Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 1999-2000.
Dr J P Abbott
Nottingham Trent University
International Studies Association
(Section: S5)
Dr P Adderley
University of Stirling
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Mr U Albarella
University of Birmingham
3rd Conference of the Italian Association of Archaeozoology
(Section: H7)
Dr C Albin
University of Reading
International Studies Association
(Section: S5)
Mr J D Allbutt
University of Teeside
27th international congress of psychology
(Section: S6)
Dr R Allen
Other Institution
13th Biennial Quaker Historians and Archivists
(Section: H9)
Dr S Ansari
Royal Holloway
52nd annual meeting of the Association of Asian Studies
(Section: S4)
Mr J Ashworth
University of Durham
Conference on the scholarship of teaching economics
(Section: S2)
Dr K M Astbury
University of Warwick
14th Colloque de la SATOR
(Section: H6)
Professor E F Aston
Loughborough University
Trifles / A Jury of her Peers and the Interactions of the Arts, Law and Society
(Section: H6)
Dr A Astvaldsson
University of Liverpool
Octavo Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana
(Section: H6)
Dr A Astvaldsson
University of Liverpool
Noveno congreso internacional de literatura centroamericana
(Section: H6)
Dr D G Atkinson
Independent Researcher
30th international ballard conference
(Section: H11)
Dr R Axtmann
University of Aberdeen
XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association
(Section: S5)
Mr G Baeten
University of Strathclyde
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr S Bainbrigge
University of Edinburgh
Simone de Beauvoir, du Deuxieme Sexe a l'an 2000
(Section: H6)
Dr S Baker
University of Central Lancashire
Representing Animals at the End of the Century
(Section: H11)
Dr S Baker
University of Wales, Cardiff
XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association
(Section: S5)
Dr A R H Baker
Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge
11th International conference of Historical Geographers
(Section: H10)
Professor N Baldwin
University of Dundee
13th international congress on child abuse and neglect
(Section: S4)
Dr E K Banakas
University of East Anglia
Comparative law centennial world congress
(Section: S1)
Professor S D Banfield
University of Birmingham
Toronto 2000: musical intersections
(Section: H11)
Dr E G Bard
University of Edinburgh
Gotlag 2000: 4th workshop in the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue
(Section: H4; S6)
Professor E V Barker
London School of Economics and Political Science
IAHR 18th congress
(Section: S4)
Dr J Barrett
University of York
Viking millennium international symposium
(Section: H8)
Professor T H Barrett
School of Oriental and African Studies
115th Annual conference of the American Historical Association
(Section: H8)
Dr J Barry
University of Keele
XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association
(Section: S5)
Dr S F Barton
University of Exeter
Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
(Section: H8)
Dr M Bath
University of Strathclyde
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H11)
Dr H Battu
University of Aberdeen
European Monetary Union and regional policy
(Section: S2)
Dr P Beal FBA
Other Institution
36th International conference on medieval studies
(Section: H8)
Dr J V Beaverstock
Loughborough University
Global conference on economic geography
(Section: S3)
Professor J Beckford
University of Warwick
Religion and global civil society
(Section: S4)
Dr M Bell
University of Birmingham
Gutenberg 2000: 8th annual conference of SHARP
(Section: H5)
Dr S Bending
University of Southampton
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
(Section: H5)
Mr P E Bennett
University of Edinburgh
15th Congres International de la Societe Rencesvals
(Section: H8)
Dr R Bermudez_Otero
University of Manchester
Eleventh international conference on English historical linguistics
(Section: H4)
Dr P J Berry
King's College, Cambridge
European Society for the Study of English
(Section: H5)
Dr S Bhattacharya
Sheffield Hallam University
Annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine 2000
(Section: H10)
Professor A Bissett-Johnson
University of Dundee
Family Law: processes, practices and pressures
(Section: S1)
Dr M A S Blackburn
University of Cambridge
14th Viking Congress
(Section: H7)
Dr A Blackledge
University of Birmingham
American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference
(Section: H4)
Professor J A D Blaikie
University of Aberdeen
Looking backward and looking forward: perspectives on social science history. The 25th anniversary of the SSHA
(Section: S4)
Dr A Bloch
Goldsmiths College
7th International Research and Advisory Panel
(Section: S5)
Professor B Bocking
School of Oriental and African Studies
The History of Religions: origins and visions
(Section: H2)
Dr V Bold
University of Aberdeen
Culture, Community and Nation
(Section: S3)
Dr I Borden
University College London
Habitus 2000: a sense of place
(Section: H11)
Dr E Brady
University of Lancaster
American society of aesthetics annual conference
(Section: H12)
Dr J R Brotton
Royal Holloway
5th Triennial conference of the Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa
(Section: H5)
Dr S Brown
University of Birmingham
Textualities/sexualities in West Indian literature
(Section: H6)
Dr C S F Burnett
Warburg Institute, University of London
19th International Congress of Historical Sciences _ 2000
(Section: H8)
Dr K Cain
University of Nottingham
7th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
(Section: S6)
Dr N H Campbell
University of Derby
Western Literature Association 35th annual conference
(Section: H6)
Professor R Campbell
University College London
XXVII International conference of psychology
(Section: S6)
Dr C M Cantwell
University of Kent at Canterbury
9th seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies
(Section: H2)
Dr M Caravolas
University of Liverpool
7th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
(Section: S6)
Dr J Carman
University of Cambridge
6th annual meeting of the European association of archaeologists
(Section: H7)
Dr J R Carrette
University of Stirling
The History of Religions: origins and visions
(Section: H2)
Dr A Cartwright
University of Liverpool
10th world congress of rural sociology and economics
(Section: S1)
Dr R L Cassidy
University of Cambridge
The public face of anthropology, the 99th meeting of the American Anthropological Association
(Section: S3)
Dr N Castree
University of Manchester
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr C R Chard
Independent Researcher
Beyond borders II: an international conference on art, literature and travel
(Section: H9)
Professor D Cherry
University of Sussex
Uncommon Senses: An International Conference on the Senses in Art and Culture
(Section: H11)
Dr S Clarke
University of Wolverhampton
3rd North American conference on Welsh studies
(Section: H9)
Professor E F Clarke
University of Sheffield
Toronto 2000: musical intersections
(Section: H11)
Professor D J A Clines
University of Sheffield
2000 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
(Section: H2)
Dr S Cohn
Goldsmiths College
6th biennial EASA conference: Crossing Categorical Boundaries
(Section: S3)
Dr T E Coles
University of Exeter
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Ms J Collins
University of Nottingham
5th International Congress of BRASA
(Section: H10)
Professor M C Cook
University of Exeter
Annual conference of the American society for eighteenth-century studies
(Section: H5)
Dr A R Cooper
Birkbeck College
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr A Coroleu
University of Nottingham
Self-presentation and Social Identification: The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern Times
(Section: H5)
Dr R A Cox
Other Institution
The 9th international conference of the European Association for Japanese studies
(Section: H3)
Dr M A Crane
University of Sheffield
American public health conference
(Section: S4)
Dr L Crickmay
University of St Andrews
50th International Congress of Americanists
(Section: H4)
Professor D Crouch
University of Leeds
20th Haskins society international conference
(Section: H8)
Dr K Dang
Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
19th International Congress of Historical Sciences _ 2000
(Section: H10)
Dr S R Davies
University of Durham
Stalin's last decade: Soviet politics, culture and society 1943-53
(Section: H10)
Ms E De Michelis
University of Cambridge
The History of Religions: origins and visions
(Section: H2)
Ms C M Dearden
Loughborough University
2nd International Conference on Caring - share the care, a critical time for decision makers around the globe
(Section: S4)
Dr A R Deighton
University of Hull
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Dr E Delaney
The Queen's University Belfast
European Social Sciences History Conference 2000
(Section: H10)
Dr C Delano Smith
Renaissance Society of America
(Section: H8)
Professor J H L Dewhurst
University of Dundee
6th World Congress, Regional Science Association International
(Section: S2)
Dr N Dibben
University of Sheffield
Toronto 2000: musical intersections
(Section: H11; S6)
Dr M Dimova-Cookson
University College London
(Section: H12)
Professor A Dobson
University of Keele
American Political Science Association conference
(Section: S5)
Ms L Docle
School of Oriental and African Studies
European Association for Japanese Studies
(Section: H3)
Dr S Dodds
University of Surrey
Dancing in the Millennium
(Section: H6)
Dr M A Doel
Loughborough University
Sound Escape: A conference on acoustic ecology
(Section: S3)
Dr F Driver
Royal Holloway
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Professor J A Dupre
University of Exeter
Biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association
(Section: H12)
Dr S Dymond
Anglia Polytechnic University
Association for Behavior Analysis: International
(Section: S6)
Dr A D Eastmond
University of Warwick
Relics in Art and Culture of the Eastern Christian World
(Section: H8)
Dr D Edelman
University of Sheffield
2000 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
(Section: H2)
Dr I R Edgar
University of Durham
Advances in qualitative methods
(Section: S3)
Dr H M Edwards
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Dr R Edwards
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Celebrating the century£ - 17th US Twentieth Century French Studies Colloquium
(Section: H6)
Dr W Edwards
University of Glasgow
IMS 2000 intercongressional symposium: the past in the present
(Section: H11)
Dr K Ellis
Royal Holloway
Toronto 2000: musical intersections
(Section: H11)
Dr L Empson
St Anne's College, Oxford
A new time: The Academy of Management annual conference 2000
(Section: S2)
Dr T Erskine
University of Cambridge
International Studies Association
(Section: S5)
Professor J C Exum
University of Sheffield
2000 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
(Section: H2)
Dr C Farrelly
University of Aberdeen
17th International Social Philosophy Conference
(Section: H12)
Dr F Faucher
University of Stirling
XVlll world congress of the International Political Association
(Section: S5)
Professor D A Filtzer
University of East London
American Association for the advancement of Slavic studies annual conference
(Section: H10)
Dr D Finkelstein
Queen Margaret College
Gutenberg 2000: 8th annual conference of SHARP
(Section: H6)
Dr A Finlay
Birkbeck College
11th International Saga Conference
(Section: H8)
Mr T Fletcher
Other Institution
Exploring changing roles in occupational health, safety and environmental systems in the
context of European enlargement
(Section: S4)
Dr C G Flood
University of Surrey
Celebrating the century£ - 17th US Twentieth Century French Studies Colloquium
(Section: H6)
Professor J L Flood
Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London
Gutenberg 2000: 8th annual conference of SHARP
(Section: H5)
Professor J E Flower
University of Kent at Canterbury
Gide en Floride
(Section: H6)
Professor J E Forbes
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Approaching a new millennium: lessons from the past, prospects for the future
(Section: H6)
Dr R G Forman
Kingston University
5th International Congress of BRASA
(Section: H6)
Ms M B Fox
University of Manchester
Millennial Accidents on the Road with the Rule of Law
(Section: S1)
Professor D Fuller
University of Durham
Oslo Blake Conference 2000
(Section: H6)
Professor S W Fuller
University of Warwick
What is to be done next? History of science in the new millennium
(Section: H10)
Dr V L Gaffney
University of Birmingham
Society for American archaeology, 2001 annual meeting
(Section: H7)
Professor R Gagnier
University of Exeter
Victorian waste
(Section: H6)
Dr M Gandy
University College London
Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Professor D A Gerstle
School of Oriental and African Studies
European Association for Japanese Studies
(Section: H3)
Professor R Gilchrist
University of Reading
Society for American Archaeology 2000 Conference
(Section: H7)
Dr B Giordano
University of Manchester
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr R B Goodwin
University of Bristol
International Conference in Personal Relationships
(Section: S6)
Dr J V Gottlieb
University of Manchester
Imagining the Space Between: Constructing Literature and Culture 1914-1945
(Section: H6)
Dr M I Gould
University of Leeds
9th International Symposium in Medical Geography
(Section: S3)
Dr J A Gowlett
University of Liverpool
Palaeoanthropology Society Annual Meeting
(Section: H7)
Dr A Grau
Roehampton Institute London
21st Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music study group on ethnochoreology
(Section: S3)
Professor J Greenwood
Robert Gordon University
XVlll world congress of the International Political Association
(Section: S5)
Dr L Grieveson
University of Exeter
Society for Cinema Studies annual conference
(Section: H6)
Professor P Haggett
University of Bristol
Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr E Hague
Staffordshire University
Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr S Hampton-Reeves
University of Central Lancashire
Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting
(Section: H5)
Dr W S Hanson
University of Glasgow
XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies
(Section: H7)
Professor C S P Harding
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
15th Annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology
(Section: S1)
Dr N J Harkness
The Queen's University Belfast
Modern Language Association convention 2000
(Section: H6)
Dr D Harper
University of East London
Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference
(Section: S6)
Dr R J Harrison
University of Bristol
6th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
(Section: H7)
Dr L Hartley
University of Southampton
Language, thought and reality: science, religion and philosophy _ an international interdisciplinary conference
(Section: H10)
Dr R R K Hartmann
University of Exeter
Euralex 2000
(Section: H6)
Professor R J Hayward
School of Oriental and African Studies
XIVth International conference of Ethiopian studies
(Section: H3; H4)
Dr A J Heywood
University of Bradford
American Association for the advancement of Slavic studies annual conference
(Section: H10)
Dr G Higgs
University of Leeds
9th International Symposium in Medical Geography
(Section: S3)
Dr R A Hill
University of Liverpool
XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society
(Section: S6)
Dr M Hilton
University of Birmingham
The North American conference on British studies, annual meeting
(Section: H10)
Dr S Hindle
University of Warwick
Metamorphoses: peoples, places, times
(Section: H9)
Dr A Hindley
University of Hull
36th International conference on medieval studies
(Section: H8)
Dr J Hines
University of Wales, Cardiff
11th International Saga Conference
(Section: H8)
Dr N Hodgson
Other Institution
XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies
(Section: H7)
Dr S Hodgson-Wright
University of Sunderland
Attending to early modern women: gender, culture and change
(Section: H5)
Professor P D Holland
University of Birmingham
Dislocating Shakespeare: limits, crossings, discoveries
(Section: H6)
Dr H D Holmes
University of Edinburgh
European Social Sciences History Conference 2000
(Section: H6)
Dr J M Holmwood
University of Edinburgh
Social Theory 2000: Conference of the International Social Theory Consortium
(Section: S4)
Professor Sir J Holt FBA
20th Haskins society international conference
(Section: H8)
Professor A Hoogvect
University of Sheffield
2001 International Studies Association Annual convention
(Section: S5)
Dr G Hooper
University of Aberdeen
Crossing Categorical Boundaries: Religion as Politics/Politics as Religion
(Section: S3)
Dr D Hopkin
University of Glasgow
French Historical Studies Annual Conference
(Section: H10)
Dr N Hopkins
University of Dundee
23rd annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology
(Section: S6)
Dr R T Hosfield
University of Southampton
Palaeoanthropology Society Annual Meeting
(Section: H7)
Dr H Hoshi
School of Oriental and African Studies
18th annual national conference of English Linguistics Society of Japan
(Section: H4)
Professor N Houseley
University of Leicester
19th International Congress of Historical Sciences _ 2000
(Section: H8)
Dr D Howard
University of Oxford
Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Ms C S Howarth
University of Stirling
5th international conference on social representations: social representations: new constructions
(Section: S6)
Dr R Hoyland
St John's College, Oxford
Symposium Syriacum Vlll
(Section: H2)
Professor A Hughes
University of Birmingham
Celebrating the century£ - 17th US Twentieth Century French Studies Colloquium
(Section: H6)
Dr A L Hughes
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Global conference on economic geography
(Section: S3)
Dr A Hughes
Kingston University
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Professor P Humfrey
University of St Andrews
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H11)
Professor M Humm
University of East London
Virginia Woolf out of bounds
(Section: H6)
Professor L Hunter
University of Leeds
Rhetoric and the university
(Section: H6)
Professor L W Hurtado
University of Edinburgh
2000 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
(Section: H2)
Dr M Ilic
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of HE
American Association for the advancement of Slavic studies annual conference
(Section: H10)
Dr N M T Jackson
University of Nottingham
53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians
(Section: H11)
Professor P A Jackson
University of Sheffield
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr S Jacobs
Manchester Metropolitan University
10th World Congress of Rural Sociology: sustainable rural livelihoods
(Section: S4)
Dr R Jacobson
University of Bradford
International Studies Association
(Section: S5)
Professor G Jahoda
University of Strathclyde
XVth congress of the international association for cross_cultural psychology
(Section: S6)
Mr C M James
University of Birmingham
7th Conference of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars
(Section: H6)
Dr E James
University of Sussex
Relics in Art and Culture of the Eastern Christian World
(Section: H8)
Dr M Jancovich
University of Nottingham
Society for Cinema Studies annual conference
(Section: H6)
Professor C A Jeffery
University of Birmingham
International Studies Association
(Section: S5)
Dr H Joffe
University College London
International social representations conference
(Section: S6)
Dr J Johnson
University of Sussex
Toronto 2000: musical intersections
(Section: H11)
Professor W Johnstone
University of Aberdeen
Society for Old Testament Study
(Section: H2)
Dr E Jones
University of Leicester
Third international congress of maritime history
(Section: H9)
Dr J Jordan
Nottingham Trent University
10 Internationaler Kongress der Internationalen Vereingung fur Germanische Sprach _ und Literaturwissenschaft
(Section: H6)
Professor S Jordan
Roehampton Institute London
Dancing in the Millennium
(Section: H11)
Dr A Jotischky
University of Lancaster
Medieval Academy of America Annual Conference 2000
(Section: H8)
Dr J D Jowett
University of Birmingham
Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting
(Section: H5)
Dr P J Kail
St Edmund's College, Cambridge
27th annual international Hume conference
(Section: H12)
Dr J KCowan
University of Sussex
Council of European Studies
(Section: S3)
Dr G Kemp
University of Glasgow
American society of aesthetics annual conference
(Section: H12)
Dr A J Kendrick
University of Dundee
13th international congress on child abuse and neglect
(Section: S4)
Dr A L Kilgour
University of Liverpool
Global Change and Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia
(Section: S3)
Ms R C King
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting
(Section: H5)
Professor D King
University of Oxford
American Political Science Association annual meeting
(Section: S5)
Dr R E King
University of Stirling
The History of Religions: origins and visions
(Section: H2)
Dr H King
University of Reading
132nd Meeting of the American Philological Association
(Section: H1)
Dr K Knott
University of Leeds
IAHR 18th congress
(Section: H2)
Dr C Knowles
University of Southampton
The image in fieldwork: assessing traditions and envisioning futures
(Section: S4)
Mr D Knowles
University of Glasgow
Beijing international conference on political philosophy
(Section: H12)
Dr A Kramer
Goldsmiths College
Rolf Dieter Brinkmann: Blicke ostwarts - westwarts
(Section: H6)
Mr P Kramer
University of East Anglia
Society for Cinema Studies annual conference
(Section: H6)
Mr P Kramer
University of East Anglia
Rethinking Disney: private control and public dimensions
(Section: H6)
Professor T Kushner
University of Southampton
Lessons and legacies of the Holocaust
(Section: H10)
Dr G Kutting
University of Aberdeen
XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association
(Section: S5)
Dr J Ladyman
University of Bristol
2001 Conference of the Philosophical Society of Southern Africa
(Section: H12)
Dr A Lamont
University of Leicester
Toronto 2000: musical intersections
(Section: H11; S6)
Professor L Landy
De Montfort University
VII Brazilian symposium on computer music
(Section: H11)
Ms P C Lee
University of Cambridge
XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society
(Section: S6)
Mrs P Leopold
University of Reading
International conference on ethnic autonomy systems
(Section: S1)
Ms P J Lewis
King's College London
13th World Congress on Medical Law
(Section: S1)
Dr J Ling
University of Teeside
27th international congress of psychology
(Section: S6)
Professor R Lister
Loughborough University
Council of European Studies
(Section: S4)
Ms A Lister
University of Southampton
International Institute for Conservation 18th international congress _ Tradition and innovation: advances in conservation
(Section: H11)
Dr C M C Littler
University of Manchester
The Northeast Modern Languages Association
(Section: H6)
Professor D T Llewellyn
Loughborough University
Western Economics Association
(Section: S2)
Dr L Lloyd
University of Keele
2001 International Studies Association Annual convention
(Section: S5)
Dr V L Lo
School of Oriental and African Studies
52nd annual meeting of the Association of Asian Studies
(Section: H3)
Dr T Lopez
University of Plymouth
The Opening of the Field: North American poetry in the 1960s
(Section: H6)
Mr R Love
XIVth International conference of Ethiopian studies
(Section: S2)
Dr N Luckhurst
Somerville College, Oxford
Virginia Woolf out of bounds
(Section: H6)
Dr K Lyons
University of East London
Promoting equitable societies in a global economy: social work in the 21st century
(Section: S4)
Dr D MacKinnon
University of Aberdeen
A new Europe? Urban and regional economies, cultures and governance
(Section: S3)
Dr M Madella
University of Cambridge
3rd European meeting on phytolith research
(Section: H7)
Dr T Maguire
University of Ulster
ADSA 2000 Conference: Performance and Spectacle
(Section: H6)
Dr N A Manson
University of Aberdeen
Eighth European Conference on Science and Theology
(Section: H12)
Dr T H J Marchand
School of Oriental and African Studies
7th International Pragmatics Conference
(Section: S6)
Dr P Marshal
University of Warwick
Sixteenth century studies conference
(Section: H9)
Dr S Marson
Royal Holloway
Colloque de Cerisy_la_Salle: poetique de Jean Genet: La Traversee des Genres.
(Section: H6)
Dr L Marten
School of Oriental and African Studies
Third world congress of African linguistics
(Section: H4)
Dr K Mason
University of Liverpool
Professor Jack P Greene commemorative conference
(Section: H9)
Dr R B Matlock
University of Sheffield
2000 annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
(Section: H2)
Dr D J Maxwell
University of Keele
The History of Religions: origins and visions
(Section: H2)
Mr N Maxwell
27th annual philosophy of science conference
(Section: H12)
Dr E A Maylor
University of Warwick
XXVII International Congress of Psychology
(Section: S6)
Mr J D McClure
University of Aberdeen
Eighth international conference on the literature of region and nation
(Section: H6)
Ms P McCormack
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Ed_Media 2000
(Section: S4)
Dr N F McDonald
University of York
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Dr P McDonald
University of Wolverhampton
Dreams of paradise, visions of apocalypse, utopia and dystopia in American culture
(Section: H6)
Professor N M McGowen
University of Sheffield
Approaching a new millennium: lessons from the past _ prospects for the future
(Section: H6)
Ms J V McHale
University of Manchester
Millennial Accidents on the Road with the Rule of Law
(Section: S1)
Dr T A McKean
University of Aberdeen
30th international ballad conference
(Section: S3)
Dr C McKinnon
University of York
Beijing international conference on political philosophy
(Section: S5)
Professor K McLuskie
University of Southampton
Dislocating Shakespeare: limits, crossings, discoveries
(Section: H6)
Mr F McManus
Napier University
Healthy environments _ the local challenge
(Section: S1)
Dr A Memon
University of Aberdeen
The Eighth Cognitive Aging Conference
(Section: S6)
Dr C C Mercer
University of Wales, Swansea
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Professor P Messent
University of Nottingham
Elmira 2001: 4th international conference on the state of Mark Twain studies
(Section: H6)
Ms R Miles
University of Wolverhampton
Morris 2000
(Section: H6)
Dr A G Miles
University of Birmingham
The social classification of occupational data: comparative dimensions
(Section: S4)
Rabbi J Milgram
School of Oriental and African Studies
Association for Jewish Studies Conference
(Section: H2)
Dr R L Miller
The Queen's University Belfast
Social transformations at the turn of the millennium: sociological theory and current empirical research
(Section: S4)
Dr C Milligan
University of Lancaster
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr B Morgan
St Hilda's College, Oxford
Millennial accidents _ on the road with the rule of law
(Section: S1)
Dr C Moutsou
University of Cambridge
Crossing Categorical Boundaries: Religion as Politics/Politics as Religion
(Section: S3)
Ms S Muhlhaus
University of East Anglia
Modern Language Association convention 2000
(Section: H4)
Dr P Mukta
University of Warwick
International conference on Meerabai
(Section: S4)
Dr M Mulvey-Roberts
University of the West of England
Women and change: utopias, new worlds, new ages, 1660_1830
(Section: H5)
Professor R Munck
University of Liverpool
3rd Congress of Latin American Association of Labour Specialists
(Section: S4)
Mr G Murdock
University of Birmingham
From conciliarism to confessional church, 1400_1618
(Section: H9)
Dr A J Musson
University of Exeter
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Dr K Nation
University of York
7th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
(Section: S6)
Professor J Newman
University of Nottingham
Looking back with pleasure II: African American literature and culture society 2000
(Section: H6)
Dr L Newton
University of Reading
Enterprise in society: annual meeting of the Business History Conference
(Section: S2)
Professor D R Nicholls
University of Keele
Toronto 2000: musical intersections
(Section: H11)
Dr J R J North
University College London
11th International Saga Conference
(Section: H8)
Dr T Omoniyi
University of Surrey
An International Congress on World Languages in Multilingual Contexts
(Section: H4)
Dr M Padget
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Annual meeting of the Western Historical Association
(Section: H10)
Dr E Page
University of Keele
XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association
(Section: S5)
Dr C Panter-Brick
University of Durham
Global and local histories: applied anthropology across the centuries
(Section: S3)
Mr N Parker
University of Surrey
Approaching a new millennium: lessons from the past _ prospects for the future
(Section: S5)
Dr J B Parkin
University of York
Natural law and sovereignty in early modern Europe
(Section: H9)
Professor J B Parr
University of Glasgow
6th World Congress, Regional Science Association International
(Section: S2)
Dr R Pastor
University of Bradford
69th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists
(Section: H7)
Dr M B Paterson
University of Keele
International Studies Association
(Section: S5)
Dr J Pearce
University of Oxford
XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies
(Section: H7)
Mr D J Pevalin
University of Essex
American Sociological Association 95th annual meeting
(Section: S4)
Dr M Phillips
University of Leicester
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Professor P M Pilbeam
Royal Holloway
French Historical Studies Annual Conference
(Section: H10)
Dr J Y Pitarakis
University of Reading
Allied Social Science conference
(Section: S2)
Professor J A Platt
University of Sussex
Conference of the Research Committee on the History of Sociology of the International Sociological Association
(Section: S4)
Dr K Pollmann
University of St Andrews
Augustine and the disciplines
(Section: H2)
Dr R Purdie
University of St Andrews
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Professor P Quinn
Nene College of Higher Education
Robert Graves in America
(Section: H6)
Dr S Radstone
University of East London
Society for Cinema Studies annual conference
(Section: H6)
Dr N C Rafeek
Glasgow Caledonian University
European Social Sciences History Conference 2000
(Section: H10)
Dr M G Rapport
University of Stirling
European Social Sciences History Conference 2000
(Section: H9)
Dr G G Raymond
University of Bristol
International Society for the Study of European Ideas: lessons from the past, prospects for the future
(Section: H6)
Professor K Reader
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Celebrating the century£ - 17th US Twentieth Century French Studies Colloquium
(Section: H6)
Ms S Rennie
Other Institution
Euralex 2000
(Section: H6)
Dr G E Revill
Oxford Brookes University
Sound Escape: A conference on acoustic ecology
(Section: S3)
Dr J Richards
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H5)
Dr M P Richards
University of Oxford
Society for American Archaeology 2000 Conference
(Section: H7)
Dr B J Richardson
University of Manchester
Taking Nature Seriously: Citizens, Science and Environment
(Section: S1)
Dr J M Rignall
University of Warwick
Australian Victorian Studies Association, 2001
(Section: H6)
Dr C A Roberts
University of Durham
13th European meeting of the palaeopathology association
(Section: H7)
Professor D Rollason
University of Durham
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Dr D M Ross
University of Glasgow
Enterprise in society: annual meeting of the Business History Conference
(Section: S2)
Mr P L Rossi
University of Lancaster
The Renaissance Society of America: Florence 2000 Conference
(Section: H9)
Dr A Rowland
University of Salford
ESSE5 - 2000 Helsinki
(Section: H6)
Dr I C Rutherford
University of Reading
American Philological Association / American Institute of Archaeology 132nd annual meeting
(Section: H1)
Dr N E Saul
Royal Holloway
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Mr A Sawyer
University of Liverpool
Technology, Identity, and Futurity, East and West, in the emerging global village
(Section: H6)
Dr C M Schaffner
University College Chester
XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society
(Section: S6)
Dr P Schell
King's College London
Latin American Studies Association Annual Congress
(Section: H10)
Dr D Schroeder
University of Central Lancashire
Approaching a new millennium: lessons from the past, prospects for the future
(Section: H12)
Dr L Schuster
London School of Economics and Political Science
7th International Research and Advisory Panel
(Section: S1)
Dr M Sefton
University of Nottingham
Allied Social Science conference
(Section: S2)
Professor N D Segal
University of Reading
Celebrating the century£ - 17th US Twentieth Century French Studies Colloquium
(Section: H6)
Professor R A Segal
University of Lancaster
The History of Religions: origins and visions
(Section: H2)
Mr G Sergi
Staffordshire University
Society for Cinema Studies annual conference
(Section: H6)
Professor G K Shaw
University of the West of England
Working group on the comparative study of the legal professions
(Section: S1)
Dr J Shaw
University of Aberdeen
97th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Mr P Shears
University of Plymouth
2000 annual meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business
(Section: S1)
Dr M Shephard
University of Strathclyde
Australasian political studies association
(Section: S5)
Mr P A Sherwood
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London
9th International Conference of Finno_Ugrists
(Section: H4)
Dr C Shore
Goldsmiths College
6th biennial EASA conference: Crossing Categorical Boundaries
(Section: S3)
Dr R Sieder
Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London
22nd International Congress on the Commission on Folklore and Legal Pluralism
(Section: S1)
Dr J Simons
University of Nottingham
History, technology and identity: after Foucault
(Section: H6)
Professor J Simons
Edge Hill University College
European Society for the Study of English
(Section: H5)
Professor A J Sinfield
University of Sussex
The future of the gay past
(Section: H10)
Dr A Sives
Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
Vision and action in the next millennium
(Section: S5)
Professor G Smith
University of St Andrews
The Renaissance Society of America: Florence 2000 Conference
(Section: H11)
Dr R Smith
University of Leicester
Association of American Geographers
(Section: S3)
Dr L Smith
University of Lancaster
Alternative constructions of self and mind
(Section: S6)
Dr C Smith
University of Wales, Bangor
Crime & criminology in the year 2000
(Section: S4)
Dr R Smith
University of Leicester
Global conference on economic geography
(Section: S3)
Dr A Snaith
Anglia Polytechnic University
Virginia Woolf out of bounds
(Section: H6)
Dr S R Snape
University of Liverpool
International Congress of Egyptologists
(Section: H7)
Professor A J Spencer
University of Essex
23. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Sprachwissenschaft
(Section: H4)
Dr J Stacul
University of Cambridge
Crossing Categorical Boundaries: Religion as Politics/Politics as Religion
(Section: S3)
Dr T Stainton
University of Wales, Swansea
Funding, freedom and citizenship: the first international conference on self_determination and individualised funding
(Section: S4)
Ms D Stevens
University of Warwick
7th International Research and Advisory Panel
(Section: S1)
Mr L F Stevenson
University of St Andrews
9th International Kant-Kongress
(Section: H12)
Mr J Stewart
Oxford Brookes University
European Social Sciences History Conference 2000
(Section: H10)
Dr E Subbotsky
University of Lancaster
The XVIth biennial meeting of the International Society for the study of behavioural development
(Section: S6)
Professor H Suganami
University of Keele
2001 International Studies Association Annual convention
(Section: S5)
Ms E E Sutherland
University of Glasgow
Family Law: processes, practices and pressures
(Section: S1)
Dr J E G Sutton
British Institute in Eastern Africa
11th Panafrican congress of prehistory and related studies
(Section: H7)
Dr N J Swain
University of Liverpool
10th World Congress of Rural Sociology: sustainable rural livelihoods
(Section: S4)
Dr G R S Talbot
University of Hull
The Renaissance Society of America: Florence 2000 Conference
(Section: H5)
Dr Y Tasker
University of East Anglia
Society for Cinema Studies annual conference
(Section: H6)
Dr D G K Taylor
University of Birmingham
The Eighth International Congress for Syriac Studies
(Section: H2)
Dr J E Thomas
University of Hull
Morris 2000
(Section: H6)
Professor M W Thomas
University of Wales, Swansea
Whitman 2000
(Section: H6)
Mr R C Thurlow
University of Sheffield
North American Conference on British Studies 2000 meeting
(Section: H10)
Dr U Tidd
University of Salford
Simone de Beauvoir, du Deuxieme Sexe a l'an 2000
(Section: H6)
Dr J B Todman
University of Dundee
9th biennial conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
(Section: S6)
Dr C Tolan-Smith
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Society for American Archaeology 2000 Conference
(Section: H7)
Dr C Tolley
Independent Researcher
11th International Saga Conference
(Section: H8)
Dr S Tormey
University of Nottingham
XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association
(Section: S5)
Dr M O Townend
University of York
11th International Saga Conference
(Section: H8)
Dr D H Treece
King's College London
5th International Congress of BRASA
(Section: H11)
Professor D A Trotter
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Traduction, compilation, derivation, la phraseologie: Xe colloque international sur Le Moyen Francais
(Section: H5)
Mr J Trouille
University of Bradford
Approaching a new millennium: lessons from the past, prospects for the future
(Section: H6)
Dr E M Tyler
University of York
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Professor T A Unwin
University of Liverpool
The arts of the table: the place of the culinary in French life and culture
(Section: H6)
Dr A Varley
University College London
Latin American Studies Association Annual Congress
(Section: S3)
Dr S H Vice
University of Sheffield
Approaching a new millennium: lessons from the past _ prospects for the future
(Section: H6)
Dr B E Ward
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Oxford Conference for the Book
(Section: H10)
Dr K Ward
University of Manchester Institute of Technology
Cities in the New Millennium: Separate Realities or SharedFates£
(Section: S3)
Dr D Watt
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
35th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Section: H8)
Dr P J Way
University of Sussex
Organisation of American Historians Annual Conference
(Section: H9)
Dr J Webber
University of Oxford
19th International Congress of Historical Sciences _ 2000
(Section: H2)
Dr H F Weeds
Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
2000 World Congress of the Econometric Society
(Section: S2)
Professor S Wells
University of Birmingham
Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting
(Section: H5)
Dr M Welstead
Other Institution
Family Law: processes, practices and pressures
(Section: S1)
Dr D C Whaley
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
11th International Saga Conference
(Section: H8)
Dr H Whitehouse
The Queen's University Belfast
International Association of the History of Religions Quinquennial Congress
(Section: S3)
Ms N Whitfield
Independent Researcher
36th International conference on medieval studies
(Section: H7)
Dr C E Williams
Other Institution
Graduate Student and Faculty Conference on Lusophone History, Literature and Culture
(Section: H6)
Ms K S Williams
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
The Canadian Law Society Association / Association Canadienne Droit et Societe annual conference 2000
(Section: S1)
Professor D Williams
University of Sheffield
Memory and Identity: past and present
(Section: H9)
Dr P A Williamson
University of Durham
North American Conference on British Studies 2000 meeting
(Section: H10)
Dr R A Wilson
University of Sussex
The public face of anthropology, the 99th meeting of the American Anthropological Association
(Section: S3)
Professor C Winch
University College Northampton
International network of philosophers of education, 7th biennial conference
(Section: H12)
Professor D N Winch
Beyond markets: new historical and theoretical perspectives on critiques of the market
(Section: S2)
Dr W L Windsor
University of Leeds
12th International Conference on System Research, Informatics and Cybernetics
(Section: H11; S6)
Dr S Wolff
University of Bath
Approaching a new millennium: lessons from the past, prospects for the future
(Section: S5)
Dr F Wood
British Library
International conference on Dunhuang studies
(Section: H10)
Professor J R Woodhouse
University of Oxford
Le dimore della poesia: residenza dei poeti, i luoghi di studio.
(Section: H10)
Mr M Woodiwiss
University of the West of England
Crime & criminology in the year 2000
(Section: H10)
Dr D J Wring
Loughborough University
XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association
(Section: S5)
Dr M Young-Scholten
University of Durham
American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference
(Section: H4)
Dr K J Zaleska
Other Institution
A new time: The Academy of Management annual conference 2000
(Section: S4)