Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2006-07.
Dr S J M M Alberti The Manchester Museum
Nature Behind Glass: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on Natural Science Collections
Date: 09/06/2007-09/08/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr M Aldridge Cardiff University
Cognitive Linguistics, Applied
Date: 08/27/2007-08/30/2007 (Section: H4)
Professor D Amigoni Keele University
The Foundations of Sociology in the UK
Date: 02/23/2007-02/24/2007 (Section: S4)
Dr F E Andrews University of St Andrews
Religion and Public Life in Late Medieval Italy
Date: 06/14/2007-06/16/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr B C Annesley University of Manchester
Engendering Politics and Policy: International and Comparative Perspectives
Date: 06/21/2007-06/22/2007 (Section: S5)
Dr S Ansari Royal Holloway, University of London
Beyond Independence: South Asia 1947-1977
Date: 04/11/2007-04/12/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr I Archer Keble College, Oxford
London in Text and History 1400-1700
Date: 09/13/2007-09/15/2007 (Section: H9)
Dr S Baiasu University of Manchester
UK Kant Society annual conference 2007
Date: 09/20/2007-09/21/2007 (Section: H12)
Dr R W Baines University of East Anglia
Staging Translated Plays: Adaptation, Translation and Multimediality
Date: 06/28/2007-07/01/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr J Baker University of Nottingham
Landscapes of Defence in the Viking Age: Anglo-Saxon England and Comparative Perspectives
Date: 11/09/2007-11/10/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr E Baragwanath Christ Church, Oxford
Herodotus and Myth
Date: 09/24/2007-09/25/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr M Baron Birkbeck, University of London
The Poetry of Robert Graves
Date: 07/05/2007-07/06/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr P Barrieu London School of Economics and Political Science
Risk and Stochastics Day 2007
Date: 03/19/2007-03/19/2007 (Section: S2)
Dr A Bartley University of Kent
Lucian and His Time
Date: 03/24/2007-03/25/2007 (Section: H1)
Professor D R Bates Institute of Historical Research, University of London
Anglo-American Historians 76th annual conference 2007
Date: 07/04/2007-07/06/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr L Beard Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Ben Nicholson (re)Considered
Date: 05/18/2007-05/19/2007 (Section: H11)
Dr J W Bell University of Reading
National Political Cultures and the Wider World: the Transnational Dimension of Political Ideas and Party Politics in Europe and the United States since 1918
Date: 09/04/2007-09/05/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor S Berger University of Manchester
Empires, Nation-States and Regions - the Historical Experience of Building Big Nations in the Core-Areas of the European Regions
Date: 05/24/2007-05/26/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr D Berry University of Edinburgh
Form and Function in Roman Oratory
Date: 03/09/2007-03/11/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr G Blackshaw University of Plymouth
Journeys into Madness: Representing Mental Illness in the Arts and Sciences, 1850-1930
Date: 10/11/2007-10/12/2007 (Section: S4)
Professor A Blamires Goldsmiths College University of London
Chaucer and Time
Date: 04/19/2007-04/20/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr W Blazek Liverpool Hope University
F Scott Fitzgerald 9th international conference
Date: 07/09/2007-07/14/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor S Bottoms University of Leeds
Performing Literatures
Date: 06/29/2007-07/01/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor M J Braddick University of Sheffield
The Politics of Gesture
Date: 09/14/2007-09/16/2007 (Section: H9)
Dr F Brearton Queen's University Belfast
Louis MacNeice: centenary conference and celebration
Date: 09/12/2007-09/15/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr K Breen Queen's University Belfast
Beyond the Nation? Critical Reflections on Nations and Nationalism in Uncertain Times
Date: 09/12/2007-09/14/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor J J Breuilly London School of Economics and Political Science
The Dark Face of Nationalism: Violence, Extremism and the Nation
Date: 04/17/2007-04/19/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor L W B Brockliss Magdele College, Oxford
Investigating Childhood in the Past: Principles, Practice and Potential
Date: 09/27/2007-09/28/2007 (Section: H9)
Mr P Brown Trinity College, Oxford
Ancient Drama in Early Modern Opera
Date: 07/12/2007-07/12/2007 (Section: H11; H1)
Professor R Bush University of Leeds
The State, Mining and Development in Africa
Date: 09/13/2007-09/14/2007 (Section: S5)
Dr D M Carter University of Reading
Why Athens? Reappraising Tragic Politics
Date: 09/10/2007-09/11/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr A Carvajal University of Warwick
General Equilibrium Theory 16th european workshop 2007
Date: 06/09/2007-06/10/2007 (Section: S2)
Professor W G Cavanagh University of Nottingham
Being Peloponnesian: Cohesion and Diversity Through Time
Date: 03/31/2007-04/01/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr S Chambers University of Wales, Swansea
Pluralism, Democracy, and Culture: the Political Thought of William E Connolly
Date: 05/10/2007-05/11/2007 (Section: S5)
Dr D Cheetham University of Birmingham
The Resurgence of Religion in Europe
Date: 04/11/2007-04/13/2007 (Section: H2)
Dr L Chiesa University of Kent
Italian Thought Today: Biopolitics, Nihilism, Empire
Date: 04/05/2008-04/06/2008 (Section: S5)
Dr C Ciotti University of Edinburgh
Femininities and Masculinities in Indian Politics
Date: 09/06/2007-09/07/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr A Claydon University of Wales, Bangor
The Bangor Conference on the Restoration: Politics, Religion and Culture in Britain and Ireland in the 1670s
Date: 07/24/2007-07/26/2007 (Section: H9)
Professor J A Coleman Open University
Spoken Online Learning Events: the Need for New Paradigm in Languages Research and Practice
Date: 06/22/2007-06/23/2007 (Section: H4)
Dr A R Collins University of Wales, Swansea
The International and Domestic Dimensions of Security on the Korean Peninsula
Date: 06/01/2007-06/02/2007 (Section: S5)
Dr A Coroleu University of Nottingham
Latin and Vernacular in Renaissance Iberia III: Ovid from the Middle Ages to the Baroque
Date: 04/19/2007-04/20/2007 (Section: H5)
Professor D J Cowling University of Durham
Authority and Persuasion: the Role of Commonplaces in Western Europe (c. 1450-c. 1800): Consolidation of God-Given Power
Date: 09/18/2007-09/19/2007 (Section: H5)
Mrs E Cowling University of Edinburgh
Picasso in Dialogue
Date: 09/20/2007-09/21/2007 (Section: H11)
Dr R A Cox University of Manchester
Beyond Text? Image: Voice: Sound: Object, Synaesthetic and Sensory Practices in Anthropology
Date: 07/01/2007-07/03/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr K Crosby School of Oriental and African Studies
Shan Buddhism and Culture symposium
Date: 12/08/2007-12/09/2007 (Section: H2)
Dr J Currie University of Stirling
From Ettrick to Empire: New Perspectives in James Hogg Studies
Date: 08/07/2007-08/09/2007 (Section: H6)
Mrs J Dashwood Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge
The Risorgimento of Federico De Roberto
Date: 03/22/2007-03/23/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr P Davis University of Manchester
2nd Sociocultural Theory in Education conference 2007
Date: 09/10/2007-09/11/2007 (Section: S4)
Professor N de Lange University of Cambridge
The Greek Bible in Byzantine Judaism
Date: 07/09/2007-07/11/2007 (Section: H2)
Dr G De Neve University of Sussex
Hidden Hands in the Market: Ethnographic Explorations of the Production-consumption Nexus in a Globalised Economy
Date: 04/19/2007-04/20/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr F de Vivo Birkbeck, University of London
Exploring Cultural History
Date: 05/10/2007-05/12/2007 (Section: H9)
Professor J Downie Goldsmiths College University of London
Henry Fielding in Our Time: a Tercentenary Conference of his Birth
Date: 04/19/2007-04/21/2007 (Section: H5)
Professor R Duch Nuffield College, Oxford
The Economy and Vote Choice in Comparative Perspective: The Next Generation
Date: 06/01/2007-06/03/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor C Duggan University of Reading
Giuseppe Garibaldi: the Politics of Radical Fame
Date: 11/23/2007-11/24/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr C Dummitt Institute for the Studies of the Americas, University of London
Rethinking Canadian History
Date: 05/17/2007-05/18/2007 (Section: H10)
Professor D Dumville University of Aberdeen
Varieties of Cultural History: Theory and Practice in the Cultural Histories of Medicine, Science, Literature and the Arts
Date: 07/05/2007-08/08/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr M Ekberg University of Northampton
Inspiring Transformations: the Arts and Health
Date: 09/03/2007-09/06/2007 (Section: S4)
Dr S Elden University of Durham
Kant's Geography
Date: 10/26/2007-10/27/2007 (Section: H12)
Professor H Evans University of Westminster
Face and Place: Visibility and Invisibility in Chinese Propaganda Posters
Date: 10/25/2007-10/26/2007 (Section: H3)
Dr E Evenden Newnham College, Cambridge
Censorship, Persecution and Resistance in Marian England
Date: 04/12/2007-04/14/2007 (Section: H2)
Dr A Farrer Independent Researcher
Interchanges and Influences in Chinese Buddhist Sculpture
Date: 11/02/2007-11/03/2007 (Section: H11)
Dr A Fechter University of Sussex
Post/colonial Encounters? Colonial and Contemporary Expatriates in Comparative Perspective
Date: 09/27/2007-09/28/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr E K Fedorowich University of the West of England
British World Conference 2007
Date: 07/11/2007-07/14/2007 (Section: H10)
Professor D Feldman University of Cambridge
Regulating Extreme Speech in a Democratic Society
Date: 04/21/2007-04/22/2007 (Section: S1)
Dr J Fitzpatrick University of Northampton
The Idea of the City: Early Modern, Modern and Post-Modern Locations and Communities
Date: 06/08/2007-06/09/2007 (Section: H5)
Dr J Fontein University of Edinburgh
The Power of Water: Landscape, Water and the State in Southern Africa
Date: 03/28/2007-03/29/2007 (Section: S3)
Professor P J Ford Clare College, Cambridge
Invention, Intention, Persuasion: Self-expression in Renaissance Arts and Letters
Date: 03/31/2007-04/02/2007 (Section: H11)
Professor R L Fowler University of Bristol
Villa of the Papyri: Archaeology, Reception and Digital Reconstruction
Date: 09/22/2007-09/23/2007 (Section: H1)
Professor H Fraser Birkbeck, University of London
Minds, Bodies, Machines
Date: 07/06/2007-07/07/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr M Fraser Goldsmiths College University of London
Oil and Politics
Date: 05/10/2007-05/11/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr D Fuller University of Birmingham
Beyond the Book: Contemporary Cultures of Reading
Date: 09/01/2007-09/02/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr T Gazzini University of Glasgow
Judicial Review of International Economic Sanctions
Date: 04/27/2007-04/28/2007 (Section: S1)
Dr P W Geissler London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Medical Research in a Changing World Order
Date: 10/11/2007-10/13/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr S Genieys-Kirk University of Edinburgh
Ut pictura poesis and the Querelle des femmes
Date: 12/07/2007-12/09/2007 (Section: H5)
Dr B Gibson University of Liverpool
Polybius: 1957-2007
Date: 07/18/2007-07/22/2007 (Section: H1)
Professor R Gorner Queen Mary, University of London
Anglo-German Mythologies in Literature, the Visual Arts and Cultural Theory
Date: 04/25/2007-04/27/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor I Gough University of Bath
Wellbeing in International Development
Date: 06/28/2007-06/30/2007 (Section: S4)
Dr K Grayson University of Newcastle upon Tyne
From Dissidence to Defiance: Resisting the Disciplines of Global Politics
Date: 04/19/2007-04/20/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor J A Green University of Edinburgh
Renaissance? Perceptions of Continuity and Discontinuity in Europe, c. 1300-c. 1550
Date: 08/31/2007-09/01/2007 (Section: H8)
Professor R Grillo University of Sussex
Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity
Date: 07/09/2007-07/11/2007 (Section: S3)
Professor S Gunn University of Leicester
Liberal Subjects: British Social and Cultural History since the 1980s
Date: 03/28/2008-03/29/2008 (Section: H10)
Professor A D Hadfield University of Sussex
Popular Culture in the Early Modern World
Date: 09/11/2007-09/14/2007 (Section: H5)
Dr S Hales University of Bristol
Ruins & Reconstructions: Pompeii in the Popular Imagination
Date: 07/17/2007-07/19/2007 (Section: H1)
Professor E M Hall Royal Holloway, University of London
Greece, Rome and Colonial India
Date: 06/29/2007-06/29/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr A Hammel University of Sussex
German-Jewish Women Writers 1900-1938
Date: 05/17/2007-05/18/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr M Hammond Open University
The Culture of the Publisher's Series 1700-2000
Date: 10/18/2007-10/19/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor L Hardwick Open University
Current Debates in Classical Reception Research
Date: 05/18/2007-05/20/2007 (Section: H1)
Professor J Harris, FBA St Catharine?s College, Oxford
Constitutions, Civility and Violence: Europe from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century
Date: 05/04/2007-05/06/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr I P Haynes Birkbeck, University of London
7th International Roman Archaeology conference 2007
Date: 03/29/2007-04/01/2007 (Section: H7)
Dr C Hempel University of Birmingham
The Dead Sea Scrolls. Text and Context
Date: 10/29/2007-11/01/2007 (Section: H2)
Professor M Hewitt Trinity and All Saints
Victorian Soundscapes
Date: 03/16/2007-03/17/2007 (Section: H6; H11)
Dr K Hickson University of Liverpool
UK Political Ideologies: Understanding Change and Continuities
Date: 07/05/2007-07/06/2007 (Section: S5)
Dr W E Higbee University of Exeter
Re-presenting Diasporas in New Digital Media
Date: 07/24/2007-07/25/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor S Holm Cardiff University
European Society for the Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care 21st annual conference 2007
Date: 08/15/2007-08/18/2007 (Section: H12)
Professor A Holmberg University of Newcastle upon Tyne
31st GLOW Colloquium
Date: 03/25/2008-03/29/2008 (Section: H4)
Dr M Inglis University of Nottingham
The Interdisciplinary Study of Mathematical Thinking
Date: 11/21/2007-11/22/2007 (Section: S6)
Ms C M Jackson-Houlston Oxford Brookes University
Scott 8th international conference 2007
Date: 07/30/2007-08/03/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor L Jamieson University of Edinburgh
Extended and Extending Families
Date: 06/27/2007-06/29/2007 (Section: S4)
Professor C Janaway University of Southampton
Schopenhauer and the Philosophy of Value
Date: 07/09/2007-07/12/2007 (Section: H12)
Dr S Jansen University of Manchester
Towards an Anthropology of Hope? Comparative Post-Yugoslav Ethnographies
Date: 11/09/2007-11/11/2007 (Section: S3)
Professor S Jefferys London Metropolitan University
Sociology of Work 11th International conference 2007
Date: 06/20/2007-06/22/2007 (Section: S4)
Dr B E Jentsch Independent Researcher
International Migration and Rural Areas - International Perspectives
Date: 10/10/2007-10/12/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr C Jones University of Warwick
Free at Last?
Date: 07/11/2007-07/13/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr E Jones University of Leicester
Serge Doubrovsky: Life, Writing, Legacy
Date: 02/28/2007-02/28/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor P Kerswill Lancaster University
UK Language Variation and Change Conference 6
Date: 09/11/2007-09/13/2007 (Section: H4)
Dr M L Kieran University of Leeds
Mimesis, Metaphysics and Make-Believe
Date: 06/21/2007-06/23/2007 (Section: H12)
Dr Y Kim University of Edinburgh
Early Career Researchers' Conference on East Asian Studies
Date: 09/20/2007-09/22/2007 (Section: S5)
Dr S Kirchin University of Kent
British Society of Ethical Theory, annual conference 2007
Date: 07/09/2007-07/11/2007 (Section: H12)
Dr M Kornprobst University of Oxford
Arguing Global Governance: Reasoning, Persuasion, and Policy
Date: 01/04/2008-01/05/2008 (Section: S5)
Dr J Ladyman University of Bristol
The British Society for the Philosophy of Science annual conference 2007
Date: 07/05/2007-07/06/2007 (Section: H12)
Dr D Langslow University of Manchester
Ancient Latin Medical Texts 9th international conference
Date: 09/05/2007-09/08/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr J E Law University of Wales, Swansea
Communes and Despots in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy
Date: 09/05/2007-09/07/2007 (Section: H8)
Professor A Le Sueur Queen Mary, University of London
The Public/Private Law Divide: Potential for Transformation?
Date: 05/03/2007-05/05/2007 (Section: S1)
Dr A Lebow University of the West of England
First Person Films Symposia Series III
Date: 02/23/2007-02/24/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr G Lewis Lancaster University
Melancholic States
Date: 09/27/2007-09/29/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor W Lomax Kingston University
Academy of Marketing Conference
Date: 07/02/2007-07/06/2007 (Section: S4)
Dr E B Lyle University of Edinburgh
The Deep History of Stories
Date: 08/28/2007-08/30/2008 (Section: H6)
Dr G A Lynch University of Birmingham
Religion, Media and Culture: Exploring Religion and the Sacred in a Mediatized Society
Date: 04/02/2007-04/04/2007 (Section: H2)
Dr F Macpherson University of Glasgow
The Admissible Contents of Experience
Date: 03/20/2007-03/22/2007 (Section: H12)
Professor H L MacQueen, FBA University of Edinburgh
World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists 2nd congress 2007
Date: 06/27/2007-06/30/2007 (Section: S1)
Dr R J Macrides University of Birmingham
Byzantine History as Literature
Date: 04/13/2007-04/16/2007 (Section: H8)
Ms B Martin Kingston University
Fashioning the Modern Interior
Date: 05/17/2007-05/18/2007 (Section: H11)
Mrs Y McEwen University of Edinburgh
War, Journalism and History
Date: 11/09/2007-11/11/2007 (Section: H10)
Professor E McGrath, FBA Warburg Institue, University of London
The Iconography of Slavery in Europe c. 1500-1800
Date: 11/23/2007-11/24/2007 (Section: H11)
Professor R McKitterick University of Cambridge
La culture du haut moyen age: une question d'elites?
Date: 09/06/2007-09/08/2007 (Section: H8)
Professor M McLaughlin University of Oxford
International Dante Seminar 5th conference 2007
Date: 09/20/2007-09/22/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr P McManus University of Sussex
The Novel: Democracy's Form?
Date: 04/13/2007-04/14/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr J Montefiore University of Kent
Kipling conference 2007
Date: 09/07/2007-09/08/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor L Mooney University of York
French in English Manuscripts and French Manuscripts in English
Date: 07/17/2007-07/19/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr T Moore University of Durham
Western Europe in the First Millennium BC: Crossing the Divide
Date: 11/24/2007-11/26/2007 (Section: H7)
Dr E Morier-Genoud University of Oxford
The Politics of Nations and Nationalism in Lusophone Africa
Date: 12/06/2007-12/07/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr S C Morton University of Southampton
Migration and Terrorism
Date: 11/17/2007-11/18/2007 (Section: H6)
Mr A E W Muller University of Leeds
International Medieval Congress 2007
Date: 07/09/2007-07/12/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr D Muro King's College London
New Perspectives on the Spanish Transition
Date: 05/18/2007-05/19/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor L Nagib University of Leeds
Realism and the Audiovisual Media
Date: 12/03/2007-12/05/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr Y Navaro-Yashin University of Cambridge
Thinking Through Turkey, Theorising the Political
Date: 06/14/2007-06/16/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr S Niebrzydowski University of Wales, Bangor
Medieval women in their Third Age: Middle Age in the Middle Ages
Date: 09/12/2007-09/14/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr E O'Kane University of Wolverhampton
Reviewing the Good Friday Agreement: Effects, Impacts and Prospects
Date: 06/27/2007-06/28/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor M Oaksford Birkbeck, University of London
The Psychology of Conditionals
Date: 08/27/2007-08/28/2007 (Section: S6)
Dr J R Oldfield University of Southampton
Imagining Transatlantic Slavery: The Abolition of the Slave Trade in Britain and the United States
Date: 03/16/2007-03/17/2007 (Section: H9)
Dr F Orsini School of Oriental and African Studies
After Timur came: Multiple Spaces of Culture Production and Circulation in Fifteenth-Century North India
Date: 05/24/2007-05/26/2007 (Section: H9)
Dr P Panzarasa Queen Mary, University of London
Social Network Forum
Date: 07/13/2007-07/14/2007 (Section: S4)
Professor M Perraudin University of Sheffield
The Voice of the People: the European Folk Revival 1760-1914
Date: 09/06/2007-09/08/2007 (Section: H9)
Dr G Plastino University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Between Folk and Popular: the Liminal Spaces of the Vernacular
Date: 04/18/2007-04/21/2007 (Section: H11)
Dr A Pollnitz Trinity College, Cambridge
Late Humanism and Political Ideology in Northern Europe 1580-1620
Date: 07/10/2007-07/11/2007 (Section: H9)
Dr G M Radick University of Leeds
Darwinism after Darwin: New Historical Perspectives
Date: 09/03/2007-09/05/2007 (Section: H10)
Dr F J Rash Queen Mary, University of London
Anglo-German Linguistic Relations
Date: 11/09/2007-11/10/2007 (Section: H4)
Professor P Rea-Dickins University of Bristol
Language Testing and Assessment in Applied Linguistics: Identifying Reciprocity in Applied Linguistic Research
Date: 06/18/2007-06/19/2007 (Section: H4)
Miss E Richardson Bournemouth University
Transcultural Nursing Society 33rd annual conference 2007
Date: 09/19/2007-09/21/2007 (Section: S4)
Professor Sir A Roberts, FBA University of Oxford
Civil Resistance and Power Politics: Domestic and International Dimensions
Date: 03/15/2007-03/18/2007 (Section: S5)
Professor J Roberts University of London
International Society of Anglo-Saxonists 13 biennial meeting 2007
Date: 07/29/2007-08/04/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr J Robertson University of Oxford
The Intellectual Consequences of Religious Heterodoxy 1650-1750
Date: 03/14/2008-03/15/2008 (Section: H9)
Dr P J Rodmell University of Birmingham
Music in Nineteenth Century Britain 6th biennial conference
Date: 07/05/2007-07/08/2007 (Section: H11)
Dr B Rossi School of Oriental and African Studies
African Trajectories of Slavery: Perceptions, Practices, Experiences
Date: 05/25/2007-05/26/2007 (Section: H10)
Professor I C Rutherford University of Reading
Graeco-Aegyptiaca/Aegypto-Graeca: Literary Interactions between Greece and Egypt, 700BC-300AD
Date: 09/17/2007-09/19/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr N Sakr University of Westminster
Media Studies and Cultural Studies in Arab Higher Education: Mapping the Field
Date: 09/04/2007-09/05/2007 (Section: H6)
Ms M Sarley Pontin University College London
From Cane Field to Tea Cup: the Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Art and Design
Date: 02/23/2007-02/24/2007 (Section: H11)
Professor T Schmidt-Beste University of Wales, Bangor
On the Relationship of Imitation and Text Treatment: the Motet around 1500
Date: 03/29/2007-04/01/2007 (Section: H11)
Professor B Schoene Manchester Metropolitan University
Men and Madness: Representing Male Psychopathology and Mental Disorder in Modern and Contemporary Culture
Date: 06/28/2007-06/30/2007 (Section: H6; S4)
Dr P Schofield University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Medieval Economy and Society 9th Anglo-American seminar
Date: 07/06/2007-07/09/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr E Schonfield St Peter?s College, Oxford
Alfred Doblin (1878-1957): Beyond the Alexanderplatz
Date: 03/21/2007-03/23/2007 (Section: H6)
Mr B Schwarz Queen Mary, University of London
James Baldwin: Work, Life and Legacies
Date: 06/20/2007-06/30/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr P Scott University of Manchester
Re-moralising Britain? 10 Years of New Labour: Faith, Morals and Governance
Date: 05/17/2007-05/18/2007 (Section: H2)
Dr S Scullion Worcester College, Oxford
Theorising Performance Reception
Date: 09/14/2007-09/17/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr R Sear London School of Economics and Political Science
European Human Behaviour and Evolution annual conference 2007
Date: 03/28/2007-03/30/2007 (Section: S6)
Dr M Sebastiano University of St Andrews
The Arche Vagueness Conference
Date: 06/08/2007-06/09/2007 (Section: H12)
Professor N D Segal Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London
Psychoanalysis and the Arts & Humanities: a Multilingual Perspective
Date: 01/17/2008-01/19/2008 (Section: H6)
Dr A Sennis University College London
Medieval Communities AD500-1200
Date: 09/22/2007-09/23/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr M Spunta University of Leicester
Literature as 'Fantastication' : in Conversation with Gianni Celati
Date: 05/02/2007-05/04/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr J Stallabrass Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Between Culture and Capital
Date: 10/09/2007-10/10/2007 (Section: H11)
Mr D Starr University of Durham
British Association for Chinese Studies annual conference 2007
Date: 09/06/2007-09/07/2007 (Section: H3)
Professor M Swales , FBA University College London
Containment and Subversion: the Work and Person of Heinrich von Kleist
Date: 10/04/2007-10/05/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr L S Talani University of Bath
The Future of Economic and Monetary Union
Date: 10/12/2007-10/13/2007 (Section: S2)
Dr M Tallerman University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Celtic Linguistics 5th conference
Date: 09/07/2007-09/09/2007 (Section: H4)
Dr F Tallett University of Reading
Crossing the Divide: Continuity and Change in Medieval and Early Modern Warfare 1350-1750
Date: 09/11/2007-09/12/2007 (Section: H9)
Dr A Taylor Churchill College, Cambridge
Cambridge Society for Neo-Latin studies symposium 2007
Date: 09/02/2007-09/04/2007 (Section: H5)
Dr M Taylor-Batty University of Leeds
Artist and Citizen: 50 Years of Performing Pinter
Date: 04/12/2007-04/15/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr J Thatcher University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Reversal Theory 13th international conference 2007
Date: 07/01/2007-07/05/2007 (Section: S6)
Dr T Trodd University of Edinburgh
Screen/Space: the Projected Image in Contemporary Art
Date: 04/20/2007-04/21/2007 (Section: H11)
Dr S Tyre University of St Andrews
21st annual conference of the Society for the Study of French History
Date: 07/01/2007-07/03/2007 (Section: H9)
Professor D Tziovas University of Birmingham
Diaspora and Migration: Otherness, Identity and Movement in and out of Greece
Date: 06/28/2007-06/29/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr D Van Miert Warburg Institute, University of London
Observation in Early Modern Letters 1500-1650
Date: 06/29/2007-06/30/2007 (Section: H5)
Dr H Vassallo University of Exeter
Alienation and Alterity: Otherness in Modern and Contemporary Francophone Contexts
Date: 09/04/2007-09/06/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr G Wakefield University of Durham
Pentecost at Sunderland
Date: 09/19/2007-09/21/2007 (Section: H2)
Professor C Ward Thompson Edinburgh College of Art
Open Space: People Space 2
Date: 09/19/2007-09/21/2007 (Section: S3)
Dr T Warren University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Belonging: Citizenship, Difference and Inequality
Date: 09/10/2007-09/11/2007 (Section: S4)
Professor A Wealleans Kingston University
In Between Concept, Practice and Discipline: the Legacy of the Independent Group
Date: 03/23/2007-03/24/2007 (Section: H11)
Dr B Weiler University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Plantagenet Britain and its Neighbours, c. 1180-c. 1330
Date: 09/10/2007-09/13/2007 (Section: H8)
Dr E Welch University of Durham
Locating Photography: Between the Local, the National and the Universal
Date: 09/20/2007-09/22/2007 (Section: H6)
Ms E Westecott University of Wales, Newport
Women in Games 2007
Date: 04/19/2007-04/21/2007 (Section: H6)
Professor H L Williams University of Wales, Aberystwyth
UK Kant Society 4th annual graduate conference 2007
Date: 07/11/2007-07/12/2007 (Section: H12)
Professor M L Williams University of Wales, Swansea
Rights, Ethics, Law & Literature International Colloquium
Date: 07/06/2007-07/08/2007 (Section: S1)
Dr R Witcher University of Durham
Cities and Gods: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion and Urbanism in the Roman World
Date: 07/06/2007-07/07/2007 (Section: H1)
Professor G Woolf University of St Andrews
Encyclopaedism Before the Enlightenment
Date: 06/13/2007-06/15/2007 (Section: H1)
Professor M Wyke University College London
Perceptions of Horace
Date: 07/05/2007-07/06/2007 (Section: H1)
Dr P Young University of Exeter
Neo-Victorianism: The Politics and Aesthetics of Appropriation
Date: 09/10/2007-09/12/2007 (Section: H6)
Dr J Zalabardo University College London
Reading Wittgenstein. Conference in honour of Hide Ishiguro
Date: 09/14/2007-09/15/2007 (Section: H12)
Dr B Zon University of Durham
Music and Evolutionary Thought
Date: 06/22/2007-06/23/2007 (Section: H11)
Professor M Zvelebil University of Sheffield
Trajectories of Neolithisation
Date: 10/19/2007-10/21/2007 (Section: H7)