Addyman, Caspar EN150192
Lecturer, Psychology; Goldsmiths, University of London
Open science for Social Scientists
Open Access is one step in a bigger journey that researchers have been slow to take. This project will organise a one-day workshop with a strong practical element that aims to inspire and educate researchers across all social sciences disciplines on how to do better. Recently the Open Science movement has been developing a range of tools and practices that open the whole research process. This involves improving engagement, improving reproducibility, sharing data, computer code and other research outputs. Social scientists are largely unaware of this. The morning will feature invited experts showcasing open science practices based on their own experience. The afternoon will be a hands-on “Hackday” Attendees will sketch an open science solution to a problem in their own research. Experts and technologists will be on hand to assist. The event will finish with presentations and prizes awarded by distinguished panel of judges, including Professor Nigel Vincent, FBA, former BA vice-president for Research and HE Policy and Dr Rufus Pollock, founder of the Open Knowledge foundation.
Award value: £10,682
Blome-Tillmann, Michael EN150159
Marie Curie Fellowship, Faculty of Philosophy; University of Cambridge
Future Directions in Epistemology: Formal, Informal, Applied
In recent years, formal approaches to epistemology have become increasingly popular. Careful formal research can provide a much richer understanding of epistemological problems than informal epistemology alone. Yet formal approaches remain somewhat rare in a variety of fields of traditional, informal epistemology. Very little formal research exists, e.g., on the semantics of “knowledge” attributions, feminist epistemology, or on statistical problems in evidence law. The goal of this project is to mentor and bring together young academics (PhDs, postdocs, junior lecturers) based at UK institutions who carry out research in epistemology (formal and informal). This goal will be achieved through a workshop hosted at the Faculty of Philosophy in September 2016, and a half-day engagement event at the British Academy in February 2017. Alongside the applicant, three senior academics with extensive expertise in formal and informal epistemology will be invited to provide guidance to early career researchers at the workshop.
Award value: £11,750
Braniff, Marie EN150149
Lecturer, School of Sociology and Applied Social Studies; University of Ulster
Digital Devolution Network: Enhancing Engagement and Impact in Early Career Researchers
The Digital Devolution Network engages early career researchers (ECRs) from the humanities and social sciences in a yearlong programme of mentoring, training and networking for engagement and impact on thematic priorities of UK devolved governments. The project supports ECRs located within academic institutions around the UK in four ways: firstly, by bringing ECRs together to network, collaborate and learn from their peers both face-to-face and online; secondly, by equipping ECRs with innovative dissemination tools to engage with and impact a range of beneficiaries; thirdly, by establishing mentorship and training from impact generating academics, representatives from research councils, policy makers and digital ambassadors for research; and fourthly, by providing platforms to showcase ECR research to policymakers, research councils, media, private sector and community organisations. This project is dedicated to championing contemporary ECR research from humanities and social sciences and aligned to generating impact and engagement.
Award value: £13,100
Dinardi, Cecilia EN150147
Urban Studies Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Creative Cities; City University, London
Urban Cultural Policy and Creativity: A Platform for Creative City Exchanges between Policy and Academic Communities
The promotion of “creative cities” has become the latest trend in global urbanism, championed by international agencies and celebrated by local governments across the world. This creative turn is problematic not only in view of the policy use of a culture and creativity rhetoric for city branding but also the transfer of policy ideas to different contexts in which they were first developed. The proposed one-day international seminar at City University London will bring together early career researchers, established scholars (including experts from Latin America, Africa and Asia) and postgraduate students with international cultural policy development agencies (UNESCO, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Goethe-Institut, British Council, Danish Agency for Culture) to discuss the challenges and opportunities for cultural and creative economies to address local needs towards fostering more just and less unequal creative cities. It will allow collaborative networks to be built that will lead to future partnerships between policy agencies and academic institutions globally.
Award value: £12,498
Doidge, Mark EN150166
Senior Research Fellow, School of Sport and Service Management; University of Brighton
'Refugees Welcome': Football fans & community in Europe
The proposed project consists of two workshops addressing how grassroots football clubs and fan groups can build support networks for refugees. The first workshop will be held in Hamburg with the fan-led organisation Football Supporters Europe and will discuss best practices from across Europe, including groups who have worked with refugees. The second showcase workshop will be held in Brighton to focus on how fans can help integrate refugees into communities. Football fans are the focus as they are often one of the first places where socially negative attitudes emerge. Football has been shown to be an excellent way to integrate refugees (Tuastad 1997; Sugden 2008; 2010; Gasser & Levinsen 2010). Fans are one of the first pan-European movements collectively addressing the refugee issue. The proposed programme will bring together fan groups, academics, policy makers, refugees and civil society groups to discuss the current situation, disseminate ideas and strategies, and then produce toolkits for use by fan groups, refugees, UEFA (European football federation) and national federations.
Award value: £14,996
Donington, Katie EN150148
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of American and Canadian Studies; University of Nottingham
Re-presenting slavery: making a public usable past
This project will bring together emerging UK slavery scholars to form an early career researchers (ECR) network for the purposes of engaging the public with their research. Participants in the programme will be offered training and advice on how to make their research accessible and how to gain funding for arts based public engagement projects. Each workshop will explore how the subject of slavery intersects with different strategies of representation within the arts, public history and education. It will focus on using creative techniques to engage a variety of audiences. By bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, non-academic practitioners and community representatives this programme will facilitate knowledge exchange, innovative thinking and future partnerships that will enable ECRs to connect with local and regional audiences outside of academics. The project website will provide a lasting legacy; it will document the year's engagement events, provide funding information, facilitate new partnerships and thinking, and showcase examples of best practice.
Award value: £14,997
Fenwick, Corisande EN150163
Lecturer, Archaeology; University College, London
Rethinking the (Early) Islamic State
This engagement event will provide the space for an agenda-setting dialogue about the new and significant challenges facing those who study the archaeology and history of the Islamic world in the wake of the advance of the Islamic State group (ISIL). It will bring together early-career archaeologists, historians and art historians with established academics to discuss three pressing problems: first, how to challenge static and simplistic concepts of Islamic statehood, Muslim power and sovereignty; second, how to bridge existing disciplinary and regional divides in Islamic scholarship, particularly those between archaeologists and historians; and third, how to provide the next generation of UK scholars with the tools to demonstrate the relevance and implications of their research beyond the academy. The initiative is intended to encourage early career researchers to build new networks, to map new directions for collaborative research, and to showcase the latest work on the roots of Muslim rulership at a time when concepts of Islamic statehood are violently contested.
Award value: £14,995
Fikfak, Veronika EN150173
Lecturer, Faculty of Law; University of Cambridge
The Future of Human Rights in the United Kingdom: New Voices
The 2015 general election promises to redefine the British constitutional landscape. The conservative government has indicated it intends to repeal the Human Rights Act and withdraw from the European Convention of Human Rights. The future of human rights protection in the UK is therefore more uncertain than ever before. What remains unclear in particular is how judges, the Parliament and the devolved powers are likely to respond to the actions of the government. Will they take on an activist position in enforcing human rights or does the repeal of HRA signify a reduction in human rights protection in the UK? The engagement plans to provide a platform for new voices -12 young scholars - to discuss their ideas about the potential future of human rights in the UK with policymakers and scholars. The goal will be achieved through a workshop hosted in Cambridge at which each young scholar will present their work and discuss it with a judge, a legal adviser to Parliament, or a senior academic who will provide feedback on their work. A half-day event at the British Academy will follow.
Award value: £12,165
Fleet, Paul EN150156
Director of Excellence in Learning and Teaching for Arts and Culture; Newcastle University
Forgetting to Remember: the role of women in science through co-creative musical presentations
Can you name ten female scientists? Or ten female composers? That this proves to be a difficult task for many, including scientists and composers, may directly contribute to our, and specifically our younger generation’s, awareness of the important roles that have been and are being played by women in science. This project will enable the interaction of female scientists with composers in the co-production of their research in a cultural and creative presentation. This will be hosted in a café style gathering where female scientists will be active in the coproduction of their research in a cultural and creative presentation alongside composers and performers. Drawing from colleagues across the three faculties of medical science, science, agriculture and engineering, and humanities and social science at Newcastle University and in partnership with the Electric Voice Theatre, this public event will showcase the science “being done” in an active environment at the internationally recognized venue the Sage Gateshead, UK.
Award value: £14,700
Gliga, Teodora EN150187
Athena SWAN departmental member/MRC Programme Leader; Birkbeck, University of London
Neuroscience in the playground: bringing together psychology, education and technology to investigate human curiosity
Greatly prized by scientists and educators alike, human curiosity remains a puzzle for psychologists. More than any other ability, understanding information seeking and exploration will benefit from leaving the research lab for natural settings, including those of formal education. I will build on the wide interest in curiosity, and my own scientific investment in studying its ontogeny, to foster collaboration between research and education. I propose two activities. A “research taster” workshop aimed at prospective and current students from new programmes in education & neuroscience, will help them formulate career choices and research ideas by exposing them to the latest research into early learning as well as to voices from the field of education. The second activity will yield tools for collaborative work, in the form of podcasts that illustrate the why and how of various experimental approaches to understanding children's learning. Presented by early career researchers, these podcast will be freely available to introduce research to parents, teachers and any other stakeholders.
Award value: £14,232
Hinarejos, Alicia EN150158
Lecturer, Faculty of Law; University of Cambridge
New Challenges to European Solidarity: Immigration, Social Policy and the Euro
The European Union finds itself at a historical crossroads. It currently faces a number of existential threats that need a common and unified response; yet such a common response is likely to require the sharing of burdens and financial sacrifices for the individual Member States to an unprecedented degree. This project investigates three central challenges to European solidarity: the future of fiscal and economic governance, the design of a common social policy and, most acutely at present, a common response to immigration. The responses that the Union gives to these challenges will shape European integration for the foreseeable future. The goal of this project is to mentor and bring together young academics based at UK institutions who carry out research in these areas of EU law. This will be achieved through a workshop hosted at the Faculty of Law and an engagement event at the British Academy.
Award value: £14,985
Johnstone, Andrew EN150131
Senior Lecturer in American History; University of Leicester
The US and Us: American History in Britain in the Twenty-First Century
The aim of this project is to create two events to develop the skills of early career historians of the United States based in Britain. The events will revitalise the dialogue about the state of US history, but they will also address the specific challenges facing US historians in Britain. With the assistance of a range of senior academics with experience across a wide array of skills, as well as US-based archivists from the US National Archives and the Library of Congress, the events will focus on a number of key issues and their implications for future research. Most notably these include the challenges of engaging the wider public with historical research on the United States, and the possibilities and problems created by the growing amount of (often random) online archival material. As well as setting the agenda for the next generation of US historians, the events will bring together a community of younger scholars to advance that agenda. The events will be held at the University of Leicester's College Court Conference Facility and the British Library's Conference Centre.
Award value: £14,971
Jones, Matthew EN150128
Lecturer in Cinema and Television History; De Montfort University
Cinema, memory and the community
This project will bring together early career scholars, research leaders, community groups, local history organisations and learned societies to share best practice and community engagement strategies for those interested in collecting and preserving memories of cinema. Cinema-going memories have been of great fascination within many British communities, but ethical issues and methodological complications are a barrier to entry for many researchers within and beyond universities. To address this, the project will deliver two discussion and skills training workshops, one focused on previous and continuing work and the other on preparation for future collaborations, an online learning resource and document library, and the establishment of an informal network of interested parties. This will enable early career scholars and community-based groups to confidently and effectively collect, preserve and study local cinema memories. Beyond the lifecycle of the project itself, this network will continue to stimulate and support partnerships between researchers and local communities.
Award value: £14,998
Karmowska, Joanna EN150157
Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies and International Management; Oxford Brookes University
SMEs - Small but with Global Potential
With globalization, SMEs have to develop their distinctive and dynamic capabilities and use them effectively to compete against other companies in a range of markets, regardless of size. To achieve this, the knowledge and understanding of the business environment as well as connections and relationships that an SME has with other companies and support agencies are crucially important to overcome resource constraints and to reduce risks. This two-day workshop will bring together academics, practitioners, as well as representatives of governmental and regional support agencies, to share the knowledge, experience and approaches to the internationalization of SMEs, and to look for possible ways to move forward together. It is expected that this holistic approach will offer better understanding and new insights to all parties.
Award value: £14,580
Kaufmann, Helen EN150137
Stipendiary lecturer; University of Oxford
Voices in Late Latin Poetry
In the UK, late antique studies attract considerable interest nowadays, and within the field, late antique history and late imperial Greek literature are particularly well developed research areas. Late Latin poetry, on the other hand, and in particular the literary study of it has only recently begun to gain strength in the UK, unlike in other European countries and in North America, where it has already been a thriving discipline for at least half a century. For this reason, UK doctoral students and early career researchers engaged in literary studies on late Latin poetry can find themselves isolated at their home institutions as well as in front of scholarship from research traditions not their own. The proposed engagement programme aims at establishing a national network of such postgraduates and early career researchers, at familiarizing them with the various research traditions elsewhere as well as at linking them to the international network of young scholars working in the same field. This is expected to result in a network for future national and international collaboration.
Award value: £14,435
Kiefer, Chris EN150164
Lecturer in Digital Humanities / Digital Technologies / Digital Performance; University of Sussex
Interdisciplinary and Historical Explorations in the Design of Contemporary Creative Tools, Instruments and Interfaces
As a resurgence in tangible tools and creativity moves us forward from an era of dominance by screen-based creative technologies, how can we learn from practitioners in broader design disciplines and from historical best practice? The proposed activity seeks to respond to this question via a two-day international practice-led research symposium. It will bring together leading designers from fields outside of creative technologies (e.g industrial design), experts on historical design practice (e.g. analogue technologies or vintage computing) with designers of contemporary creative tools and instruments, including academics, makers/hackers, artists, and members of the creative industries. The event will focus on knowledge sharing and network building through practical workshops, discussions, presentations and public performances, to build future collaborations and contribute to determinant research policy debates.
Award value: £14,896
Krishnan, Madhu EN150180
Lecturer in English Literature (20th/21st Century Postcolonial Writing); University of Bristol
Ethics, Affect and Responsibility: Global Citizenship and the Act of Reading
‘Ethics, Affect and Responsibility: Global Citizenship and the Act of Reading’ brings together scholars from the humanities and social sciences with writers, NGOs and arts organisations for a series of workshops examining how, through its affective possibilities, reading, writing and teaching literature enables global citizenship and activism beyond the academy. Much has been written about the ways in which, by allowing access to fictional other minds, imaginative literature might provide an avenue for genuine empathy towards those whose lives are too often considered remote from our own, reduced to headlines. At the same time, there remains a risk that the awareness raised through literary reading might collapse into a passive form of appropriation, reifying hierarchies of power. This series of events will provide an opportunity for participants to reflect on how we might best engage with literature in the cause of human rights without falling into these pitfalls. Activities will be documented on a collaborative website containing evaluations and materials from the workshops.
Award value: £13,089
Ludlow, Amy EN150160
Faculty of Law / Institute of Criminology; University of Cambridge
Understanding Prison Life: New Research Frontiers
This proposal would create a European network of 10 early career researchers on internal aspects of prison life. They would be brought together with senior academics, practitioners and policymakers to explore the future of this field of research in 2 roundtables (in HMP Edinburgh and Brussels) a 1 day conference in Cambridge. The proposed programme would explore four questions: 1. how do we, and should we, conceptualise prisons research and what do we imagine for the future of this field?; 2. what are the fundamental values and aims of prisons research, and what gives the field life and energy?; 3. how do we most authentically describe the nature and impacts of prison life, what is the politics of method in this field and what sorts of methodological innovation and international collaboration might enrich our understandings?; 4. what does it mean to research ethically in prisons and what is the relationship between research and action? Alongside advancing the field intellectually, the programme would support the creation of transnational research agendas and collaborations.
Award value: £14,900
Mandrigin, Alisa EN150136
Post-doctoral Research Fellow; University of Warwick.
Early Career Mind Network
The aim of the Early Career Mind Network project is to establish a strong network of early career researchers in the philosophy of mind who do not yet have permanent positions in academic philosophy. This group faces particular challenges that can hinder career progress, in particular a lack of opportunities to engage with our peers and with the public. This initiative addresses the challenges we face by providing opportunities for peer-to-peer research, professional guidance and public engagement. The project is structured around three initiatives: (1) a series of research forums will allow participants to engage in research focused discussions, providing the foundations for outstanding and innovative research; (2) a conference will allow participants to share their work with world-leading senior academics, thereby expanding their network of contacts and collaborators; (3) an engagement event will cultivate the abilities of early career philosophers of mind to contribute to public debate and policy making about the mind, mental health and well-being.
Award value: £15,000
Marique, Yseult EN150122
Senior Lecturer, School of Law; University of Essex
Shaping a European legal culture - Opportunities and challenges for comparative public law
At a time when EU membership faces strong challenges in the UK and abroad, this project aims to improve the understanding of the processes and institutions shaping the constitutional and administrative identity of EU member states. By comparing how the organization and role of public bodies have varied in time and space across Europe, the project will highlight how their history and political dynamics have made each member state distinctive. Suggesting that the European legal culture is based on the diversity in the relationships between states, markets and civil society, the project aims to facilitate the dialogue between public comparative lawyers, policy-makers and legal actors. It seeks to inform current political debates on the EU integration process through a legal analysis informed by comparative experiences and engagement with policy-makers and legal actors. By convening two workshops and a conference, this project will develop a community of early career researchers (ECR) from the UK and abroad mentored by senior academics so that ECR are equipped for this exchange process.
Award value: £14,922
Norman, Julie EN150152
Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation & Social Justice; Queen’s University, Belfast
Collaboration in Conflict: Cross-Community Engagement in Divided Societies
How can early-career researchers work collaboratively with community partners to deliver high-impact research, especially in communities affected by conflict or social divisions? The proposed programme uses a participatory research approach to engage both emerging scholars and community partners in identifying theoretical frameworks and practical methodologies that support the cultivation of meaningful knowledge exchanges. The programme focuses specifically on engagement with partners in communities in conflict, identifying the particular challenges, considerations, and opportunities of conducting participatory research in divided societies. The project aims to support early career researchers and community partners over a 9-month period as they design and implement high impact research in conflict communities. The program consists two bookend events: an initial knowledge exchange and workshop, and a closing showcase and discussion of best practices, with online training and mentoring in the interim to support researchers through the collaborative process.
Award value: £15,000
Pelopidas, Benoit EN150120
Lecturer in International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law; University of Bristol
Teaching cases of near use of nuclear weapons in American and British high/secondary schools. A first step.
This proposed engagement addresses a disconnect between the teaching of contemporary history (post 1945) in high/secondary school as the “long peace” and a growing scholarship on cases of near use of nuclear weapons during that period in which good luck or good decisions based on false information avoided the use of nuclear weapons. In a context in which the next generation of world citizens feels increasingly removed from nuclear weapons related realities, closing this gap is crucial for democracy and for the struggle against complacency which increases nuclear danger. To that effect, this proposed engagement brings together scholars of those issues and high school teachers, textbook authors and curriculum designers from the US and the UK. It does so via two two-day workshops in Bristol. In the first one, the teaching material that would need to be produced in order for high school teaching to incorporate the latest findings on this issue will be developed. A year later, the two groups will meet again and assess the teaching material produced and used in the meantime.
Award value: £13,853
Psygkas, Athanasios EN150119
Lecturer, Law; University of Bristol
Democracy Beyond Elections: Empowering Citizens, Strengthening Participation
There is widespread discussion about a purported lack of democratic engagement, declining turnouts in general elections, and declining registration rates with political parties. This, in turn, seems to reflect a picture of citizens that are disengaged from politics. The proposed engagement programme is a two-day conference which would bring together academics, policymakers and civil society representatives to engage critically with these questions. One of the themes would be that this conventional narrative can be misleading as public engagement is not exhausted at the ballot box for general elections. Instead, the conference would open up a conversation between academic and non-academic actors on ethical, historical and philosophical questions around democratic participation, as well as on institutional mechanisms through which citizens are or can be empowered to participate in politics beyond election day. The research and practical expertise of the participants would illuminate the issues and facilitate the development or promotion of creative institutional innovations
Award value: £14,937
Redford, Catherine EN150185
Career Development Fellow in English Language and Literature; University of Oxford
Academics in the Classroom: Facilitating Research-led Outreach Work with School Students
This proposed event will provide training, networking, and a space for discussion and reflection for early career academics interested in English language and literature outreach work with schools. ECAs and current teachers of Key Stage 4 and 5 English will work collaboratively at an intensive two-day workshop structured around a series of formal talks covering topics such as the new curriculum and pedagogical best practice; reflective roundtable discussions about the successes and limitations of current outreach work; and forums in which the participants will discuss possible new and innovative outreach schemes to put in place. ECAs will gain the tools, network, and confidence to adapt their research for a younger audience in appropriate and useful ways, as well as gaining vital public engagement experience. This outreach work will be of great benefit to schools, who will be able to offer their students the opportunity to be inspired and challenged by active researchers.
Award value: £11,395
Umoren, Imaobong EN150107
Career Development Fellow in Women in the Humanities, History Faculty; University of Oxford
The Global Pursuit of Equality: Women, Networks and Networking 1800-2000
This engagement project develops the existing Women in the Humanities research programme based at the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH). It considers the importance of women's networks and the practice of networking in driving forward women's equality in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries from a global perspective. This era saw an increase in networks and networking across the world due to the rapid rise of globalisation, the transport, technology, and communication revolutions, which enabled connections across national borders. The proposed one-day workshop and subsequent two-day conference will explore how a range of literary, religious, suffrage, feminist, nationalist, academic, scientific and medical networks pushed for equality and their successes and limitations. It will also examine links between local and global networks and the gendered practice of networking. This interdisciplinary project unites researchers in the humanities and social sciences. The engagement will also focus on the significance of networks for the development of early career scholars.
Award value: £13,200
Vasanthakumar, Ashwini EN150172
Lecturer in Political Theory; University of York
Ceding Sovereignty, Eluding Accountability? The Role of Private Actors in Immigration Enforcement
Private actors increasingly are called upon to enforce immigration law. From private security firms involved in immigration detention, to airline operators, to employers, and individual landlords, states increasingly outsource immigration enforcement to private actors. The use of private actors raises a number of questions of philosophical interest, legal import, and practical concern. This workshop aims to inaugurate a multidisciplinary network of early career researchers, legal practitioners, journalists and policymakers that will (1) provide concrete answers to these questions; (2) identify best practices that guide the use of private actors in immigration enforcement; and will (3) foster future conversations and meetings across academia and practice, including with private actors and policymakers. This workshop and the network it inaugurates will afford ECRs the opportunity to engage with established scholars and practitioners over an important but under examined public policy question, to the benefit their scholarship, its political application, and its wider dissemination.
Award value: £5050
von Stumm, Sophie EN150175
Senior Lecturer, Psychology; Goldsmiths, University of London
Empowering early career researchers to collect 'big data' with innovative assessment tools
Recent technological advances have led to a vast number of research tools that enable collecting 'big' high-quality data, which are the marrow of all science. However, most early career researchers lack expertise and resources to apply these tools in their own studies, which creates a loss for their individual careers and for science in general. To alleviate this problem, I will organize a showcase event at which established scientists, technology companies, and media and crowd-sourcing experts will introduce early career researchers to the latest assessment tools from different scientific disciplines. The early career researchers will be actively engaged through a competition for support to develop a novel tool for their own research. The event proposed here will allow securing funding for similar subsequent meetings of larger scope that will empower early career researchers to do better science by educating them about data collection tools, while offering at the same time networking opportunities and training in research skills.
Award value: £14,801
Wood, Philip EN150116
Associate Professor, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations; Aga Khan University
Academics and Digital Media: Tools for Effective Engagement
This event is intended to provide early-career academics with the skills to engage with digital media. Expert facilitators will help participants frame their research for a wider audience and expose them to the 'tools of the trade' in a changing media landscape. In a digital environment where there is no limit to the number of potential participants, specialist knowledge has the potential to set academics apart from other media users. Employed correctly, digital media can allow those at the coal-face of scholarship to tell their own stories and nuance the public understandings of events, both past and present. This initiative aims to create a mutually-supportive body of scholars who are engaged in the public's reception of complex ideas.
Award value: £9,970
Woolner, Pamela EN150174
Lecturer in School of Education Communication and Language Science, Newcastle University
Art and SOLE
Art and SOLE brings together Early Career Researchers and a range of Education Professionals in a developmental programme uniting art-based and technologyenhanced
pedagogies. Engagement in this process supports Early Career Researchers in developing skills and partnerships in participatory, practice-based, multidisciplinary research, simultaneously supporting the emergence of innovative education practices in formal and informal learning settings. The programme will sustain impacts beyond its immediate participants and lifespan through the creation of pedagogy and research approaches which connect research and practice contexts through a focus on supporting learning for the general public. This will be a programme of co-created enquiries, initiated in a gallery and cohered in a museum, shared throughout on social media.
Award value: £14,900.65