Dr J Andermann Birkbeck, University of London
Entranced earth: modernity and the landscape in Latin America
(Section: H6) £98327
Professor M Andrews University of Kent
Scholarly editions of newly discovered letters by Charles Dickens
(Section: H6) £54138
Dr O Bandiera London School of Economics and Political Science
The making of modern America: characteristics and outcomes of migrants to the United States 1892-1924
(Section: S2) £119549
Dr T Blackshaw Sheffield Hallam University
Looking back with pre-baby-boomer generation: an oral history of working-class culture in south Leads circa 1940-2000
(Section: S4) £111142
Dr T Bowyer University of Wales, Swansea
Social support amongst post-conflict communities in the Peruvian Andes
(Section: S4) £113101
Dr C Capelli University of Oxford
The Greeks in the West: the genetic legacy colonisation in South Italy and Sicily
(Section: H7) £118646
Dr J Cook University of Leeds
Exploring migration and intergenerational relations amongst African migrants to Britain and France
(Section: S4) £104910
Dr P R Cooke University of Exeter
An electronic edition of the journalism of Francois Mauriac (1937-38)
(Section: H6) £57317
Dr J D Creighton University of Reading
The cemeteries and the extra-mural settlement of Silchester Iron Age and Roman Town
(Section: H7) £96094
Dr R J Crisp University of Kent
Perceiving multiple identities: benefits beyond intergroup relations
(Section: S6) £112594
Dr S Elbe University of Sussex
Towards 'global' heath security? The medicalization of security in the twenty-first century
(Section: S5) £88203
Dr J S Ellis University of Sheffield
A study of letter writing in the twentieth-century
(Section: H6) £86539
Dr J Garnett University of Oxford
Sources of the sacred: migration, modernity and religious identity in global London
(Section: H10) £119937
Dr A P Geraghty University of York
The Sheldonian Theatre: architecture and society in Restoration Oxford
(Section: H11) £32399
Dr A Ghosh University of Manchester
Calcutta: scandal, death and crime in a colonial city c. 1850-1920
(Section: H10) £79208
Professor A D Hadfield University of Sussex
A biography of Edmund Spenser
(Section: H5) £119756
Dr J Hawkes University of York
Constructing a scholarship: an historiography of Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture from the Reformation to the present day
(Section: H8) £87342
Dr H Kwon University of Edinburgh
New ancestral shrines after the Cold War
(Section: S3) £88441
Professor A Laird University of Warwick
The culture of Latin in Colonial Mexico: Creole humanism and native memory
(Section: H1; H5) £119988
Professor R J Matthews University College London
Central Zagros archaeological project (CZAP) phase one: socio-economic transformations in the Early Neolithic
(Section: H7) £93102
Dr M McGonigle University of Edinburgh
Enabling language development in nonverbal children with autism
(Section: S6) £19658
Dr S Morrissey School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UCL
Political violence in Russia, 1901-1911
(Section: H10) £101350
Dr R Murphy St Anthony’s College, Oxford
Labour migration and the influence of social support from families, schools and absent parents on the resilience of children left-behind in rural China
(Section: S4) £79780
Dr A Perry-Kessaris Birkbeck, University of London
The economic approach to law and development: principles, effects and defects
(Section: S1) £85144
Dr C Preston Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
Retreats of knowledge: English literature and scientific investigation in the seventeenth century
(Section: H9) £77951
Professor N Rapport University of St Andrews
The cosmopolitan project of anthropology
(Section: S3) £103238
Professor M B Richards University of Leeds
Using mitochondrial DNA to investigate the prehistoric settlement of Myanma Pyay (Burma)
(Section: H7) £94184
Dr K Robson Brown University of Bristol
The osteoarchaeology of African-British populations 1750-1850: Bristol, London and a comparison with New York
(Section: H7) £42188
Ms A Ross University of Dundee
Implementing sustainable development: the relationship between strategies, obligations and indicators - a legal perspective
(Section: S1) £78461
Professor D Rueda Merton College, Oxford
The political consequence of inequality
(Section: S5) £71247
Professor R Sharpe, FBA University of Oxford
Corpus of British Medieval library catalogues
(Section: H8) £82021
Dr N Sum Lancaster University
Changing cultures of competitiveness
(Section: S5) £74256
Dr J Tasioulas Corpus Christi College, Oxford
The idea of human rights: from morality to law
(Section: H12; S1) £113741
Dr P Thompson University of Sheffield
Ernst Bloch and the return of religion
(Section: H2; S5) £86060
Dr R Whatmore University of Sussex
Calvinism and enlightenment ion the long eighteenth century
(Section: H9) £105866
Dr A Williams Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
The architecture of theology: structure, system and ratio
(Section: H2) £112164
Dr S Zeedyk University of Dundee
Not just aping: what imitation tells us about being human
(Section: S6)