State at Law, 1689-1832
(Section: S1)


Dr G Lock 
University of Oxford
GIS and archaeological predictive modelling: large-scale approaches to establish a baseline 
for site location models
(Section: H7)


Dr K R Luther 
University of Keele
7th Biennial International Conference of European Community Studies Association
(Section: S5)


Dr M Maclean 
Royal Holloway
The odyssey of organising
(Section: S2)


Professor G Maher 
University of Edinburgh
Pluralism and Law
(Section: S1)


Professor M D Maiden 
University of Oxford
XVth International Conference on Historical Linguistics
(Section: H4)


Miss R Malcolm 
University of Surrey
7th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment
(Section: S1)


Professor P Mandler 
London Guildhall University
Pacific coast conference on British studies
(Section: H10)


Dr A Manji 
University of Keele
International workshop on lawyers and their social concerns (lawyers and colonialism panel)
(Section: S1)


Dr C C Mann 
University of Surrey
Society for Pidgin and Creole languages meeting
(Section: H4)


Dr S W Manning 
University of Reading
2001 annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Reearch
(Section: H7)


Dr P Maras 
University of Greenwich
American educational research association annual meeting 2001
(Section: S6)


Dr C M Mark 
University of Surrey
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Ms J Marshall 
University of Manchester
XXVth International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics Congress
(Section: H4)


Dr C Marshall 
University of York
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 2001 annual meeting
(Section: S6)


Dr P Marshall 
University of Warwick
Sixteenth Century Studies conference
(Section: H9)


Dr D Matless 
University of Nottingham
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Mr N Maxwell 
27th annual philosophy of science conference
(Section: H12)


Dr D J Maxwell 
University of Keele
The African Studies Association of the USA
(Section: H10)


Ms C McCreadie 
King's College London
17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology
(Section: S4)


Dr A McDermott 
University of Birmingham
13th Biennial meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America
(Section: H4)


Dr N F McDonald 
University of York
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Ms C M S McGlynn 
University of Durham
Law in Action
(Section: S1)


Dr C McKinnon 
University of York
Beijing international conference on political philosophy
(Section: S5)


Dr R McMaster 
University of Aberdeen
Comparing economic institutions
(Section: S2)


Professor A B McMillin 
University College London
Slavianskie literatory v Kontekste mirouoi
(Section: H6)


Dr G A McMullan 
King's College London
Metamorphoses: People, Places, Times
(Section: H5)


Dr C McNall 
Jesus College, Oxford
American Society of Legal History annual conference, 2001
(Section: S1)


Dr A McRae 
University of Exeter
ANZAMEMS conference, Metamorphoses: peoples, places, times
(Section: H5)


Dr A Memon 
University of Aberdeen
3rd International conference on memory
(Section: S6)


Dr A Menon 
University of Oxford
Globalisation, European Integration and Domestic Transformation
(Section: S5)


Dr C C Mercer 
University of Wales, Swansea
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Professor P Messent 
University of Nottingham
Elmira 2001: 4th international conference on the state of Mark Twain studies
(Section: H6)


Rabbi J Milgram 
School of Oriental and African Studies
Association for Jewish Studies Conference
(Section: H2)


Dr C Milligan 
University of Lancaster
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr G J Milne 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
European Business History Association Conference 2001
(Section: S2)


Dr B Moore 
University of Sheffield
Society for military history, annual conference, 2001
(Section: H10)


Dr C M Morgan 
University of Keele
The Canadian science fiction and fantasy symposium
(Section: H6)


Dr B Morgan 
St Hilda's College, Oxford
Law in Action
(Section: S1)


Dr J Morrissey 
University of Exeter
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr C Mudde 
University of Edinburgh
American Sociological Association
(Section: S5)


Ms S Muhlhaus 
University of East Anglia
Modern Language Association convention 2000
(Section: H4)


Dr P Mukta 
University of Warwick
International conference on Meerabai
(Section: S4)


Dr A W Mullen 
Royal Holloway
American association of Italian studies: annual conference 2001
(Section: H6)


Professor R Munck 
University of Liverpool
International relations and the new inequality: power, wealth, and the transformation of global 
society at the beginning of the 21st century
(Section: S4)


Dr R E Murdie 
University of Keele
Archaeological prospection 2001 - The 4th international conference on archaeological prospection
(Section: H7)


Dr A J Murdoch 
University of Edinburgh
Geneva, an English enclave, 1725-1814
(Section: H9)


Dr G Murdock 
University of Birmingham
Sixteenth Century Studies conference
(Section: H9)


Mr J Murphy 
University of Manchester
Defining family rights and obligations in the new century
(Section: S1)


Dr S F Murray 
University of Leeds
From N to Z: Is there a Canon in New Zealand?
(Section: H6)


Dr L B Myers 
University College London
2001 World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies
(Section: S6)


Dr W G Naphy 
University of Aberdeen
Sixteenth Century Studies conference
(Section: H9)


Dr S Naylor 
University of Bristol
11th International conference of historical geographers
(Section: S3)


Miss C M Nelson 
Trinity College of Music
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Mr B P W Neve 
University of Bath
International Association for Media and History Congress
(Section: H6)


Dr M Newman 
University of Derby
Southern prospects 2001
(Section: H10)


Revd Dr K G C Newport 
Liverpool Hope University
Unbinding Prometheus to build the New Jerusalem: millennialism, power and technology
(Section: H2)


Dr L A Newton 
University of Reading
The 47th business history conference: services and the global economy
(Section: S2)


Dr T Nichols 
University of Aberdeen
Poverty and wealth in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
(Section: H11)


Dr A Noble 
University of Durham
Congreso Mundial de Latinoamericanistas y Caribologos
(Section: H6)


Dr B P O'Donohoe 
University of the West of England
Society for French Studies Annual Conference
(Section: H6)


Dr R O'Leary 
The Queen's University Belfast
Association for the Sociology of Religion, annual conference
(Section: S4)


Dr T Omoniyi 
University of Surrey
Culture, Difference, Inequality
(Section: H4)


Professor M O'Neill 
University of Durham
The 27th International Byron Conference: 'Byron: Heritage and Legacy'
(Section: H6)


Dr S Oosterwijk 
Independent Researcher
Medieval academy of America 2001 conference
(Section: H8)


Dr W R Owens 
Open University
3rd Triennial conference of the International John Bunyan Society
(Section: H5)


Professor M Palmer 
University of Leicester
Annual conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology
(Section: H7)


Dr C Panayotakis 
University of Glasgow
The 133rd annual meeting of the American Philological Association
(Section: H1)


Dr L Papadopoulos 
London Guildhall University
9th European society for dermatology and psychiatry congress
(Section: S6)


Dr J Parker 
University of Keele
Texas A & M/state politics and policy quarterly conference on politics in the American states
(Section: S5)


Professor G Parry 
University of York
IAUPE, 18th Conference
(Section: H5)


Dr L M Paterson 
University of Warwick
Serment, promesse et engagement: rituels et modalites
(Section: H8)


Mr J R Payne 
University of Manchester
XVth International Conference on Historical Linguistics
(Section: H4)


Professor E Peltenburg 
University of Edinburgh
Le neolithique de chypre
(Section: H7)


Dr C J Pettitt 
Newnham College, Cambridge
Victorian Exhibitions: Revisitations, Revisions, Expansions, Legacies
(Section: H10)


Mr D J Pevalin 
University of Essex
American Society of Criminology, annual meeting 2001
(Section: S4)


Dr G Philip 
University of Durham
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Dr M Phillips 
University of Leicester
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr O C Phillips 
Other Institution
AIDS in context: explaining the social, cultural, and historical roots of the epidemic in Southern Africa
(Section: S1)


Professor J E Phillips 
University of Keele
17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology
(Section: S4)


Professor C Phillipson 
University of Keele
17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology
(Section: S4)


Dr J Pickering 
University of Warwick
Concepts for the new millennium
(Section: S6)


Dr J Y Pitarakis 
University of Reading
Allied Social Science conference
(Section: S2)


Dr M E Placencia 
Birkbeck College
International linguistic association 46th annual conference
(Section: H4)


Professor T Poguntke 
University of Keele
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association
(Section: S5)


Dr J S Pollard 
University of Birmingham
Eighth international conference of the Regional Studies Association
(Section: S3)


Dr D Pomfret 
Independent Researcher
Second Annual History of Childhood and Youth Conference
(Section: H10)


Dr J E Preece 
University of Kent at Canterbury
Elias Canetti and the Crisis of Culture and Language
(Section: H6)


Mr T H R Prentki 
King Alfred's College
IDEA 2001 - The 4th World Congress Playing Betwixt and Between
(Section: H6)


Professor A J Price 
University of Durham
15th Congress of the International Association for the History of Glass
(Section: H7)


Dr J D Prosser 
University of Leeds
Visual Sociology, New Media and Public Information
(Section: S4)


Dr M C Purvis 
University of Leeds
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Professor M Quainton 
University of Lancaster
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H5)


Dr C M Radaelli 
University of Bradford
7th Biennial International Conference of European Community Studies Association
(Section: S5)


Dr S A Radcliffe 
University of Cambridge
XXII international conference of the Latin American Studies Association
(Section: S3)


Dr P Rawlings 
University of the West of England
Time, memory, and text
(Section: H6)


Dr M Rawnsley 
University of Nottingham
Annual conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies
(Section: S5)


Dr S L Read 
University of St Andrews
Australasian Association of Logic Annual Meeting
(Section: H12)


Dr N Redclift 
University College London
Conflict and accord in the post-global age
(Section: S3)


Professor P Rees 
University of Leeds
European population conference 2001
(Section: S3)


Dr S E Reid 
University of St Andrews
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, National Convention
(Section: H11)


Professor G C Reid 
University of St Andrews
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management: Workshop on performance measurement
and management control
(Section: S2)


Mr R E Reid 
University of Keele
Dostoevsky and Germany: XI symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society
(Section: H6)


Dr S A Reily 
The Queen's University Belfast
36th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music
(Section: H11)


Professor K Reynolds 
University of Surrey
Change and Renewal in Children's Literature
(Section: S6)


Ms F Richards 
Open University
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Dr B J Richardson 
University of Manchester
Taking Nature Seriously: Citizens, Science and Environment
(Section: S1)


Dr A Richardson 
University of Exeter
The Dickens universe
(Section: H6)


Dr J Richardson 
Oxford Brookes University
Global holistic health summit on holistic and integrated health
(Section: S6)


Dr J Rigi 
School of Oriental and African Studies
2001 American Anthropological Association Meeting
(Section: S3)


Dr J M Rignall 
University of Warwick
Australian Victorian Studies Association, 2001
(Section: H6)


Professor J Rink 
University of Surrey
The performer and the scholar
(Section: H11)


Mr I Robertson 
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr V Rodriguez-Blanco 
University of Leeds
The 20th world congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
(Section: S1)


Professor N Roe 
University of St Andrews
Romantic Subjects
(Section: H6)


Dr D Roffe 
Independent Researcher
Read the truth among the lies, and read the lies among the truths: a conference comparing the 
medieval documents of England and Japan
(Section: H8)


Dr A Rogatchevski 
University of Glasgow
33rd national convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
(Section: H10)


Professor G A J Rogers 
University of Keele
American philosophical association Pacific division seventy-fifth annual meeting
(Section: H12)


Dr G Rye 
University of Surrey Roehampton
Mothering in literature, popular culture and the arts
(Section: H6)


Dr A A Saeidi 
Independent Researcher
Social inequality, redistributive justice and the city
(Section: S2)


Dr M Salama-Carr 
University of Salford
The theory and practice of translation in the Middle Ages
(Section: H8)


Dr R W B Salway 
University of Nottingham
Travel, communication, and geography in late antiquity
(Section: H1)


Professor C Sanders 
University of Surrey
Annual conference of the American Association of Teachers of French
(Section: H6)


Dr I Santaolalla 
University of Surrey
Resistance and Reconciliation: Writing in the Commonwealth
(Section: H6)


Dr J M Saul 
University of Sheffield
American philosophical association Pacific division seventy-fifth annual meeting
(Section: H12)


Professor N E Saul 
Royal Holloway
Seventh Anglo-American Seminar on the Medieval Economy and Society
(Section: H8)


Mr A Sawyer 
University of Liverpool
Technology, Identity, and Futurity, East and West, in the emerging global village
(Section: H6)


Professor W L Scase 
University of Birmingham
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr C M Schaffner 
University College Chester
XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society
(Section: S6)


Dr H Schmitz 
University of Warwick
What is new German literature?
(Section: H6)


Dr D Schroeder 
University of Central Lancashire
Conflict and Identity
(Section: S4)


Dr R Schulting 
Cardiff University
XIVth U.I.S.P.P congress
(Section: H7)


Dr L Schuster 
London School of Economics and Political Science
7th International Research and Advisory Panel(IRAP) of The International Association for 
the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)
(Section: S1)


Dr B D Schwartz 
University of Durham
Pacific second language research forum
(Section: H4)


Dr T Scott 
University of Liverpool
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr D Seddon 
University of Wales, Bangor
17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology
(Section: S4)


Dr M Sefton 
University of Nottingham
Allied Social Science conference
(Section: S2)


Dr R Selman 
University of Exeter
The theory and practice of translation in the Middle Ages
(Section: H8)


Dr D Shankland 
University of Wales, Lampeter
Middle East Studies Association 35th Annual Meeting
(Section: S3)


Dr J Shaw 
University of Aberdeen
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)


Professor G K Shaw 
University of the West of England
Law in Action
(Section: S1)


Dr T Shaw 
University of Hertfordshire
Twenty-seventh annual conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
(Section: H10)


Dr S Sheldon 
University of Keele
Law in Action
(Section: S1)


Professor D G Shepherd 
University of Sheffield
10th International Bakhtin Conference
(Section: H6)


Professor R C Simmons 
University of Birmingham
SHARP 2001: Annual conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing
(Section: H9)


Dr R G Skeates 
University of East Anglia
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Dr R Slater 
University of Leeds
A Space Odyssey: Geographical Perspectives on Habitat and Resources
(Section: S3)


Dr T R Slater 
University of Birmingham
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr J R C Smith 
University of Birmingham
1ssociation for the study of nationalities 6th annual world convention
(Section: S5)


Dr A K Smith 
University of Exeter
North American conference on British studies
(Section: H6)


Dr J A Smith 
Cardiff University
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management: Workshop on performance measurement and 
management control
(Section: S2)


Dr I Speller 
King's College London
Fifteenth Naval History Symposium
(Section: H10)


Professor A J Spencer 
University of Essex
23. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Sprachwissenschaft
(Section: H4)


Dr M F Spensley 
University of Oxford
Xth European Conference on Developmental Psychology
(Section: S6)


Dr A Spicer 
University of Exeter
Sixteenth Century Studies conference
(Section: H9)


Professor R F Stalley 
University of Glasgow
VI Symposium Platonicum: Plato's Laws
(Section: H12)


Dr S Stephenson 
University of Luton
5th Conference of the European Sociological Association: Visions and Divisions
(Section: S4)


Dr S Stern 
Other Institution
Thirteenth world congress of Jewish studies
(Section: H2)


Ms D Stevens 
University of Warwick
7th International Research and Advisory Panel(IRAP) of The International Association for
the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)
(Section: S1)


Mr L F Stevenson 
University of St Andrews
Eastern regional meeting, society of Christian philosophers
(Section: H12)


Dr M Stibbe 
Liverpool Hope University
European conference in First World War studies
(Section: H10)


Dr J Stobart 
Coventry University
Eleventh International Conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: S3)


Dr G C Stone FBA
In the contest of values: Sorbian language, culture and identity moving into the 21st century
(Section: H6)


Professor H Suganami 
University of Keele
2001 International Studies Association Annual convention
(Section: S5)


Dr R N Swanson 
University of Birmingham
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Professor R L Tapper 
School of Oriental and African Studies
2001 American Anthropological Association Meeting
(Section: S3)


Ms C Tarr 
Kingston University
XXIst century French studies: re-cycling
(Section: H6)


Dr D G K Taylor 
University of Birmingham
The Peshitta: its use in literature and liturgy
(Section: H2)


Professor H Taylor 
University of Exeter
Southern prospects 2001
(Section: H6)


Dr E R Thielemann 
London School of Economics and Political Science
7th Biennial International Conference of European Community Studies Association
(Section: S5)


Professor E Timms 
University of Sussex
Unaccomplished life: Jewish and non-Jewish experience in historical and biographical perspective
(Section: H6)


Dr P Tinagli 
University of Edinburgh
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H11)


Dr K Z Todd 
University of Leicester
Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
(Section: S6)


Dr M O Townend 
University of York
Tenth conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
(Section: H8)


Dr D Trenkic 
Heriot-Watt University
Form-meaning connections in second language acquisition
(Section: H4)


Dr S Trill 
University of Edinburgh
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H5)


Mr N Tucker 
University of Sussex
Change and Renewal in Children's Literature
(Section: S6)


Dr C L Tully 
University of Wales, Bangor
Women who dared: a conference on German women writers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
(Section: H6)


Dr M W Turner 
King's College London
Rethinking the 19th Century Victorian press in the 21st Century
(Section: H6)


Dr E M Tyler 
University of York
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr C E A Valier 
University of Leeds
Law in Action
(Section: S1)


Dr J Visconti 
University of Birmingham
2001 Linguistic Institute
(Section: H4)


Professor I Wallace 
University of Bath
Lion Feuchtwanger in the Twenty-First Century: Problems and Prospects
(Section: H6)


Dr A M Walsham 
University of Exeter
Sixteenth Century Studies conference
(Section: H9)


Dr B Walter 
Anglia Polytechnic University
39th Annual meeting of the American conference for Irish studies
(Section: S3)


Dr A Ward 
University of Birmingham
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H8)


Dr C Warr 
The Queen's University Belfast
36th international congress on medieval studies
(Section: H11)


Dr J W Watkins 
School of Oriental and African Studies
6th international conference on the languages of Far East, Southeast Asia and West Africa
(Section: H4)


Dr A J Watson 
University of Reading
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


Ms N Whitfield 
Independent Researcher
36th International conference on medieval studies
(Section: H7)


Dr S Whittle 
Manchester Metropolitan University
The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association's 17th biennial symposium
(Section: S1)


Professor D Whitton 
University of Lancaster
Trans-actions: Culture and Performance
(Section: H6)


Dr N Whybrow 
De Montfort University
Translation, transition, transformation, 7th performance studies conference
(Section: H6)


Professor J D A Widdowson 
University of Sheffield
Traditions and transitions: Folk narrative in the contemporary world
(Section: H6)


Dr H Wilford 
University of Sheffield
Twenty-seventh annual conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
(Section: H10)


Dr J H Willats 
University of Birmingham
American Psychological Association annual conference
(Section: S6)


Dr E A Williams 
Read the truth among the lies, and read the lies among the truths: a conference comparing 
the medieval documents of England and Japan
(Section: H8)


Dr H M Williams 
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Society for French Studies Annual Conference
(Section: H6)


Dr C E Williams 
Independent Researcher
Colloque international: Femme et Ecriture dans la Peninsul Iberique
(Section: H6)


Dr M G Williamson 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Renaissance society of America, annual conference
(Section: H11)


Mr I R Willison 
University of London
Remembering Don McKenzie
(Section: H5)


Dr J F Wilson 
The Queen's University Belfast
Engineering Postwar Industry: 1940s-1970s.
(Section: S2)


Dr J Wilson 
University College Northampton
Resistance and Reconciliation: Writing in the Commonwealth
(Section: H6)


Dr D M Wolfe 
University of Oxford
American Political Science Association Conference
(Section: S5)


Dr C P Wood 
Open University
The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading 2001 Conference
(Section: S6)


Dr A Wood 
University of East Anglia
ANZAMEMS conference, Metamorphoses: peoples, places, times
(Section: H9)


Dr P L Woodfine 
University of Huddersfield
American society for eighteenth century studies, 32nd annual meeting
(Section: H9)


Mr M Woodiwiss 
University of the West of England
Annual meeting of the European Society of Criminology
(Section: S4)


Dr R Woodley 
University of Lancaster
MUSICology 2001: 24th national conference of the musicological society of Australia
(Section: H11)


Dr A H Wright 
Sheffield Hallam University
Gothic cults and gothic cultures
(Section: H6)


Dr L Yeoman 
Other Institution
Sixteenth Century Studies conference
(Section: H9)


Dr R Young 
University of Leicester
International Hindu Kush conference 2001
(Section: H7)


Dr S Zlosnik 
Liverpool Hope University
Gothic cults and gothic cultures
(Section: H6)


Professor N C P Zurbrugg 
De Montfort University
Baudrillard west of the dateline
(Section: H6)


Professor M Zvelebil 
University of Sheffield
66th annual meeting of the society for American archaeology
(Section: H7)


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