Changes from Version 6 to Version 7 (the current version)
Paragraph 6: ‘Starting with this submission window,’ deleted. ‘will be’ replaced with ‘is’. ‘45-57’ replaced with ‘44-47’.
Paragraph 7: ‘will also be able to access’ replaced with ‘are also able to apply for’. ‘will also be’ replaced with ‘is also’
Paragraph 9: ’23 November 2022’ replaced with ‘8 February 2023’.
Paragraph 16: ’23 November 2022’ replaced with ‘8 February 2023’. ‘9 November 2022’ replaced with ’25 January 2023’.
New paragraph 18: ‘The fellowship award holders will receive their award in monthly stipends from Cara as a restricted donation which is not subject to income tax. The award holders will not be employees of the host institution and should instead be registered, depending on the host institution’s process, as Visiting Researcher, Research Fellow or a similar title.’
Paragraph 21 (formerly 20): ’23 November 2022’ replaced with ‘8 February 2023’.
Paragraph 25 (formerly 24): ’23 November 2022’ replaced with ‘8 February 2023’. ‘The call will remain open on a rolling basis until all funding has been utilised’ deleted.
Heading ‘Gender Equality’ removed. Paragraphs 38-40 removed.
Paragraph 41 (formerly 43): criterion ‘c.’ removed.
Paragraph 46 (formerly 48): ’23 November’ replaced with ‘8 February 2023’.
Changes from Version 5 to Version 6
New paragraph 6 added:
'6. Starting with this submission window, the Leverhulme Trust is providing £1,000,000 over 5 years targeted at providing research support for researchers at risk. This will be available to those applying in this submission window at the point of application or at any time thereafter during the course of the award (see paragraphs 45-57). It is to be emphasised that applicants to this call do NOT have to apply for the research support funding at this stage. They may apply for the fellowship award, take up the award if successful and then apply for this research support funding at a later date during the course of their fellowship award.'
Version 5 paragraphs 6-44 are now paragraphs 7-45.
Paragraph 7 (previously paragraph 6) – Text added: ‘Previous fellowship award holders supported through this programme will also be able to access this funding and will be contacted separately by the British Academy. This funding will also be available to award holders in Cara’s Fellowship Programme.’
Paragraph 8 – ‘12 October’ replaced by ‘23 November’. ‘followed by the same time on Wednesday 23 November.’ replaced by ‘Further submission windows will be subject to funding being available.’
Paragraph 16 – ‘12 October’ replaced by ‘23 November’. ‘28 September’ replaced by ‘9 November’.
Paragraph 20 – ‘12 October’ replaced by ‘23 November’.
Paragraph 24 – ‘the next of which will be’ replaced by ‘which is’. ‘12 October’ replaced by ‘23 November’. Removed ‘followed by the same time on Wednesday 23 November 2022’.
After paragraph 45 new heading and four paragraphs added: ‘British Academy / Cara / Leverhulme Researchers at Risk Research Support Grants
'46. The Leverhulme Trust is providing funding of £1,000,000 over 5 years to support research project activities for eligible researchers in all disciplines except medical and health sciences.
'47. Eligible researchers include applicants to this call. It is to be emphasised that applicants to this call do NOT have to apply for the research support funding at this stage. They may apply for the fellowship award, take up the award if successful and then apply for this research support funding at a later date during the course of their fellowship award.
'48. This funding is available on a competitive basis. The deadline for applying for this round of funding is 5pm (UK time) on Wednesday 23 November. Decisions made with regard to this research support funding will be considered separately to applications made a fellowship award above. If an applicant is unsuccessful for this research support funding, it does not mean they will be unsuccessful for a fellowship award. It will also be possible to reapply at a later date for this research support funding if unsuccessful.
'49. The application form for the research support funding can be viewed here.’
Application information section
Page 17 – ‘one week’ replaced with ‘two weeks’.
Changes from Version 4 to Version 5
Paragraph 5 – changed from: ‘At its outset the programme received £3 million of UK government funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Nuffield Foundation, an independent charitable trust, also contributed £0.5 million towards the scheme. From this submission window, the programme is receiving further UK Government funding of £9.8 million from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. SAGE Publishing Ltd is contributing £50,000 also towards the scheme.’ to ‘At its outset the programme received £3 million of UK Government funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Nuffield Foundation, an independent charitable trust, also contributed £0.5 million towards the scheme. The programme is received further UK Government funding of £9.8 million from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. SAGE Publishing Ltd has contributed £50,000 also towards the scheme.’
Paragraph 7 – ‘monthly’ removed. ‘20 July’ replaced by ‘12 October’. ‘Subsequent deadlines will be published in due course’ replaced by ‘followed by the same time on Wednesday 23 November 2022’.
Paragraph 14 – ‘one week’ replaced by ‘two weeks’. ‘20 July’ replaced by ‘12 October’. ‘13 July’ replaced by ‘28 September’.
Paragraph 18 – ‘20 July’ replaced by ‘12 October’.
Paragraph 22 – ‘20 July 2022’ replaced by ‘12 October 2022 followed by the same time on Wednesday 23 November 2022.’
Funding moved upwards to paragraph 35 and renamed ‘ODA Funding’.
New paragraphs 36, 37, 38 added:
36. The British Academy is committed to supporting gender equality in the funding it provides in accordance with this statement from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’s publication on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation Official Development Assistance (ODA) published in May 2021: “Official Development Assistance provided by Delivery Partners complies with the requirements of the International Development (Gender Equality) Act 2014 which states, the ‘desirability of providing development assistance that is likely to contribute to reducing poverty in a way which is likely to contribute to reducing inequalities between persons of different gender’.”
37. All applications are strongly recommended to thoroughly review the above publication and this additional guidance before designing and drafting their application.
38. All applicants must submit as part of their application a gender equality statement, which must meet compliance standards as set out in the above publication. All applications will be reviewed at the eligibility and assessment stages to ensure they meet the necessary requirements. Not meeting the necessary requirements will mean that applications are automatically not fundable.
Paragraph 35 now 39. 36 now 40. 37 now 41. 38 now 42. 39 now 43. 41 now 44.
Selection Principles, paragraph 41 added new assessment criterion ‘c. Whether the gender equality statement meets or exceeds the minimum standard as set out in Gender Equality in Research and Innovation Official Development Assistance (ODA) and the additional guidance.’
Page 4: Academic mentor and researcher at risk joint statement – added new question ‘Gender Equality Statement’
‘Please use the Yes/No question to let us know if the proposed activity relates to a specific issue of gender.
Please also provide a Gender Equality Statement, ensuring you address the below criteria in your statement, with an understanding that, depending on the nature of the project proposed, not all questions may be applicable.
- Have measures been put in place to ensure equal and meaningful opportunities for people of different genders to be involved throughout the project? This includes the development of the project, the participants of the research, and the beneficiaries of the research.
- What are the expected impacts of the project (benefits and losses) on people of different genders, both throughout the project, and beyond?
- What are the expected impacts on the relations between people of different genders and people of the same gender? For example, changing roles and responsibilities in households, society, economy, politics, power, etc.
- Are there any risks and/or unintended negative consequences on gender equality that need to be avoided, mitigated against, and monitored? If yes, how.
- Are there any relevant outcomes and outputs being measured, with data disaggregated by age and gender (where disclosed)?
Additional criteria and considerations to take into account in your statement can be found on page 37-40 of Gender Equality in Research and Innovation Official Development Assistance (ODA) and in this additional guidance.
The limit on this field is 400 words.’
Changes from Version 3 to Version 4
Paragraph 5 – Removed: ‘The programme is receiving £3 million of UK government funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Nuffield Foundation, an independent charitable trust, is contributing £0.5 million towards the scheme’.
Inserted: ‘At its outset the programme received £3 million of UK government funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Nuffield Foundation, an independent charitable trust, also contributed £0.5 million towards the scheme. From this submission window, the programme is receiving further UK government funding of £9.8 million from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. SAGE Publishing Ltd is contributing £50,000 also towards the scheme.’
Paragraph 7 – ‘29 June’ replaced with ‘20 July’.
‘Subsequent deadlines will be Wednesday 29 June and Wednesday 20 July’ replaced with ‘Subsequent deadlines will be published in due course’.
Paragraph 14 - ‘29 June’ replaced with ‘20 July’ and ‘22 June’ replaced with ‘13 July’.
Paragraph 18 – ‘29 June’ replaced with ‘20 July’.
Paragraph 21 - Emboldened and underlined: ‘and their continued wider commitment to supporting researchers at risk, particularly in partnership with Cara.’
Paragraph 22 – ‘29 June’ replaced with ‘20 July’.
Paragraph 25 - ‘natural’ changed to ‘physical and biological’
Paragraph 27 - ‘Fellowships are expected to run for up to two years each from a starting date to be agreed with the British Academy’ changed to ‘Fellowships are expected to run for up to two years each. The starting date will be from the date that the offer is accepted or shortly thereafter. If a later starting date is required discussion with the Academy will be possible as awards continue to be allocated.’
Paragraph 40 (new paragraph, ‘Code of Practice’ now Paragraph 41) Inserted heading ‘Funding’ and text ‘The funding for this programme from the UK Government has been determined as eligible as Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend. Fellowship awards made through the programme will therefore be considered as part of the UK’s ODA spend.’
Page 3: Eligibility Check – inserted ‘Cara Fellows’ and ‘Please indicate how many Cara Fellows your institution currently holds.’
Changes from Version 2 to Version 3
Paragraph 3 – 'natural sciences' changed to 'physical and biological' sciences.
Paragraph 7 – ‘first deadline’ changed to ‘next deadline’. ‘1 June’ changed to ‘29 June’.
Paragraph 8 – 'expects will be' changed to 'requires will be'
Paragraph 14 – 'first deadline' changed to 'next deadline', '1 June' changed to '29 June', '25 May' changed to '22 June'.
Paragraph 18 – ‘first deadline’ changed to ‘next deadline’. ‘1 June’ changed to ‘29 June’.
Paragraph 22 – ‘first deadline’ changed to ‘next deadline’. ‘1 June’ changed to ‘29 June’.
Changes from Version 1 to Version 2
Paragraph 7 – ‘first deadline’ changed to ‘next deadline’. ‘4 May’ replaced with ‘1 June’.
Paragraph 8 – ‘the Academy expects will be a member of staff’ changed to ‘the Academy requires to be a member of staff’.
Paragraph 9 – ‘expects’ replaced with ‘requires’.
Paragraph 14 – Text inserted after [email protected]; ‘for the purposes of the assessment, Cara will require a copy of the ID pages of the researcher’s passport, a fully up-to-date CV, and a short note explaining the specific threat faced by the researcher. Requests for risk assessments must be sent to Cara one week before each submission deadline; for the next deadline at 5:00pm (BST) on Wednesday 1 June 2022, please submit requests by 5:00pm (BST) on Wednesday 25 May 2022.’
Paragraph 18 – ‘first deadline’ changed to ‘next deadline’. ‘4 May’ replaced with ‘1 June’.
Paragraph 21 – inserted text ‘where the researcher is entering the UK under the Ukrainian Sponsorship Scheme'.
Paragraph 22 – ‘first deadline’ changed to ‘next deadline’. ‘4 May’ replaced with ‘1 June’.
Application information section
Page 10 of document – ‘Staff Member Contact Details’ section. Text inserted: 'This staff member should be different from the academic mentor’.
Page 15 – Inserted text ‘Requests for risk assessments must be sent to Cara one week before each submission deadline’ at end of paragraph at the top of the page.
Return to the scheme guidance.