Small Research Grants Awards 2007-08

Funded by

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2007-08.

Dr H Abbott University of Wales, Bangor
Hymns, hesitations and heredities: why composers distort and disrupt poems
(Section: H6) £2477

Dr N Adams University of Edinburgh
The eclipse of grace: divine and human action in German idealism
(Section: H2) £6632

Dr Adams University of Southampton
Perceived depth from shading and stereopis: a modelling approach
(Section: S6) £6733

Dr M Adkins University of Huddersfield
Bricolage: a study to show how experimental electronica can be recontextualized as an extension of the paradigms of electroacoustic music
(Section: H11) £4910

Professor C C Aitchison University of Bedfordshire
Gender, sport and Muslim identities: human rights and responsibilities in the adoption, adaptation and contestation of Western leisure and sport policies by women's organisations in Iran
(Section: S4) £7472

Dr S Akter Independent Researcher
What makes exit from poverty
(Section: S4) £6750

Dr N Al-Ali School of Oriental and African Studies
Perpetrators or victims of violence? Men and masculinities in the Iraqi Diaspora
(Section: S5) £7475

Dr Albornoz University of Birmingham
Export dynamics, determinants and effects
(Section: S2) £4440

Dr M Allen Lancaster University
Do young children understand the flexibility of visual symbols?
(Section: S6) £6608

Dr P Allmer Manchester Metropolitan University
Rene Magritte: beyond painting
(Section: H11) £1943

Dr C L R Alston University of Ulster
International Tolstoyans, 1880-1940
(Section: H10) £6000

Dr D Annaz University of Edinburgh
Sleep and learning consolidation in children with development disorders
(Section: S6) £6511

Dr G Anthony Queen's University Belfast
The search for values in global administrative law
(Section: S1) £5350

Dr E Antonova King's College London
Three modes of mid: neural correlates of mindless emoting, conceptualising and mindfulness
(Section: S6) £7200

Professor I Armit University of Bradford
Iron Age landscapes of southern France: geophysical prospection at Le Castellan, Istres and its hinterland
(Section: H7) £7350

Dr Ashley University College London
Migration archaeologies of Northern Botswana
(Section: H7) £7445

Dr N M Ashton British Museum
The Crayford brickearths project
(Section: H7) £5003

Dr N R Aston University of Leicester
William Petty, 2nd earl of Shelburne (1737-1805) in family and dynastic context
(Section: H9) £5247

Dr M Atherton Other Institution
From chronicle to romance: narrative in late old English literature
(Section: H8) £1988

Professor D Attwell University of York
The Cambridge history of South African literature
(Section: H6) £7500

Ms F Attwood Sheffield Hallam University
Young people's sexual cultures: and exploratory project with researchers, agencies and educators
(Section: S4) £5840

Professor J Aynsley Royal College of Art
The Banham lectures: essays on designing the future
(Section: H11) £4104

Dr S Aynsley University of Sussex
Making choices: an investigation into the factors which affect young peoples' decisions not to progress to higher education after following a vocational pathway in upper secondary education
(Section: S4) £6421

Professor P Ayton City University
Memory-biased preferences: the influence of accessibility on risky decision-making
(Section: S6) £7455

Dr S M Ba University of Wales, Bangor
Afro-Diasporic French cinema: black presence in National French cinema
(Section: H6) £4432

Dr E Bacon Birkbeck, University of London
UK-Russian relations in the twenty first century
(Section: S5) £4239

Dr S Badcock University of Nottingham
Baptism of ice: experiences of exile in late Imperial Russia, 1902-1917
(Section: H10) £7325

Professor A Bailey University of Oxford
Temporal characteristic of perception in autism
(Section: S6) £7464

Dr D  Bailey University of Birmingham
The modernization of social democracy and the turn to European integration: a qualitative investigation into context-driven motives for social democratic change
(Section: S5) £4190

Dr G Bailey University of Aberdeen
The Andean hybrid baroque: Convergent cultures in the Churches of Colonial Peru
(Section: H11) £2865

Dr R Bajpai School of Oriental and African Studies
Discoursed of affirmative action and democracy: a comparative study of India and Malaysia
(Section: S5) £5006

Professor B Baker Coventry University
The quality and determinants of governance in Cape Verde
(Section: S5) £4700

Dr P A Baker University of Kent
Cataloguing medical artefacts from Roman Spain
(Section: H1) £1134

Professor S J Ball, FBA Institute of Education
Researching the global middle class
(Section: S4) £5876

Dr S Bandyopadhyay London School of Economics and Political Science
The dynamics and relative inequality measures: and application to inequality and growth measurement
(Section: S2) £5688

Dr I Bangha University of Oxford
Manuscript search and consultation for the critical edition of early modern Hindi works
(Section: H3) £1186

Dr S E Barber Lancaster University
A disputations society: Jamaica, 1655-1713
(Section: H9) £7500

Professor S K Barber Kingston University
Antonin Artaud's notebooks 1946-48: amalgams of text and image
(Section: H6) £1224

Professor E V Barker, FBA London School of Economics and Political Science
Changes in new religious movements and societal reactions to them
(Section: S4) £6878

Dr T Barnett University of Edinburgh
Style, symbolism and cultural identity in the rock carvings of Wadi-al-Hayat  (Libya)
(Section: H7) £6385

Dr N Barraclough University of Hull
Investigating short term adaptation to human behaviour
(Section: S6) £2437

Professor N Barton University of Oxford
Cultural transitions in the Upper and Middle Palaeolithic records of Taforalt Cave (Morocco)
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr L S Basell University of Oxford
Refuge or route way? The Middle Stone Age archaeology and palaeonvironments of the Lake Ziway region, Ehtiopia
(Section: H7) £6675

Dr B Bassetti Independent Researcher
Bilingualism and thought: counterfactual reasoning in Chinese-English bilingual speakers
(Section: H4) £5140

Dr M Bateson Newcastle University
Is anxiety domain specific?
(Section: S6) £6160

Dr Y Beebeejaun University of Manchester
Image or reality: Chinatowns and the cosmopolitan city
(Section: S3) £4317

Professor P Belin University of Glasgow
Investigating the neural correlates of auditory expertise
(Section: S6) £7199

Professor C Bell University of Ulster
Assessing success and failure of peace agreements
(Section: S5) £7436

Professor N H A Bermel University of Sheffield
Comparing corpus data and linguistic intuition in the study of Czech morphology
(Section: H4) £7468

Dr R H Bewley Other Institution
Aerial archaeology in Jordan
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr G Bhattacharyya Aston University
Evolving understandings of depression among young Asian women
(Section: S4) £5579

Dr F Billiani University of Manchester
Aesthetic and cultural transgressions: elite literary journals in 1920s and 1930s Italy
(Section: H6) £6175

Dr C M Billing University of Hull
Representations of Greek tragedy in ancient pottery: the theatrical perspective
(Section: H1) £1250

Dr S H Blackburn School of Oriental and African Studies
A comparative study of tribal mythology and religion in the extended eastern Himalayas
(Section: S3) £5725

Dr M Blake University of Sheffield
Cooking identity/feeding community: two generations of British-Pakistani women
(Section: S3) £7446

Dr W W Blanton University of Glasgow
Of political and mystical bodies: St. Paul in the archive of Stanislas Breton
(Section: H2) £3820

Dr I Bluhdorn University of Bath
The German Green Party in the run-up to the federal elections 2009: strategic repostitioning in a changing political landscape
(Section: S5) £5577

Dr J Boesten University of Leeds
The persistence of AIDS in a Tanzanian roadside town
(Section: S3) £1640

Dr N Bolleyer University of Exeter
The organisation of new political parties in western Europe
(Section: S5) £7445

Dr C Bolton Loughborough University
The collected letter of Robert Southey 1810-1815
(Section: H6) £4645

Mr Y Bonenfant University of Winchester
Extending vocal bodies into audiovisual media
(Section: H6) £6390

Professor R Boon University of Hull
Playwriting in Eritrea: theory and practice in an emergent nation-state
(Section: H6) £5675

Dr F Borgonovi London School of Economics and Political Science
The role of non-profit fragmentation in explaining giving and volunteering efforts in the United States
(Section: S4) £4506

Dr V J  Bourne University of Dundee
Hormones and functional cerebral asymmetry: examining the combined roles of prenatal and later life hormonal exposure of lateralisation of the brain and interhemispheric transfer
(Section: S6) £7435

Dr G P Bowd University of St Andrews
Pierre Gourou and Tropiclaity
(Section: H6) £6500

Dr A K Bowman, FBA Brasenose College University of Oxford
Romano-British writing-tablets: imaging the Vindolanda tablets
(Section: H1) £1711

Dr J Bracht University of Aberdeen
How to place trust well: an experimental study in the role of the source of information
(Section: S2) £6948

Professor M J Braddick University of Sheffield
Millers and the politics of the grain trade in England, c.1500-1750
(Section: H9) £1086

Professor R W Bradford University of Ulster
The authorised biography of Martin Amis
(Section: H6) £3200

Professor R Bradley, FBA University of Reading
The use of fire at Bronze Age rock carvings in South Scandinavia
(Section: H7) £5430

Dr D Branch University of Exeter
Kenya: between democracy and authoritarianism
(Section: S5) £7500

Professor A Brent University of Cambridge
Christian-Pagan syncretism emerging in the time of Julian and its literary, epigraphic and iconographic antecedents
(Section: H2) £6561

Dr S Bridges University of Nottingham
Gender-based inequality and violence: implications for health and poverty - a cross-country analysis for sub-Saharan Africa
(Section: S2) £4912

Professor V Briginshaw University of Chichester
Wuppertal Tanztheater- 1974-1997: corporeality and interdisciplinary within a historical context
(Section: H6) £2069

Professor I Brown School of Oriental and African Studies
The criminalization of colonial Burma
(Section: H10) £7500

Dr G Brownlow Queen's University Belfast
Devolution in theory and practice: reinterpreting the London-Belfast financial relationship 1920-72
(Section: S2) £3660

Ms C Bryce Coventry University
Assessing the need for and the feasibility of an intervention to reduce drop-out of young people from diabetes care during the transition period from paediatric to adult services
(Section: S6) £7369

Dr A Brysbaert University of Leicester
The technological study of the painted plaster from the Plakes House, Mycenae
(Section: H7) £4267

Dr H Buchanan University of Nottingham
Psychological interventions to reduce postoperative morbidity in dental surgery in adults
(Section: S6) £7437

Professor B L Butterworth, FBA University College London
Developing objective measure for mathematics anxiety
(Section: S6) £5488

Dr S J Bygrave University of Southampton
The prescience of Hannah Arendt
(Section: H6) £6596

Dr A L Cabrera University of Birmingham
The practice of global citizenship
(Section: S5) £2503

Dr E A Cameron University of Edinburgh
The history of Gaelic Scotland, volume 6: The Scottish Highlands since 1880
(Section: H10) £6368

Dr F Caprotti University College London
Environmental discourse and cleantech investments: the case of wind power in New York and Shanghai
(Section: S3) £7500

Professor I Carr University of Surrey
Corporate social responsibility as a means of fighting corruption in developing countries
(Section: S1) £7500

Dr A Carrdus University of Bristol
Christian Funck (1626-1695): the career of an oustanding grammar school rector and prolific theatrical director
(Section: H9) £4382

Professor J F Carsten University of Edinburgh
Blood work: investigating cultures of biomedicine in Malaysia and Britain
(Section: S3) £7500

Dr M D Carter Independent Researcher
Subalterns and rebellion: war, famine and migration in North India, 1857-1860
(Section: H10) £3250

Dr E Cartwright University of Kent
Anonymous free riding in collective action problems
(Section: S2) £7061

Professor J C D Castro Rocha University of Manchester
Transatlantic appropriations: Machado de Assis - a (critical) reader of English culture
(Section: H6) £7195

Professor W G Cavanagh University of Nottingham
Kouphovouno project
(Section: H7) £6480

Dr B Chakma University of Hull
Peace-building or peace-destroying? Explaining the post-Accord peace procession the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
(Section: S5) £4056

Dr A Chaniotis All Souls College, University of Oxford
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Volume LIV
(Section: H1) £7500

Dr J Chapman University of Lincoln
Feminising influences on mass circulation: a comparative study of Le Petit Journal & the Daily Mail
(Section: H6) £6855

Dr R Chapman University of Nottingham
A critical literary history of Canadian writing in French
(Section: H6) £5424

Dr S Charsley University of Glasgow
Silk production in South India: an evaluative history of development schemes, 1790s to 1990s
(Section: S3) £6763

Dr K Chaudhuri University of Leeds
Gender differences in fertility choice in rural India
(Section: S4) £7000

Revd Dr D K Chester University of Liverpool
The effects of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake in the Algarve
(Section: S3) £1092

Dr V Chhotray University of East Anglia
After the storm: memories of vulnerability following the Orissa super-cyclone 1999
(Section: S3) £6462

Dr Y Chin University of Oxford
Chinese broadcasting policymaking in transition (2000-2010): Actors, structure and process
(Section: S5) £7410

Ms S Choudhry Queen Mary, University of London
The impact of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998 on English family law
(Section: S1) £7500

Dr L Chua Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge
Down to the road: place, memory and politics in Bidayuh experiences of resettlement
(Section: S3) £7500

Dr E J Clapp University of Leicester
Women on the frontier in revolutionary America
(Section: H10) £1299

Dr E Clarke University of Manchester
Perceptions of the value of an intensive intervention for children with pragmatic language impairments from educational and family perspectives
(Section: S6) £7496

Dr P M Clavin Jesus College, University of Oxford
Bread and butter internationals and the League of Nations, 1919-1945
(Section: H10) £1535

Professor R A Coates University of the West of England
Survey of English place-names (Hampshire)
(Section: H4) £2520

Dr K M Cockin University of Hull
The collected letters of Ellen Terry (1847-1928)
(Section: H6) £7500

Dr D J Code University of Glasgow
Claude Debussy, a critical life
(Section: H11) £1290

Dr S Coen Independent Researcher
Exploring the influence of trait anxiety and neuroticism on the brain response to visceral pain
(Section: S6) £7497

Dr M Cohen University of Leeds
Rayonnant architecture and the urban identity of Paris in the thirteenth century
(Section: H8) £2480

Dr L Cole University of East Anglia
Army and society, militarism, and military cultures in the Habsburg Monarchy c. 1700-1918
(Section: H9) £3055

Professor S Coleman University of Leeds
Third sector representation in a digital age
(Section: S5) £1548

Dr J M Coles, FBA Independent Researcher
Record and analysis of landscapes and rock carvings in Skee Parish and adjacent areas, Bohuslan, Sweden
(Section: H7) £2000

Dr C  Collins University of Wales, Bangor
Manuel de Falla: a European composer
(Section: H11) £4475

Mr D Collins City University
Efficient breach and remedies at the WTO and ICSID
(Section: S1) £5702

Dr B E Conekin University of the Arts London
Model Girls' in 1950s London & Paris: gendered identities and employment
(Section: H10) £5000

Dr I D Connor University of Ulster
German refugees and the socialist unity party of Germany 1949-53
(Section: H10) £2756

Dr Conversi University of Lincoln
Arts, nationalism and war: the futurist experience
(Section: S5) £4480

Professor M C Cook University of Exeter
The Bernardin de Saint-Pierre correspondence project: letters to and from Bernardin and Mme de Krudener
(Section: H5) £1488

Dr P A Cooke University of Leeds
Screening the War in Germany: re-evaluation German post-war film
(Section: H6) £6245

Professor D Cooper University of Leeds
A digital archive of film music by Michael Nyman
(Section: H11) £7500

Dr C Cornea University of East Anglia
The post-apocalyptic television drama in the UK and US
(Section: H6) £3114

Dr P Corthorn Queen's University Belfast
Cold War politics in Britain and the memory of the Spanish Civil War, 1945-1991
(Section: H10) £2202

Dr R E Cowgill University of Leeds
Out of a silence? Mary Wakefield, the Westmoreland Festival, and the musicalisation of Lakeland
(Section: H11) £7496

Dr T Crook Oxford Brookes University
Barbarism and civilisation: the politics of the evil in Britain and France, 1860-1939
(Section: H10) £775

Dr M Crosby Independent Researcher
A patron for all seasons: William Hayley and forms of patronage in the late eighteenth century, 1780-1812
(Section: H5) £6905

Dr C Crowther University of Oxford
Recovering inscriptions on stone using X-ray fluorescence imaging
(Section: H1) £3856

Professor F Cullen University of Nottingham
Access and display: art in Ireland c. 1790-c.1920
(Section: H11) £2697

Dr D J Culpin University of St Andrews
French moralists and travel writers, 1694-1751
(Section: H5) £5980

Mr P Cumper University of Leicester
Islamic law, human rights and Malaysia - lessons for the UK?
(Section: S1) £2195

Dr R P Cust University of Birmingham
Charles I and the defence of honour
(Section: H10) £2759

Professor D Dabydeen University of Warwick
Indo-Caribbean literature
(Section: H6) £5970

Professor M Dalrymple University of Oxford
Understanding Indonesian: developing a machine-usable grammar, dictionary and corpus
(Section: H4) £4688

Dr L Daniel Independent Researcher
Gertrude Stein
(Section: H6) £2800

Dr R Dannreuther University of Edinburgh
China, oil and global politics: the risks of unpredictability
(Section: S5) £5080

Mr C de Bellaigue St Antony's College, University of Oxford
A biography of Muhammad Mossadegh
(Section: H10) £6008

Dr B De Kok University of Edinburgh
'Loss in childbearing' in sub Saharan Africa and South Asia
(Section: S4) £7496

Dr F de Vivo Birkbeck, University of London
Scribal culture in Italy, 1450-1650
(Section: H9) £2163

Dr M Deegan King's College London
To be a pilgrim: the experience of pilgrimage on the routes to Santiago de Compostela
(Section: H11) £4275

Dr S  Dell, University of East Anglia
On location: art, space and place 1960-1980
(Section: H11) £7500

Dr V Della Dora University of Bristol
Making mobile knowledge's: educational cruising in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1880-1930
(Section: S3) £3000

Dr Demian University of Kent
Custom as a legal resource in Papua New Guinea courts
(Section: S3) £6856

Dr E P Dennison University of Edinburgh
Historical atlas of Edinburgh
(Section: H9) £5726

Dr C M Dent University of Leeds
Continuity and change in the free trade agreement (FTA) policies of southeast Asian states
(Section: S5) £2740

Dr P Dent Courtauld Institute of Art University of London
Sculpture and the senses in Late Medieval Italy
(Section: H11) £2965

Dr R Deuchar University of Strathclyde
Social capital issues and sectarianism: the possible existence and nature of a sectarian habitus among young people
(Section: S4) £3406

Dr T Dickinson University of York
Early Anglo-Saxon Eastry: burials and the development of an organisational centre in the kingdom of Kent
(Section: H7) £7497

Dr S Dickson University of Glasgow
Digital edition of the Magazin zur Erfahrungsseelenkunde
(Section: H6) £2890

Dr H Diemberger University of Cambridge
Displacement, ethnicity and resistance in the Italian Alps: the story of the Agaro people
(Section: S3) £7200

Dr J Dittmer University College London
Comparative geopolitical analysis of nationalist superheroes in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada
(Section: S3) £1535

Dr K J Dodds Royal Holloway, University of London
Icy nationalism: geopolitics, resource speculation and the polar regions
(Section: S3) £7476

Mr J Dodgson Independent Researcher
Measurement of total factor productivity (TFP) in British railways, 1870-1914
(Section: S2) £7020

Dr R Donnelly University of Manchester
Employment in the new economy: a comparative analysis of employment changes in the UK and the US
(Section: S4) £7480

Dr K Doolin University of Birmingham
The implementation of restorative justice in a civil law system: the Belgium example
(Section: S1) £2855

Dr B Dritschel University of St Andrews
The influence of depression on the neural processing of self-referential and emotional information
(Section: S6) £7500

Dr J Duberley University of Birmingham
Managing the interface between home and work in family businesses: the experience of copreneurs and entrepreneurs
(Section: S4) £4474

Dr A B Duncan University of Stirling
A critical edition of novels by Claude Simon
(Section: H6) £4401

Dr M Duncan Newman College of Higher Education
Body image and physical activity behaviour in British primary school children
(Section: S6) £2180

Professor S Duncan University of Bradford
Changing ideas about family: norms and attitudes in Britain and Sweden 1950-2007
(Section: S4) £2351

Dr C Dunlop University of Exeter
Salience, credibility and legitimacy on epistemic community knowledge production: the case of Bovine Tuberculosis in the UK
(Section: S5) £4746

Dr C Duttlinger Wadham College University of Oxford
Curiosity in German literature and culture from 1700 to the present
(Section: H5) £1155

Professor K H F Dyson, FBA University of Bradford
Whose Europe? The politics of differentiated integration
(Section: S5) £7500

Dr N E Edmunds University of the West of England
The Russian Diaspora and musical life in Shanghai, c. 1918-49
(Section: H11) £3310

Dr A Elbanna Loughborough University
Exploring organisation innovation and practices of agile software development
(Section: S4) £7156

Dr G Elgenius University of Oxford
To what extent does a notion of 'homeland' matter for Diaspora communities in Britain? Community building, ceremonial change and practice in Britain
(Section: S4) £7486

Dr J Erskine University of Hertfordshire
Avoidant coping and older adults
(Section: S6) £7441

Dr M Evangeli Royal Holloway, University of London
A 12 month follow up evaluation of a brief motivational interviewing training course for lay HIV/AIDS counsellors in Western Cape Province, South Africa
(Section: S6) £1640

Dr D Evans University of St Andrews
Rhythm in literature after the crisis in verse
(Section: H6) £3147

Professor M Evans University of Portsmouth
New perspectives on the Algerian War 1954 -1962
(Section: H10) £2490

Dr M Evans University of Leicester
Reconstituting space in a post-conflict society: return and reconstruction in Casamance, Senegal
(Section: S3) £4959

Dr E  Evenden Brunel University
The impact of print: specimens of early English printing in North American libraries
(Section: H9) £7351

Professor M E Everist University of Southampton
Opera comique in the second empire: institution and repertory
(Section: H11) £7074

Dr M Fairbrother University of Bristol
The international proliferation of multinational enterprises: a key cause of economic globalisation
(Section: S2) £4214

Dr E Farran University of Reading
Route learning abilities in typical and atypical development; the effets of manipulating landmark salience on performance
(Section: S6) £7440

Dr A S Fell University of Leeds
Annie Ernaux: socio-ethnologist of contemporary France
(Section: H6) £1550

Professor N Feltovich University of Aberdeen
An experimental study of strategic uncertainty in bargaining
(Section: S2) £3880

Dr C  Ferguson University of Glasgow
Evolving spirits: the eugenic impulse in British spiritualist writing, 1850-1930
(Section: H6) £2504

Dr P Finglass University of Nottingham
Unpublished conjectures on Sophocles and Aristophanes by J.J. Scaliger, L.C. Valckenaer and others
(Section: H1) £600

Dr M Flear Queen's University Belfast
EU governance in AIDS, cancer and obesity: governmentality, citizenship and polity
(Section: S1) £3350

Dr D Fletcher London Metropolitan University
Towards a critical edition of the Parliamentary reports on English Forests (1787-91) a carto-bibliography and analysis
(Section: S3) £5735

Dr Fletcher Bournemouth University
Social justice rhetoric in citizen response to coastal environmental change
(Section: S3) £2963

Dr J Fontein University of Edinburgh
What lies beneath: exploring the affective presence & emotive materiality of human bones
(Section: S3) £6280

Mr P Foote Independent Researcher
Russian Press legislation from the Eighteenth Century to 1917
(Section: H6) £2773

Dr A Forsyth Aberystwyth University
Arthur Miller's Holocaust plays: Incident at Vichy, After the Fall, Playing for Time and Broken Glass
(Section: H6) £4210

Dr W Forsythe University of Ulster
The archaeology of post-medieval coastal settlement in Ulster
(Section: H7) £7500

Professor R G Foulkes University of Leicester
William Charles Macready Shakespearian actor
(Section: H6) £3490

Dr C Fournet University of Exeter
Genocide and crimes against humanity: confusions and amalgams
(Section: S1) £4667

Dr M Frank Sheffield Hallam University
Making minorities history: population transfer in twentieth-century Europe
(Section: H10) £2420

Dr R Fraser University of East Anglia
'You have no idea how entirely different everything is here': Sarah Hicks Williams - a true southern woman?
(Section: H10) £2500

Professor D Fuller Independent Researcher
Marlowe's Edward ll in performance
(Section: H6) £798

Professor M Furse University of Glasgow
Competition policy and the application of competition law in greater China, Korea and Vietnam
(Section: S1) £6396

Dr C  Gallorini University of Birmingham
Study of the Egyptian pottery from the Pan-grave cemetery of Nag el Qarmila, Aswan
(Section: H7) £634

Dr M  Garcia-Alonso University of Kent
International policy coordination, incentives to innovate and universal coverage in health markets
(Section: S2) £7460

Professor P D Garside University of Edinburgh
Illustrating Scott: a catalogue of printed illustrations to the Waverley Novels, 1814-1901
(Section: H6) £7500

Dr P Gauci Lincoln College University of Oxford
The regulation of the economy 1660-1830
(Section: S2) £7500

Dr T Gazzini University of Glasgow
The sources of rights and obligations in transnational investment law
(Section: S1) £1485

Dr A Gearey Birkbeck, University of London
Post-colonial jurisprudence: lawyers, scholars and activists in America, Europe and Africa 1945-1969
(Section: S1) £6697

Professor L F Gearon University of Plymouth
The role of religion as a freedom of expression campaign issue in English PEN, 1923-2008
(Section: S5) £2896

Dr D Geary University of Nottingham
Social studies: public sociology in modern American culture
(Section: H10) £3700

Professor V Geoghegan Queen's University Belfast
The religious and the political in four British radicals, 1930-1950
(Section: S5) £2466

Dr E Georganteli University of Birmingham
The Via Egnatia and the regional currencies of the Late Roman and Byzantine World: the case of Rhodope/Macedonia/Voleron
(Section: H1) £5000

Dr K Gerth Merton College University of Oxford
Consumerism in modern China
(Section: H10) £7500

Mr N Ghaleigh University of Edinburgh
The prospects for e-democratic politics - an inter-disciplinary UK-Japanese research agenda
(Section: S5) £6720

Mr N Ghaleigh University of Edinburgh
The prospects for e-democratic politics - an inter-disciplinary UK-Japanese research agenda
(Section: S1) £6720

Dr R Gholami Aston University
Information and communications technology (ICT) international spillovers
(Section: S2) £7500

Professor P Ghuman Independent Researcher
Dalits and their education
(Section: S4) £2400

Dr J Gill University of Exeter
Phyllis McGinley and the poetics of the American suburbs
(Section: H6) £1594

Dr A Gillespie University of Stirling
Sir Frederic Bartlett Archive: an open-access internet resource
(Section: S6) £6997

Dr F Gillison University of Bath
Prospective longitudinal; study of triggers to the uptake of fitness-orientated exercise in adolescent girls
(Section: S6) £4847

Dr C Gilmore University of Nottingham
Using computer-based games to support children with mathematical learning difficulties
(Section: S6) £2679

Professor C A Gledhill University of Sunderland
Trans-national mediations: melodrama and stardom between Britain, India and USA in the pre-sound era
(Section: H6) £2287

Professor M Gluhovic University of Warwick
Performing the 'New' Europe: The Black/North SEAS project
(Section: H6) £4714

Professor J J Gobert University of Essex
European developments in corporate criminal liability
(Section: S1) £7456

Dr F Goglia University of Exeter
Language contact in immigrant communities: the case of lgbo-Nigerians in Italy
(Section: H4) £3840

Dr E Goh University of Oxford
Measuring power and influence in Asia
(Section: S5) £7444

Dr M  Gondek University of Chester
The carbon footprint of archaeological research
(Section: H7) £2000

Dr S Gonzalez University of Leeds
Urban policy tourism in Bilbao and Barcelona: the construction, delivery and diffusion of urban regeneration success stories
(Section: S3) £2153

Professor G Gooday University of Leeds
John Tyndall's correspondence with William Thomson, Lyon Playfair, James Joule and William Spottiswoode
(Section: H10) £3060

Dr J Goodwin University of Leicester
Scoping data analysis on youth transitions and class in Britain post 1945
(Section: S4) £5752

Dr M J Goodwin University of Manchester
The new British fascism? The rise of the British National Party
(Section: S5) £1948

Professor Y Gorlizki University of Manchester
Networks and hierarchies in the Soviet Provinces, 1945-1970
(Section: S5) £7380

Dr J Goslin University of Plymouth
An electrophysiological investigation of syllable frequency effects in English spoken word recognition
(Section: S6) £6346

Professor J Graham-Campbell, FBA University College London
Silver economy in the Viking Age
(Section: H7) £1396

Dr G Grande University of Manchester
Family caregiving research in palliative and end of life care
(Section: S4) £7497

Dr A Gransden Independent Researcher
Bury St Edmunds Abbey, 1182-1301, vol. ii: Simon of Luton and John of Northwold
(Section: H8) £3250

Dr T J Grant University of Warwick
Bibliographical investigation and textual collation of two Shirley plays, The Gentleman of Venice and The Politician
(Section: H5) £5239

Dr Greatrex-White University of Nottingham
Assessing the impact of peer education programmes on users, providers and volunteers in rural Zambia
(Section: S6) £1445

Dr M Green University of Wales, Swansea
Re-evaluating the maternal realm in the poetry of Gabriela Mistral
(Section: H6) £4175

Dr N Gregor University of Southampton
Musical performance and meaning in post-war Germany
(Section: H10) £2120

Dr M Grosbras University of Glasgow
Visual awareness and eye movements in the blind field of hemispherectomized patients
(Section: S6) £4828

Dr Q Gu University of Nottingham
The impact of UK educational experiences on Chinese returnees' lives and careers
(Section: S4) £7338

Dr C Guerrini University of Hull
Self-awareness of cognitive functioning in healthy people
(Section: S6) £7493

Dr K Hack Open University
New sources and perspectives on the Asian Cold War
(Section: H10) £7498

Professor G Haddock University of Manchester
The role of substance use and psychotic symptoms in the occurrence of aggression and violence in people who have a diagnosis of schizophrenia
(Section: S6) £7293

Dr A Hall London School of Economics and Political Science
Reducing tropical deforestation through payments for environmental services: the case of Brazilian Amazonia
(Section: S4) £7300

Dr J Hall University of Exeter
Promiscuous feet: a cultural history of Victorian prosody
(Section: H6) £2090

Dr Y Hamilakis University of Southampton
Comparative archaeological ethnographies: devising new methodologies
(Section: H7) £7375

Dr A Hammerstad University of Kent
The UNHCR, state interest and refugee protection in the 'era of terror'
(Section: S5) £1472

Professor F Hampson University of Essex
Private military companies/ private security companies (PMCs/PSCs): accountability and legal control
(Section: S1) £7498

Mr T R Hardaker University of Liverpool
Namibia Palaeolithic research project 2008
(Section: H7) £4951

Professor A F Harding, FBA University of Exeter
Prehistoric salt exploitation in Transylvania
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr J Harrison Loughborough University
Cities and regions in focus: exploring the role of city development companies in English regions
(Section: S3) £6563

Professor J Hart University of the Arts London
Photography and the garden
(Section: H11) £2500

Professor I Haywood Roehampton University
William James Linton, Bob Thin; or the Poorhouse Fugitive
(Section: H6) £2491

Dr Hearn Lancaster University
Trade union mobilization among low paid migrant workers in London
(Section: S4) £1980

Professor A Heathfield Roehampton University
Perform, repeat, record: a critical anthology of live art in history
(Section: H11) £6000

Dr D Heddon University of Glasgow
The art of walking: an embodied practice
(Section: H6) £2474

Professor T Herbert Open University
The place of brass instruments in the development of jazz idiom
(Section: H11) £2450

Dr Herrick King's College London
Mass running events and the city: participation, public health and urban 'somatic justice'
(Section: S3) £6469

Dr B Herrmann University of Nottingham
Social connections, in-group favouritism and corruption: an experimental study of a new 'favour game'
(Section: S2) £7400

Professor D B G Heuser University of Reading
Lessons of military history
(Section: S5) £5992

Dr R Hewitt University of Glamorgan
The Romantic Ordnance Survey: the cultural impact of Britain's first complete, accurate map
(Section: H5) £6565

Professor N P Hewlett University of Warwick
Democracy and state violence in contemporary political thought and contemporary French politics
(Section: S5) £1535

Dr R Hibbitt University of Leeds
The artist as aesthete: the French reception of Oscar Wilde 1833-1900
(Section: H6) £915

Dr T Hill Bath Spa University
Pageantry and power: A cultural history of the early modern Lord Mayor's Show, 1585-1639
(Section: H5) £3092

Dr G Hilson University of Reading
Livelihoods in transition: a critical appraisal of re-agrarianization in Ghanaian artisanal mining communities
(Section: S3) £6197

Professor S Hindle University of Warwick
The social topography of a rural community: Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, c.1650-1750
(Section: H9) £7288

Dr C Hindson University of Bristol
Staging London's cultural life: Herbert Beerbohm and Maud Tree
(Section: H10) £700

Dr J Holler University of Manchester
The role of speech-accompanying hand gestures in the process of grounding: how speakers use iconic gesture to establish mutually shared knowledge with their addressees
(Section: S6) £6849

Dr L Holt University of Reading
Urban renaissance developments: searching for inclusive alternatives to (re) constructing young, middle class and childless central and inner cities
(Section: S3) £7499

Dr Horst University of Sussex
Learning mechanisms supporting word-learning
(Section: S6) £7385

Dr Horvath Oxford Brookes University
Migrants in the metropolis
(Section: H6) £6470

Professor R E Howard Newcastle University
Language and the performance of power in Bolivia, 2005-2008
(Section: H6) £3915

Mrs V Howes University of Salford
The law and practice relating to bullying and harassment at work: the problem and its scope
(Section: S1) £3460

Professor J  Hughes Queen's University Belfast
Parental participation in peace education: a comparative study of mixed schools in Northern Ireland and Israel
(Section: S4) £6200

Professor R Hunter University of Kent
The feminist judgments project
(Section: S1) £7472

Dr A Ingram University College London
Geopolitics and biopolitics in the US President's emergency plan for AIDS relief
(Section: S3) £3573

Professor T A Insoll University of Manchester
Ambiguous relations: the archaeology and ethnohistory of the Mamprusi state and its northern neighbours
(Section: H7) £7288

Dr E Ioannidou University of Southampton
Speaking the language of the 'enemy': exploring language and identity among Greek-speaking Turkish
(Section: S4) £6325

Dr V Izzet University of Southampton
Spina survey project
(Section: H7) £4836

Dr Izzo University of Southampton
Giuseppe Verdi's Un giorno di regno: a critical edition
(Section: H11) £7117

Professor R D S Jack University of Edinburgh
Myths and the Mythmaker: the rise and fall of J.M. Barrie
(Section: H6) £3355

Professor B Jackson University of Manchester
Finding a solution to the problem of the chained wife (Agunah) in Jewish law
(Section: S1) £7500

Professor T Jackson Middlesex University
Researching cultural interfaces and cultural identities: South African HIV/AIDS/TB projects in the International Aid Governance structure
(Section: S4) £7304

Dr S T James University of Leicester
Geophysical survey at Dura-Europos, Syria
(Section: H7) £6000

Dr L Janik University of Cambridge
Representing movement in northern Russian prehistoric rock art: implications for the development of cognition and visual perception
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr S Jansen University of Manchester
Transformations of home, hope and the state in Bosnia-Herzegovina
(Section: S3) £6893

Dr T Jansen University of Wales, Lampeter
Chinese religions and globalisation, 1800-present
(Section: H2) £7500

Dr L Jeffery University of Edinburgh
Return and onward migration
(Section: S3) £5273

Dr M Jensen University of Birmingham
Comparative statics using potential functions with application to technological bias
(Section: S2) £7464

Professor C D H Jones, FBA Queen Mary, University of London
Thermidor: 24 hours of Parisian revolution
(Section: H10) £7500

Dr H S Jones University of Manchester
Between market and state: endowments as a problem in British and French political thought, c. 1830-1918
(Section: H10) £2936

Dr S Jones Independent Researcher
Notes from the Yellow Earth: making music in rural Chinese society
(Section: H11) £7185

Professor C E Jowitt Nottingham Trent University
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations (1589)
(Section: H9) £6500

Dr Kallerstrup University of Edinburgh
Semantic externalism
(Section: H12) £1600

Professor K N Kamoche Nottingham Trent University
Managing in Kenya: the challenge of knowledge diffusion within a context of globalisation
(Section: S4) £7480

Dr S Kaner University of East Anglia
Prehistoric landscapes of the Shinano river drainage
(Section: H7) £6850

Dr C Kaplonski University of Cambridge
The death of the Buddhist state: violence and sovereignty in early socialist Mongolia
(Section: S3) £7385

Dr Karlsson University of Oxford
The effects of economic inequality on health: evidence from an international dataset
(Section: S4) £7038

Dr M Kelbert University of Wales, Swansea
Life-health-property insurance and re-insurance and stability of pension funds
(Section: S2) £850

Dr A Kelle University of Bath
Towards a framework convention for biochemical controls - addressing conceptual and practical issues
(Section: S5) £7460

Dr B Kelly Keele University
Leon Vallas, musical biography and criticism in regionalist perspective
(Section: H11) £3680

Dr V Kempe University of Abertay Dundee
Refining the analysis of acoustic indicators for the vocal expression of positive emotion
(Section: S6) £7484

Dr J Kendall University of Salford
Insight into the creative minds of Edward Thomas and Walter de la Mare
(Section: H6) £4840

Dr D Kerr University of Durham
China and the New Central Asia
(Section: S5) £5800

Ms E M Kershaw Independent Researcher
Digitisation of Brunei-Dusun folktales and historical interviews at the Endangered Languages Archive, SOAS, with supply of electronically recorded transcriptions
(Section: H4) £615

Sir I  Kershaw, FBA Independent Researcher
The end of charisma? How the Hitler Stat functioned, 1944-45
(Section: H10) £7379

Dr L Khatib Royal Holloway, University of London
The visual communications of politics in physical space in the Middle East
(Section: S5) £7313

Dr J Kiaer University of Oxford
What does children's parsing and production patterns tell us about the grammar? The case of Korean
(Section: H4) £1418

Dr N Kirkham Birkbeck, University of London
The effect of social cues on directing attention during infancy
(Section: S6) £7450

Dr S Kite, RIBA Cardiff University
The aspect of things: watching architecture - Ruskin and Italy
(Section: H11) £2194

Dr J A Klein School of Oriental and African Studies
Eating green in urban China
(Section: S3) £6365

Dr C Knappett University of Exeter
Intermezzo: Intermediacy and regeneration in Middle Minoan lll Palatial Crete
(Section: H7) £7500

Professor S Knight Cardiff University
Mysterious cities: the contribution of crime fiction to urban self-consciousness in the mid-nineteenth century
(Section: H6) £7500

Dr J T Koch Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies University of Wales
Celticization from the West? New perspectives on the emergence and spread of the Celtic languages
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr J T Koch Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies University of Wales
Celticization from the West? New perspectives on the emergence and spread of the Celtic languages
(Section: H4) £7500

Dr Koontz-Garboden University of Manchester
Modality and existentiality in Ulwa
(Section: H4) £5755

Professor A Kuhn, FBA Queen Mary, University of London
Transitional phenomena and cultural experience
(Section: H6) £2600

Dr C Ladds University of Bristol
Empire carers: the Foreign Staff of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, 1854-1949
(Section: H10) £5235

Dr D S Lane University of Cambridge
Why was there a 'coloured' revolution in Ukraine, but not in Russia?
(Section: S5) £7500

Dr K Lane University of Manchester
Technology and cosmology in the landscapes of the ancient Andes
(Section: H7) £7490

Dr P Lane University of York
Stone cairns and burial practices in a pastorals landscape context, Baawa cairn-field, Northern Kenya
(Section: H7) £7464

Dr Lang London School of Economics and Political Science
Re-righting the international economy: a social history of engagement between the international trade and international human rights regimes
(Section: S1) £3360

Dr M Larmer University of Sheffield
The Katangese Gendarmes in Southern-Central Africa's thirty years' war, 1961-1991
(Section: H10) £6673

Dr G F Lau University of East Anglia
Chiefly compounds in the high Andes: house and activity patterns in the Pomabamba region, Peru
(Section: H7) £6962

Dr Lau University of Oxford
Understanding pathological responses to peer exclusion: the role of social fear learning mechanisms
(Section: S6) £2600

Dr I Lauchlan University of Stirling
Military intelligence in Imperil Russia, 1905-1914
(Section: H10) £1000

Dr Lavery University of Southampton
The multimedia works of Ana Clavel
(Section: H6) £2070

Dr T  Lawrence University of East London
Hold Onto Your Dreams: Arthur Russell and the Downtown Scene, 1973-92
(Section: H11) £1920

Dr S Leahy Newcastle University
From surrealism to communism: the cinematic collaborations of the Groupe Octobre, 1932-1936

O Lelong University of Glasgow

Shetland community archaeology project: Sandwick, Unst post-excavation analysis
(Section: H7) £7221

Dr M Leon University of Kent
The organisation of social care in Europe: migrant care workers in perspective
(Section: S4) £7000

Dr C Leonardi University of Durham
Languages of power in Southern Sudanese history
(Section: H10) £6740

Dr S Lewthwaite University of Nottingham
Modernism, Mestizaje, and Hispano art, 1930-1950
(Section: H11) £4462

Dr S H Lim University of Exeter
Tsai Ming-Liang and a cinema of slowness
(Section: H6) £4254

Dr C Lindsay University College London
Death on the Border: travel and trauma in the US-Mexico borderlands
(Section: H6) £2250

Dr J Lindvall University of Oxford
Reform capacity in European welfare states
(Section: S5) £7178

Dr O Linnebo University of Bristol
New waves in philosophy of mathematics
(Section: H12) £4630

Professor H Liu University of Manchester
The state and transnational; community: changing policies toward new migrants in China and the United Kingdom, 1997-2007
(Section: S5) £6210

Dr J Liu University of Leeds
Becoming 'white-collar beauties' in urban China: the impact of economic reforms on young Chinese women
(Section: S4) £6935

Dr A Loftus Royal Holloway, University of London
Gramscian geographies
(Section: S3) £7460

Dr R Loncraine Independent Researcher
L. Frank Baum and the myth of modern America
(Section: H6) £2590

Dr A Long University of St Andrews
Plato in the Stoa
(Section: H1) £600

Dr K Lowe Queen Mary, University of London
Visible lives: sub-Saharan Africans in Renaissance Florence and Venice
(Section: H9) £6343

Dr P Lowe Aston University
The construction of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in British newspapers
(Section: S4) £7499

Dr L Lyle University of Sheffield
Le Struggleforlife: Social Darwinism in the French ideological novel, 1880-1920
(Section: H6) £675

Dr Lynch Keele University
Modern Kenya and the ethnic factor: the case of the Kalenjin
(Section: S5) £1800

Dr B Mabee Queen Mary, University of London
Pirates, bandits, mercenaries and terrorists: privatised violence in historical context
(Section: S5) £3759

Dr S MacGregor Keele University
The new good (British) citizen? The political implications of citizenship tests and ceremonies in the UK

(Section: S5) £7499

Small Research Grants: 2007-08

See also 2006-07| 2005-06 | 2004-05 | 2003-04 | 2002-03 | 2001-02 | 2000-01 | 1999-00 | 1998-99

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2006-07.

For more information about this scheme, please see Small Research Grants in the Guide to Awards

Dr H Abbott University of Wales, Bangor
Hymns, hesitations and heredities: why composers distort and disrupt poems
(Section: H6) £2477

Dr N Adams University of Edinburgh
The eclipse of grace: divine and human action in German idealism
(Section: H2) £6632

Dr Adams University of Southampton
Perceived depth from shading and stereopis: a modelling approach
(Section: S6) £6733

Dr M Adkins University of Huddersfield
Bricolage: a study to show how experimental electronica can be recontextualized as an extension of the paradigms of electroacoustic music
(Section: H11) £4910

Professor C C Aitchison University of Bedfordshire
Gender, sport and Muslim identities: human rights and responsibilities in the adoption, adaptation and contestation of Western leisure and sport policies by women's organisations in Iran
(Section: S4) £7472

Dr S Akter Independent Researcher
What makes exit from poverty
(Section: S4) £6750

Dr N Al-Ali School of Oriental and African Studies
Perpetrators or victims of violence? Men and masculinities in the Iraqi Diaspora
(Section: S5) £7475

Dr Albornoz University of Birmingham
Export dynamics, determinants and effects
(Section: S2) £4440

Dr M Allen Lancaster University
Do young children understand the flexibility of visual symbols?
(Section: S6) £6608

Dr P Allmer Manchester Metropolitan University
Rene Magritte: beyond painting
(Section: H11) £1943

Dr C L R Alston University of Ulster
International Tolstoyans, 1880-1940
(Section: H10) £6000

Dr D Annaz University of Edinburgh
Sleep and learning consolidation in children with development disorders
(Section: S6) £6511

Dr G Anthony Queen's University Belfast
The search for values in global administrative law
(Section: S1) £5350

Dr E Antonova King's College London
Three modes of mid: neural correlates of mindless emoting, conceptualising and mindfulness
(Section: S6) £7200

Professor I Armit University of Bradford
Iron Age landscapes of southern France: geophysical prospection at Le Castellan, Istres and its hinterland
(Section: H7) £7350

Dr Ashley University College London
Migration archaeologies of Northern Botswana
(Section: H7) £7445

Dr N M Ashton British Museum
The Crayford brickearths project
(Section: H7) £5003

Dr N R Aston University of Leicester
William Petty, 2nd earl of Shelburne (1737-1805) in family and dynastic context
(Section: H9) £5247

Dr M Atherton Other Institution
From chronicle to romance: narrative in late old English literature
(Section: H8) £1988

Professor D Attwell University of York
The Cambridge history of South African literature
(Section: H6) £7500

Ms F Attwood Sheffield Hallam University
Young people's sexual cultures: and exploratory project with researchers, agencies and educators
(Section: S4) £5840

Professor J Aynsley Royal College of Art
The Banham lectures: essays on designing the future
(Section: H11) £4104

Dr S Aynsley University of Sussex
Making choices: an investigation into the factors which affect young peoples' decisions not to progress to higher education after following a vocational pathway in upper secondary education
(Section: S4) £6421

Professor P Ayton City University
Memory-biased preferences: the influence of accessibility on risky decision-making
(Section: S6) £7455

Dr S M Ba University of Wales, Bangor
Afro-Diasporic French cinema: black presence in National French cinema
(Section: H6) £4432

Dr E Bacon Birkbeck, University of London
UK-Russian relations in the twenty first century
(Section: S5) £4239

Dr S Badcock University of Nottingham
Baptism of ice: experiences of exile in late Imperial Russia, 1902-1917
(Section: H10) £7325

Professor A Bailey University of Oxford
Temporal characteristic of perception in autism
(Section: S6) £7464

Dr D  Bailey University of Birmingham
The modernization of social democracy and the turn to European integration: a qualitative investigation into context-driven motives for social democratic change
(Section: S5) £4190

Dr G Bailey University of Aberdeen
The Andean hybrid baroque: Convergent cultures in the Churches of Colonial Peru
(Section: H11) £2865

Dr R Bajpai School of Oriental and African Studies
Discoursed of affirmative action and democracy: a comparative study of India and Malaysia
(Section: S5) £5006

Professor B Baker Coventry University
The quality and determinants of governance in Cape Verde
(Section: S5) £4700

Dr P A Baker University of Kent
Cataloguing medical artefacts from Roman Spain
(Section: H1) £1134

Professor S J Ball, FBA Institute of Education
Researching the global middle class
(Section: S4) £5876

Dr S Bandyopadhyay London School of Economics and Political Science
The dynamics and relative inequality measures: and application to inequality and growth measurement
(Section: S2) £5688

Dr I Bangha University of Oxford
Manuscript search and consultation for the critical edition of early modern Hindi works
(Section: H3) £1186

Dr S E Barber Lancaster University
A disputations society: Jamaica, 1655-1713
(Section: H9) £7500

Professor S K Barber Kingston University
Antonin Artaud's notebooks 1946-48: amalgams of text and image
(Section: H6) £1224

Professor E V Barker, FBA London School of Economics and Political Science
Changes in new religious movements and societal reactions to them
(Section: S4) £6878

Dr T Barnett University of Edinburgh
Style, symbolism and cultural identity in the rock carvings of Wadi-al-Hayat  (Libya)
(Section: H7) £6385

Dr N Barraclough University of Hull
Investigating short term adaptation to human behaviour
(Section: S6) £2437

Professor N Barton University of Oxford
Cultural transitions in the Upper and Middle Palaeolithic records of Taforalt Cave (Morocco)
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr L S Basell University of Oxford
Refuge or route way? The Middle Stone Age archaeology and palaeonvironments of the Lake Ziway region, Ehtiopia
(Section: H7) £6675

Dr B Bassetti Independent Researcher
Bilingualism and thought: counterfactual reasoning in Chinese-English bilingual speakers
(Section: H4) £5140

Dr M Bateson Newcastle University
Is anxiety domain specific?
(Section: S6) £6160

Dr Y Beebeejaun University of Manchester
Image or reality: Chinatowns and the cosmopolitan city
(Section: S3) £4317

Professor P Belin University of Glasgow
Investigating the neural correlates of auditory expertise
(Section: S6) £7199

Professor C Bell University of Ulster
Assessing success and failure of peace agreements
(Section: S5) £7436

Professor N H A Bermel University of Sheffield
Comparing corpus data and linguistic intuition in the study of Czech morphology
(Section: H4) £7468

Dr R H Bewley Other Institution
Aerial archaeology in Jordan
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr G Bhattacharyya Aston University
Evolving understandings of depression among young Asian women
(Section: S4) £5579

Dr F Billiani University of Manchester
Aesthetic and cultural transgressions: elite literary journals in 1920s and 1930s Italy
(Section: H6) £6175

Dr C M Billing University of Hull
Representations of Greek tragedy in ancient pottery: the theatrical perspective
(Section: H1) £1250

Dr S H Blackburn School of Oriental and African Studies
A comparative study of tribal mythology and religion in the extended eastern Himalayas
(Section: S3) £5725

Dr M Blake University of Sheffield
Cooking identity/feeding community: two generations of British-Pakistani women
(Section: S3) £7446

Dr W W Blanton University of Glasgow
Of political and mystical bodies: St. Paul in the archive of Stanislas Breton
(Section: H2) £3820

Dr I Bluhdorn University of Bath
The German Green Party in the run-up to the federal elections 2009: strategic repostitioning in a changing political landscape
(Section: S5) £5577

Dr J Boesten University of Leeds
The persistence of AIDS in a Tanzanian roadside town
(Section: S3) £1640

Dr N Bolleyer University of Exeter
The organisation of new political parties in western Europe
(Section: S5) £7445

Dr C Bolton Loughborough University
The collected letter of Robert Southey 1810-1815
(Section: H6) £4645

Mr Y Bonenfant University of Winchester
Extending vocal bodies into audiovisual media
(Section: H6) £6390

Professor R Boon University of Hull
Playwriting in Eritrea: theory and practice in an emergent nation-state
(Section: H6) £5675

Dr F Borgonovi London School of Economics and Political Science
The role of non-profit fragmentation in explaining giving and volunteering efforts in the United States
(Section: S4) £4506

Dr V J  Bourne University of Dundee
Hormones and functional cerebral asymmetry: examining the combined roles of prenatal and later life hormonal exposure of lateralisation of the brain and interhemispheric transfer
(Section: S6) £7435

Dr G P Bowd University of St Andrews
Pierre Gourou and Tropiclaity
(Section: H6) £6500

Dr A K Bowman, FBA Brasenose College University of Oxford
Romano-British writing-tablets: imaging the Vindolanda tablets
(Section: H1) £1711

Dr J Bracht University of Aberdeen
How to place trust well: an experimental study in the role of the source of information
(Section: S2) £6948

Professor M J Braddick University of Sheffield
Millers and the politics of the grain trade in England, c.1500-1750
(Section: H9) £1086

Professor R W Bradford University of Ulster
The authorised biography of Martin Amis
(Section: H6) £3200

Professor R Bradley, FBA University of Reading
The use of fire at Bronze Age rock carvings in South Scandinavia
(Section: H7) £5430

Dr D Branch University of Exeter
Kenya: between democracy and authoritarianism
(Section: S5) £7500

Professor A Brent University of Cambridge
Christian-Pagan syncretism emerging in the time of Julian and its literary, epigraphic and iconographic antecedents
(Section: H2) £6561

Dr S Bridges University of Nottingham
Gender-based inequality and violence: implications for health and poverty - a cross-country analysis for sub-Saharan Africa
(Section: S2) £4912

Professor V Briginshaw University of Chichester
Wuppertal Tanztheater- 1974-1997: corporeality and interdisciplinary within a historical context
(Section: H6) £2069

Professor I Brown School of Oriental and African Studies
The criminalization of colonial Burma
(Section: H10) £7500

Dr G Brownlow Queen's University Belfast
Devolution in theory and practice: reinterpreting the London-Belfast financial relationship 1920-72
(Section: S2) £3660

Ms C Bryce Coventry University
Assessing the need for and the feasibility of an intervention to reduce drop-out of young people from diabetes care during the transition period from paediatric to adult services
(Section: S6) £7369

Dr A Brysbaert University of Leicester
The technological study of the painted plaster from the Plakes House, Mycenae
(Section: H7) £4267

Dr H Buchanan University of Nottingham
Psychological interventions to reduce postoperative morbidity in dental surgery in adults
(Section: S6) £7437

Professor B L Butterworth, FBA University College London
Developing objective measure for mathematics anxiety
(Section: S6) £5488

Dr S J Bygrave University of Southampton
The prescience of Hannah Arendt
(Section: H6) £6596

Dr A L Cabrera University of Birmingham
The practice of global citizenship
(Section: S5) £2503

Dr E A Cameron University of Edinburgh
The history of Gaelic Scotland, volume 6: The Scottish Highlands since 1880
(Section: H10) £6368

Dr F Caprotti University College London
Environmental discourse and cleantech investments: the case of wind power in New York and Shanghai
(Section: S3) £7500

Professor I Carr University of Surrey
Corporate social responsibility as a means of fighting corruption in developing countries
(Section: S1) £7500

Dr A Carrdus University of Bristol
Christian Funck (1626-1695): the career of an oustanding grammar school rector and prolific theatrical director
(Section: H9) £4382

Professor J F Carsten University of Edinburgh
Blood work: investigating cultures of biomedicine in Malaysia and Britain
(Section: S3) £7500

Dr M D Carter Independent Researcher
Subalterns and rebellion: war, famine and migration in North India, 1857-1860
(Section: H10) £3250

Dr E Cartwright University of Kent
Anonymous free riding in collective action problems
(Section: S2) £7061

Professor J C D Castro Rocha University of Manchester
Transatlantic appropriations: Machado de Assis - a (critical) reader of English culture
(Section: H6) £7195

Professor W G Cavanagh University of Nottingham
Kouphovouno project
(Section: H7) £6480

Dr B Chakma University of Hull
Peace-building or peace-destroying? Explaining the post-Accord peace procession the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
(Section: S5) £4056

Dr A Chaniotis All Souls College University of Oxford
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Volume LIV
(Section: H1) £7500

Dr J Chapman University of Lincoln
Feminising influences on mass circulation: a comparative study of _Le Petit Journal & the Daily Mail_
(Section: H6) £6855

Dr R Chapman University of Nottingham
A critical literary history of Canadian writing in French
(Section: H6) £5424

Dr S Charsley University of Glasgow
Silk production in South India: an evaluative history of development schemes, 1790s to 1990s
(Section: S3) £6763

Dr K Chaudhuri University of Leeds
Gender differences in fertility choice in rural India
(Section: S4) £7000

Revd Dr D K Chester University of Liverpool
The effects of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake in the Algarve
(Section: S3) £1092

Dr V Chhotray University of East Anglia
After the storm: memories of vulnerability following the Orissa super-cyclone 1999
(Section: S3) £6462

Dr Y Chin University of Oxford
Chinese broadcasting policymaking in transition (2000-2010): Actors, structure and process
(Section: S5) £7410

Ms S Choudhry Queen Mary, University of London
The impact of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998 on English family law
(Section: S1) £7500

Dr L Chua Gonville and Caius College University of Cambridge
Down to the road: place, memory and politics in Bidayuh experiences of resettlement
(Section: S3) £7500

Dr E J Clapp University of Leicester
Women on the frontier in revolutionary America
(Section: H10) £1299

Dr E Clarke University of Manchester
Perceptions of the value of an intensive intervention for children with pragmatic language impairments from educational and family perspectives
(Section: S6) £7496

Dr P M Clavin Jesus College University of Oxford
Bread and butter internationals and the League of Nations, 1919-1945
(Section: H10) £1535

Professor R A Coates University of the West of England
Survey of English place-names (Hampshire)
(Section: H4) £2520

Dr K M Cockin University of Hull
The collected letters of Ellen Terry (1847-1928)
(Section: H6) £7500

Dr D J Code University of Glasgow
Claude Debussy, a critical life
(Section: H11) £1290

Dr S Coen Independent Researcher
Exploring the influence of trait anxiety and neuroticism on the brain response to visceral pain
(Section: S6) £7497

Dr M Cohen University of Leeds
Rayonnant architecture and the urban identity of Paris in the thirteenth century
(Section: H8) £2480

Dr L Cole University of East Anglia
Army and society, militarism, and military cultures in the Habsburg Monarchy c. 1700-1918
(Section: H9) £3055

Professor S Coleman University of Leeds
Third sector representation in a digital age
(Section: S5) £1548

Dr J M Coles, FBA Independent Researcher
Record and analysis of landscapes and rock carvings in Skee Parish and adjacent areas, Bohuslan, Sweden
(Section: H7) £2000

Dr C  Collins University of Wales, Bangor
Manuel de Falla: a European composer
(Section: H11) £4475

Mr D Collins City University
Efficient breach and remedies at the WTO and ICSID
(Section: S1) £5702

Dr B E Conekin University of the Arts London
Model Girls' in 1950s London & Paris: gendered identities and employment
(Section: H10) £5000

Dr I D Connor University of Ulster
German refugees and the socialist unity party of Germany 1949-53
(Section: H10) £2756

Dr Conversi University of Lincoln
Arts, nationalism and war: the futurist experience
(Section: S5) £4480

Professor M C Cook Independent Researcher
The Bernardin de Saint-Pierre correspondence project: letters to and from Bernardin and Mme de Krudener
(Section: H5) £1488

Dr P A Cooke University of Leeds
Screening the War in Germany: re-evaluation German post-war film
(Section: H6) £6245

Professor D Cooper University of Leeds
A digital archive of film music by Michael Nyman
(Section: H11) £7500

Dr C Cornea University of East Anglia
The post-apocalyptic television drama in the UK and US
(Section: H6) £3114

Dr P Corthorn Queen's University Belfast
Cold War politics in Britain and the memory of the Spanish Civil War, 1945-1991
(Section: H10) £2202

Dr R E Cowgill University of Leeds
Out of a silence? Mary Wakefield, the Westmoreland Festival, and the musicalisation of Lakeland
(Section: H11) £7496

Dr T Crook Oxford Brookes University
Barbarism and civilisation: the politics of the evil in Britain and France, 1860-1939
(Section: H10) £775

Dr M Crosby Independent Researcher
A patron for all seasons: William Hayley and forms of patronage in the late eighteenth century, 1780-1812
(Section: H5) £6905

Dr C Crowther University of Oxford
Recovering inscriptions on stone using X-ray fluorescence imaging
(Section: H1) £3856

Professor F Cullen University of Nottingham
Access and display: art in Ireland c. 1790-c.1920
(Section: H11) £2697

Dr D J Culpin University of St Andrews
French moralists and travel writers, 1694-1751
(Section: H5) £5980

Mr P Cumper University of Leicester
Islamic law, human rights and Malaysia - lessons for the UK?
(Section: S1) £2195

Dr R P Cust University of Birmingham
Charles I and the defence of honour
(Section: H10) £2759

Professor D Dabydeen University of Warwick
Indo-Caribbean literature
(Section: H6) £5970

Professor M Dalrymple University of Oxford
Understanding Indonesian: developing a machine-usable grammar, dictionary and corpus
(Section: H4) £4688

Dr L Daniel Independent Researcher
Gertrude Stein
(Section: H6) £2800

Dr R Dannreuther University of Edinburgh
China, oil and global politics: the risks of unpredictability
(Section: S5) £5080

Mr C de Bellaigue St Antony's College University of Oxford
A biography of Muhammad Mossadegh
(Section: H10) £6008

Dr B De Kok University of Edinburgh
'Loss in childbearing' in sub Saharan Africa and South Asia
(Section: S4) £7496

Dr F de Vivo Birkbeck, University of London
Scribal culture in Italy, 1450-1650
(Section: H9) £2163

Dr M Deegan King's College London
To be a pilgrim: the experience of pilgrimage on the routes to Santiago de Compostela
(Section: H11) £4275

Dr S  Dell, University of East Anglia
On location: art, space and place 1960-1980
(Section: H11) £7500

Dr V Della Dora University of Bristol
Making mobile knowledge's: educational cruising in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1880-1930
(Section: S3) £3000

Dr Demian University of Kent
Custom as a legal resource in Papua New Guinea courts
(Section: S3) £6856

Dr E P Dennison University of Edinburgh
Historical atlas of Edinburgh
(Section: H9) £5726

Dr C M Dent University of Leeds
Continuity and change in the free trade agreement (FTA) policies of southeast Asian states
(Section: S5) £2740

Dr P Dent Courtauld Institute of Art University of London
Sculpture and the senses in Late Medieval Italy
(Section: H11) £2965

Dr R Deuchar University of Strathclyde
Social capital issues and sectarianism: the possible existence and nature of a sectarian habitus among young people
(Section: S4) £3406

Dr T Dickinson University of York
Early Anglo-Saxon Eastry: burials and the development of an organisational centre in the kingdom of Kent
(Section: H7) £7497

Dr S Dickson University of Glasgow
Digital edition of the _Magazin zur Erfahrungsseelenkunde_
(Section: H6) £2890

Dr H Diemberger University of Cambridge
Displacement, ethnicity and resistance in the Italian Alps: the story of the Agaro people
(Section: S3) £7200

Dr J Dittmer University College London
Comparative geopolitical analysis of nationalist superheroes in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada
(Section: S3) £1535

Dr K J Dodds Royal Holloway, University of London
Icy nationalism: geopolitics, resource speculation and the polar regions
(Section: S3) £7476

Mr J Dodgson Independent Researcher
Measurement of total factor productivity (TFP) in British railways, 1870-1914
(Section: S2) £7020

Dr R Donnelly University of Manchester
Employment in the new economy: a comparative analysis of employment changes in the UK and the US
(Section: S4) £7480

Dr K Doolin University of Birmingham
The implementation of restorative justice in a civil law system: the Belgium example
(Section: S1) £2855

Dr B Dritschel University of St Andrews
The influence of depression on the neural processing of self-referential and emotional information
(Section: S6) £7500

Dr J Duberley University of Birmingham
Managing the interface between home and work in family businesses: the experience of copreneurs and entrepreneurs
(Section: S4) £4474

Dr A B Duncan University of Stirling
A critical edition of novels by Claude Simon
(Section: H6) £4401

Dr M Duncan Newman College of Higher Education
Body image and physical activity behaviour in British primary school children
(Section: S6) £2180

Professor S Duncan University of Bradford
Changing ideas about family: norms and attitudes in Britain and Sweden 1950-2007
(Section: S4) £2351

Dr C Dunlop University of Exeter
Salience, credibility and legitimacy on epistemic community knowledge production: the case of Bovine Tuberculosis in the UK
(Section: S5) £4746

Dr C Duttlinger Wadham College University of Oxford
Curiosity in German literature and culture from 1700 to the present
(Section: H5) £1155

Professor K H F Dyson, FBA University of Bradford
Whose Europe? The politics of differentiated integration
(Section: S5) £7500

Dr N E Edmunds University of the West of England
The Russian Diaspora and musical life in Shanghai, c. 1918-49
(Section: H11) £3310

Dr A Elbanna Loughborough University
Exploring organisation innovation and practices of agile software development
(Section: S4) £7156

Dr G Elgenius University of Oxford
To what extent does a notion of 'homeland' matter for Diaspora communities in Britain? _Community building, ceremonial change and practice in Britain_
(Section: S4) £7486

Dr J Erskine University of Hertfordshire
Avoidant coping and older adults
(Section: S6) £7441

Dr M Evangeli Royal Holloway, University of London
A 12 month follow up evaluation of a brief motivational interviewing training course for lay HIV/AIDS counsellors in Western Cape Province, South Africa
(Section: S6) £1640

Dr D Evans University of St Andrews
Rhythm in literature after the crisis in verse
(Section: H6) £3147

Dr M Evans University of Leicester
Reconstituting space in a post-conflict society: return and reconstruction in Casamance, Senegal
(Section: S3) £4959

Professor M Evans University of Portsmouth
New perspectives on the Algerian War 1954 -1962
(Section: H10) £2490

Dr E  Evenden Brunel University
The impact of print: specimens of early English printing in North American libraries
(Section: H9) £7351

Professor M E Everist University of Southampton
_Opera comique_ in the _second empire_: institution and repertory
(Section: H11) £7074

Dr M Fairbrother University of Bristol
The international proliferation of multinational enterprises: a key cause of economic globalisation
(Section: S2) £4214

Dr E Farran University of Reading
Route learning abilities in typical and atypical development; the effets of manipulating landmark salience on performance
(Section: S6) £7440

Dr A S Fell University of Leeds
Annie Ernaux: socio-ethnologist of contemporary France
(Section: H6) £1550

Professor N Feltovich University of Aberdeen
An experimental study of strategic uncertainty in bargaining
(Section: S2) £3880

Dr C  Ferguson University of Glasgow
Evolving spirits: the eugenic impulse in British spiritualist writing, 1850-1930
(Section: H6) £2504

Dr P Finglass University of Nottingham
Unpublished conjectures on Sophocles and Aristophanes by J.J. Scaliger, L.C. Valckenaer and others
(Section: H1) £600

Dr M Flear Queen's University Belfast
EU governance in AIDS, cancer and obesity: governmentality, citizenship and polity
(Section: S1) £3350

Dr D Fletcher London Metropolitan University
Towards a critical edition of the Parliamentary reports on English Forests (1787-91) a carto-bibliography and analysis
(Section: S3) £5735

Dr Fletcher Bournemouth University
Social justice rhetoric in citizen response to coastal environmental change
(Section: S3) £2963

Dr J Fontein University of Edinburgh
What lies beneath: exploring the affective presence & emotive materiality of human bones
(Section: S3) £6280

Mr P Foote Independent Researcher
Russian Press legislation from the Eighteenth Century to 1917
(Section: H6) £2773

Dr A Forsyth Aberystwyth University
Arthur Miller's Holocaust plays: _Incident at Vichy, After the Fall, Playing for Time_ and _Broken Glass_
(Section: H6) £4210

Dr W Forsythe University of Ulster
The archaeology of post-medieval coastal settlement in Ulster
(Section: H7) £7500

Professor R G Foulkes University of Leicester
William Charles Macready Shakespearian actor
(Section: H6) £3490

Dr C Fournet University of Exeter
Genocide and crimes against humanity: confusions and amalgams
(Section: S1) £4667

Dr M Frank Sheffield Hallam University
Making minorities history: population transfer in twentieth-century Europe
(Section: H10) £2420

Dr R Fraser University of East Anglia
'You have no idea how entirely different everything is here': Sarah Hicks Williams - a true southern woman?
(Section: H10) £2500

Professor D Fuller Independent Researcher
Marlowe's _Edward ll_ in performance
(Section: H6) £798

Professor M Furse University of Glasgow
Competition policy and the application of competition law in greater China, Korea and Vietnam
(Section: S1) £6396

Dr C  Gallorini University of Birmingham
Study of the Egyptian pottery from the Pan-grave cemetery of Nag el Qarmila, Aswan
(Section: H7) £634

Dr M  Garcia-Alonso University of Kent
International policy coordination, incentives to innovate and universal coverage in health markets
(Section: S2) £7460

Professor P D Garside University of Edinburgh
Illustrating Scott: a catalogue of printed illustrations to the Waverley Novels, 1814-1901
(Section: H6) £7500

Dr P Gauci Lincoln College University of Oxford
The regulation of the economy 1660-1830
(Section: S2) £7500

Dr T Gazzini University of Glasgow
The sources of rights and obligations in transnational investment law
(Section: S1) £1485

Dr A Gearey Birkbeck, University of London
Post-colonial jurisprudence: lawyers, scholars and activists in America, Europe and Africa 1945-1969
(Section: S1) £6697

Professor L F Gearon University of Plymouth
The role of religion as a freedom of expression campaign issue in English PEN, 1923-2008
(Section: S5) £2896

Dr D Geary University of Nottingham
Social studies: public sociology in modern American culture
(Section: H10) £3700

Professor V Geoghegan Queen's University Belfast
The religious and the political in four British radicals, 1930-1950
(Section: S5) £2466

Dr E Georganteli University of Birmingham
The Via Egnatia and the regional currencies of the Late Roman and Byzantine World: the case of Rhodope/Macedonia/Voleron
(Section: H1) £5000

Dr K Gerth Merton College University of Oxford
Consumerism in modern China
(Section: H10) £7500

Mr N Ghaleigh University of Edinburgh
The prospects for e-democratic politics - an inter-disciplinary UK-Japanese research agenda
(Section: S5) £6720

Mr N Ghaleigh University of Edinburgh
The prospects for e-democratic politics - an inter-disciplinary UK-Japanese research agenda
(Section: S1) £6720

Dr R Gholami Aston University
Information and communications technology (ICT) international spillovers
(Section: S2) £7500

Professor P Ghuman Independent Researcher
Dalits and their education
(Section: S4) £2400

Dr J Gill University of Exeter
Phyllis McGinley and the poetics of the American suburbs
(Section: H6) £1594

Dr A Gillespie University of Stirling
Sir Frederic Bartlett Archive: an open-access internet resource
(Section: S6) £6997

Dr F Gillison University of Bath
Prospective longitudinal; study of triggers to the uptake of fitness-orientated exercise in adolescent girls
(Section: S6) £4847

Dr C Gilmore University of Nottingham
Using computer-based games to support children with mathematical learning difficulties
(Section: S6) £2679

Professor C A Gledhill University of Sunderland
Trans-national mediations: melodrama and stardom between Britain, India and USA in the pre-sound era
(Section: H6) £2287

Professor M Gluhovic University of Warwick
Performing the 'New' Europe: _The Black/North SEAS_ project
(Section: H6) £4714

Professor J J Gobert University of Essex
European developments in corporate criminal liability
(Section: S1) £7456

Dr F Goglia University of Exeter
Language contact in immigrant communities: the case of lgbo-Nigerians in Italy
(Section: H4) £3840

Dr E Goh University of Oxford
Measuring power and influence in Asia
(Section: S5) £7444

Dr M  Gondek University of Chester
The carbon footprint of archaeological research
(Section: H7) £2000

Dr S Gonzalez University of Leeds
Urban policy tourism in Bilbao and Barcelona: the construction, delivery and diffusion of urban regeneration success stories
(Section: S3) £2153

Professor G Gooday University of Leeds
John Tyndall's correspondence with William Thomson, Lyon Playfair, James Joule and William Spottiswoode
(Section: H10) £3060

Dr J Goodwin University of Leicester
Scoping data analysis on youth transitions and class in Britain post 1945
(Section: S4) £5752

Dr M J Goodwin University of Manchester
The new British fascism? The rise of the British National Party
(Section: S5) £1948

Professor Y Gorlizki University of Manchester
Networks and hierarchies in the Soviet Provinces, 1945-1970
(Section: S5) £7380

Dr J Goslin University of Plymouth
An electrophysiological investigation of syllable frequency effects in English spoken word recognition
(Section: S6) £6346

Professor J Graham-Campbell, FBA University College London
Silver economy in the Viking Age
(Section: H7) £1396

Dr G Grande University of Manchester
Family caregiving research in palliative and end of life care
(Section: S4) £7497

Dr A Gransden Independent Researcher
Bury St Edmunds Abbey, 1182-1301, vol. ii: Simon of Luton and John of Northwold
(Section: H8) £3250

Dr T J Grant University of Warwick
Bibliographical investigation and textual collation of two Shirley plays, _The Gentleman of Venice_ and _The Politician_
(Section: H5) £5239

Dr Greatrex-White University of Nottingham
Assessing the impact of peer education programmes on users, providers and volunteers in rural Zambia
(Section: S6) £1445

Dr M Green University of Wales, Swansea
Re-evaluating the maternal realm in the poetry of Gabriela Mistral
(Section: H6) £4175

Dr N Gregor University of Southampton
Musical performance and meaning in post-war Germany
(Section: H10) £2120

Dr M Grosbras University of Glasgow
Visual awareness and eye movements in the blind field of hemispherectomized patients
(Section: S6) £4828

Dr Q Gu University of Nottingham
The impact of UK educational experiences on Chinese returnees' lives and careers
(Section: S4) £7338

Dr C Guerrini University of Hull
Self-awareness of cognitive functioning in healthy people
(Section: S6) £7493

Dr K Hack Open University
New sources and perspectives on the Asian Cold War
(Section: H10) £7498

Professor G Haddock University of Manchester
The role of substance use and psychotic symptoms in the occurrence of aggression and violence in people who have a diagnosis of schizophrenia
(Section: S6) £7293

Dr A Hall London School of Economics and Political Science
Reducing tropical deforestation through payments for environmental services: the case of Brazilian Amazonia
(Section: S4) £7300

Dr J Hall University of Exeter
Promiscuous feet: a cultural history of Victorian prosody
(Section: H6) £2090

Dr Y Hamilakis University of Southampton
Comparative archaeological ethnographies: devising new methodologies
(Section: H7) £7375

Dr A Hammerstad University of Kent
The UNHCR, state interest and refugee protection in the 'era of terror'
(Section: S5) £1472

Professor F Hampson University of Essex
Private military companies/ private security companies (PMCs/PSCs): accountability and legal control
(Section: S1) £7498

Mr T R Hardaker University of Liverpool
Namibia Palaeolithic research project 2008
(Section: H7) £4951

Professor A F Harding, FBA University of Exeter
Prehistoric salt exploitation in Transylvania
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr J Harrison Loughborough University
Cities and regions in focus: exploring the role of city development companies in English regions
(Section: S3) £6563

Professor J Hart University of the Arts London
Photography and the garden
(Section: H11) £2500

Professor I Haywood Roehampton University
William James Linton, _Bob Thin; or the Poorhouse Fugitive_
(Section: H6) £2491

Dr Hearn Lancaster University
Trade union mobilization among low paid migrant workers in London
(Section: S4) £1980

Professor A Heathfield Roehampton University
Perform, repeat, record: a critical anthology of live art in history
(Section: H11) £6000

Dr D Heddon University of Glasgow
The art of walking: an embodied practice
(Section: H6) £2474

Professor T Herbert Open University
The place of brass instruments in the development of jazz idiom
(Section: H11) £2450

Dr Herrick King's College London
Mass running events and the city: participation, public health and urban 'somatic justice'
(Section: S3) £6469

Dr B Herrmann University of Nottingham
Social connections, in-group favouritism and corruption: an experimental study of a new 'favour game'
(Section: S2) £7400

Professor D B G Heuser University of Reading
Lessons of military history
(Section: S5) £5992

Dr R Hewitt University of Glamorgan
The Romantic Ordnance Survey: the cultural impact of Britain's first complete, accurate map
(Section: H5) £6565

Professor N P Hewlett University of Warwick
Democracy and state violence in contemporary political thought and contemporary French politics
(Section: S5) £1535

Dr R Hibbitt University of Leeds
The artist as aesthete: the French reception of Oscar Wilde 1833-1900
(Section: H6) £915

Dr T Hill Bath Spa University
Pageantry and power: A cultural history of the early modern Lord Mayor's Show, 1585-1639
(Section: H5) £3092

Dr G Hilson University of Reading
Livelihoods in transition: a critical appraisal of _re_-agrarianization in Ghanaian artisanal mining communities
(Section: S3) £6197

Professor S Hindle University of Warwick
The social topography of a rural community: Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, c.1650-1750
(Section: H9) £7288

Dr C Hindson University of Bristol
Staging London's cultural life: Herbert Beerbohm and Maud Tree
(Section: H10) £700

Dr J Holler University of Manchester
The role of speech-accompanying hand gestures in the process of grounding: how speakers use iconic gesture to establish mutually shared knowledge with their addressees
(Section: S6) £6849

Dr L Holt University of Reading
Urban renaissance developments: searching for inclusive alternatives to (re) constructing young, middle class and childless central and inner cities
(Section: S3) £7499

Dr Horst University of Sussex
Learning mechanisms supporting word-learning
(Section: S6) £7385

Dr Horvath Oxford Brookes University
Migrants in the metropolis
(Section: H6) £6470

Professor R E Howard Newcastle University
Language and the performance of power in Bolivia, 2005-2008
(Section: H6) £3915

Mrs V Howes University of Salford
The law and practice relating to bullying and harassment at work: the problem and its scope
(Section: S1) £3460

Professor J  Hughes Queen's University Belfast
Parental participation in peace education: a comparative study of mixed schools in Northern Ireland and Israel
(Section: S4) £6200

Professor R Hunter University of Kent
The feminist judgments project
(Section: S1) £7472

Dr A Ingram University College London
Geopolitics and biopolitics in the US President's emergency plan for AIDS relief
(Section: S3) £3573

Professor T A Insoll University of Manchester
Ambiguous relations: the archaeology and ethnohistory of the Mamprusi state and its northern neighbours
(Section: H7) £7288

Dr E Ioannidou University of Southampton
Speaking the language of the 'enemy': exploring language and identity among Greek-speaking Turkish
(Section: S4) £6325

Dr V Izzet University of Southampton
Spina survey project
(Section: H7) £4836

Dr Izzo University of Southampton
Giuseppe Verdi's _Un giorno di regno:_ a critical edition
(Section: H11) £7117

Professor R D S Jack University of Edinburgh
Myths and the Mythmaker: the rise and fall of J.M. Barrie
(Section: H6) £3355

Professor B Jackson University of Manchester
Finding a solution to the problem of the chained wife (_Agunah_) in Jewish law
(Section: S1) £7500

Professor T Jackson Middlesex University
Researching cultural interfaces and cultural identities: South African HIV/AIDS/TB projects in the International Aid Governance structure
(Section: S4) £7304

Dr S T James University of Leicester
Geophysical survey at Dura-Europos, Syria
(Section: H7) £6000

Dr L Janik University of Cambridge
Representing movement in northern Russian prehistoric rock art: implications for the development of cognition and visual perception
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr S Jansen University of Manchester
Transformations of home, hope and the state in Bosnia-Herzegovina
(Section: S3) £6893

Dr T Jansen University of Wales, Lampeter
Chinese religions and globalisation, 1800-present
(Section: H2) £7500

Dr L Jeffery University of Edinburgh
Return and onward migration
(Section: S3) £5273

Dr M Jensen University of Birmingham
Comparative statics using potential functions with application to technological bias
(Section: S2) £7464

Professor C D H Jones, FBA Queen Mary, University of London
Thermidor: 24 hours of Parisian revolution
(Section: H10) £7500

Dr H S Jones University of Manchester
Between market and state: endowments as a problem in British and French political thought, c. 1830-1918
(Section: H10) £2936

Dr S Jones Independent Researcher
Notes from the Yellow Earth: making music in rural Chinese society
(Section: H11) £7185

Professor C E Jowitt Nottingham Trent University
Richard Hakluyt, _The Principal Navigations_ (1589)
(Section: H9) £6500

Dr Kallerstrup University of Edinburgh
Semantic externalism
(Section: H12) £1600

Professor K N Kamoche Nottingham Trent University
Managing in Kenya: the challenge of knowledge diffusion within a context of globalisation
(Section: S4) £7480

Dr S Kaner University of East Anglia
Prehistoric landscapes of the Shinano river drainage
(Section: H7) £6850

Dr C Kaplonski University of Cambridge
The death of the Buddhist state: violence and sovereignty in early socialist Mongolia
(Section: S3) £7385

Dr Karlsson University of Oxford
The effects of economic inequality on health: evidence from an international dataset
(Section: S4) £7038

Dr M Kelbert University of Wales, Swansea
Life-health-property insurance and re-insurance and stability of pension funds
(Section: S2) £850

Dr A Kelle University of Bath
Towards a framework convention for biochemical controls - addressing conceptual and practical issues
(Section: S5) £7460

Dr B Kelly Keele University
Leon Vallas, musical biography and criticism in regionalist perspective
(Section: H11) £3680

Dr V Kempe University of Abertay Dundee
Refining the analysis of acoustic indicators for the vocal expression of positive emotion
(Section: S6) £7484

Dr J Kendall University of Salford
Insight into the creative minds of Edward Thomas and Walter de la Mare
(Section: H6) £4840

Dr D Kerr University of Durham
China and the New Central Asia
(Section: S5) £5800

Ms E M Kershaw Independent Researcher
Digitisation of Brunei-Dusun folktales and historical interviews at the Endangered Languages Archive, SOAS, with supply of electronically recorded transcriptions
(Section: H4) £615

Sir I  Kershaw, FBA Independent Researcher
The end of charisma? How the Hitler Stat functioned, 1944-45
(Section: H10) £7379

Dr L Khatib Royal Holloway, University of London
The visual communications of politics in physical space in the Middle East
(Section: S5) £7313

Dr J Kiaer University of Oxford
What does children's parsing and production patterns tell us about the grammar? The case of Korean
(Section: H4) £1418

Dr N Kirkham Birkbeck, University of London
The effect of social cues on directing attention during infancy
(Section: S6) £7450

Dr S Kite, RIBA Cardiff University
The aspect of things: watching architecture - Ruskin and Italy
(Section: H11) £2194

Dr J A Klein School of Oriental and African Studies
Eating green in urban China
(Section: S3) £6365

Dr C Knappett University of Exeter
_Intermezzo_: Intermediacy and regeneration in Middle Minoan lll Palatial Crete
(Section: H7) £7500

Professor S Knight Cardiff University
Mysterious cities: the contribution of crime fiction to urban self-consciousness in the mid-nineteenth century
(Section: H6) £7500

Dr J T Koch Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies University of Wales
Celticization from the West? New perspectives on the emergence and spread of the Celtic languages
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr J T Koch Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies University of Wales
Celticization from the West? New perspectives on the emergence and spread of the Celtic languages
(Section: H4) £7500

Dr Koontz-Garboden University of Manchester
Modality and existentiality in Ulwa
(Section: H4) £5755

Professor A Kuhn, FBA Queen Mary, University of London
Transitional phenomena and cultural experience
(Section: H6) £2600

Dr C Ladds University of Bristol
Empire carers: the Foreign Staff of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, 1854-1949
(Section: H10) £5235

Dr D S Lane University of Cambridge
Why was there a 'coloured' revolution in Ukraine, but not in Russia?
(Section: S5) £7500

Dr K Lane University of Manchester
Technology and cosmology in the landscapes of the ancient Andes
(Section: H7) £7490

Dr P Lane University of York
Stone cairns and burial practices in a pastorals landscape context, Baawa cairn-field, Northern Kenya
(Section: H7) £7464

Dr Lang London School of Economics and Political Science
Re-righting the international economy: a social history of engagement between the international trade and international human rights regimes
(Section: S1) £3360

Dr M Larmer University of Sheffield
The Katangese Gendarmes in Southern-Central Africa's thirty years' war, 1961-1991
(Section: H10) £6673

Dr G F Lau University of East Anglia
Chiefly compounds in the high Andes: house and activity patterns in the Pomabamba region, Peru
(Section: H7) £6962

Dr Lau University of Oxford
Understanding pathological responses to peer exclusion: the role of social fear learning mechanisms
(Section: S6) £2600

Dr I Lauchlan University of Stirling
Military intelligence in Imperil Russia, 1905-1914
(Section: H10) £1000

Dr Lavery University of Southampton
The multimedia works of Ana Clavel
(Section: H6) £2070

Dr T  Lawrence University of East London
Hold Onto Your Dreams: Arthur Russell and the Downtown Scene, 1973-92
(Section: H11) £1920

Dr S Leahy Newcastle University
From surrealism to communism: the cinematic collaborations of the Groupe Octobre, 1932-1936
(Section: H6) £1854

Dr L Leante Open University
Identity and meaning in _bhangra_ performance
(Section: H11) £5249

Dr J Lee Birkbeck, University of London
Reputational effects in litigations with multiple plaintiffs
(Section: S2) £3500

Dr M Legg Independent Researcher
The letters of Mrs Katherine Connolly written between 1716 and 1754
(Section: H9) £2000

Dr O Lelong University of Glasgow
Shetland community archaeology project: Sandwick, Unst post-excavation analysis
(Section: H7) £7221

Dr M Leon University of Kent
The organisation of social care in Europe: migrant care workers in perspective
(Section: S4) £7000

Dr C Leonardi University of Durham
Languages of power in Southern Sudanese history
(Section: H10) £6740

Dr S Lewthwaite University of Nottingham
Modernism, _Mestizaje_, and Hispano art, 1930-1950
(Section: H11) £4462

Dr S H Lim University of Exeter
Tsai Ming-Liang and a cinema of slowness
(Section: H6) £4254

Dr C Lindsay University College London
Death on the Border: travel and trauma in the US-Mexico borderlands
(Section: H6) £2250

Dr J Lindvall University of Oxford
Reform capacity in European welfare states
(Section: S5) £7178

Dr O Linnebo University of Bristol
New waves in philosophy of mathematics
(Section: H12) £4630

Professor H Liu University of Manchester
The state and transnational; community: changing policies toward new migrants in China and the United Kingdom, 1997-2007
(Section: S5) £6210

Dr J Liu University of Leeds
Becoming 'white-collar beauties' in urban China: the impact of economic reforms on young Chinese women
(Section: S4) £6935

Dr A Loftus Royal Holloway, University of London
Gramscian geographies
(Section: S3) £7460

Dr R Loncraine Independent Researcher
L. Frank Baum and the myth of modern America
(Section: H6) £2590

Dr A Long University of St Andrews
Plato in the Stoa
(Section: H1) £600

Dr K Lowe Queen Mary, University of London
Visible lives: sub-Saharan Africans in Renaissance Florence and Venice
(Section: H9) £6343

Dr P Lowe Aston University
The construction of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in British newspapers
(Section: S4) £7499

Dr L Lyle University of Sheffield
Le Struggleforlife: Social Darwinism in the French ideological novel, 1880-1920
(Section: H6) £675

Dr Lynch Keele University
Modern Kenya and the ethnic factor: the case of the Kalenjin
(Section: S5) £1800

Dr B Mabee Queen Mary, University of London
Pirates, bandits, mercenaries and terrorists: privatised violence in historical context
(Section: S5) £3759

Dr S MacGregor Keele University
The new good (British) citizen? The political implications of citizenship tests and ceremonies in the UK
(Section: S5) £7499

Dr J MacLeavy University of Bristol
Welfare-to-work after 9/11
(Section: S3) £6095

Dr G MacLeod University of Durham
Remaking cities: towards a new urbanisation in Britain
(Section: S3) £4935

Dr R I Macphail University College London
Marine inundation and archaeology: Wallasea Island, Essex
(Section: H7) £7323

Dr Mahon University College London
Lexical overlap of words and gestures in deaf children's spoken language development
(Section: H4) £7496

Dr J Malay University of Huddersfield
Sibylline imagery and prophecy in the politics of Jacobean England
(Section: H5) £972

Dr C A T Malone Queen's University Belfast
Time and cultural dynamics: chronology and sequence at the Brochtorff Circle, Gozo
(Section: H7) £7230

Dr C Mark Royal Holloway, University of London
Anglo-Chinese relations, 1950-72: Cold War, post-Imperialism and Colonialism
(Section: H10) £7300

Dr S Marnette University of Oxford
Quoting her: female expression in Medieval French narratives
(Section: H8) £3464

Dr Z Marriage School of Oriental and African Studies
Security peace. Development in Congo and liberal agenda
(Section: S5) £7500

Dr A G Marshall King's College London
Soviet Rule in the Caucasus
(Section: H10) £2625

Dr S M Massey Coventry University
Criminal networking in the human trade between North Africa and Italy
(Section: S5) £7280

Mr R Masterman University of Durham
Judicial power under the Human Rights Act and Victorian Charter of Human Rights
(Section: S1) £2763

Professor Y Matras University of Manchester
Piloting the integration of narrative discourse into a web-based language documentation resource
(Section: H4) £7500

Professor D J Mattingly, FBA University of Leicester
The Leptiminus archaeological survey: GIS analysis of a Roman harbour town
(Section: H7) £4997

Dr J Mawdsley Newcastle University
The European Union and security research: advocacy, legitimisation and framing
(Section: S5) £1741

Professor H Mayr-Harting, FBA Independent Researcher
Manuscripts of Archbishop Hildebalds' time at Cologne the Carolingian Renaissance in Action
(Section: H8) £1414

Dr A Mazel Newcastle University
Embedding apartheid in museums: the changing terrain of museums politics in Cape Town in the 1950s and 1960s
(Section: S3) £2971

Professor G Mazzoni University of Hull
Does international suppression exist? Individual differences in memory inhibitions as a way to reconcile conflicting findings
(Section: S6) £7151

Dr J E McCabe Manchester Metropolitan University
_The West Wing_ (TV Milestone series)
(Section: H6) £1727

Professor G McCormack University of Leeds
Internationalisation of Secured Credit Law: the UNCITRAL experience
(Section: S1) £5445

Dr M McCusker Queen's University Belfast
A critical edition of Louis de Maynard's _Outre-mer_ and a related article on 19th century white Creole authors
(Section: H6) £2850

Dr J McGonagle University of Manchester
Representations of Algiers in recent film and photography
(Section: H6) £1806

Dr McGregor University of Edinburgh
A parent survey of the narrative interests and skills of children with autism, their siblings and peers
(Section: S6) £3831

Dr K McKee University of Glasgow
Empowering Glasgow's tenants through community ownership: a tenants' perspective
(Section: S3) £944

Professor A B McMillin Independent Researcher
Contemporary Belarusian literature
(Section: H6) £1153

Dr J McNabb University of Southampton
The archaeology and dating of the earliest hominin occupation of the Pleistocene River Solent
(Section: H7) £7464

Dr F McNeill University of Glasgow
Oral histories of probation in Scotland
(Section: S1) £7090

Dr J Medhurst Aberystwyth University
The early years of television and the BBC, 1923-1939
(Section: H6) £3117

Professor P A Mellars, FBA Corpus Christi College University of Cambridge
The demography of early Homo sapiens populations in Europe, 45,000 - 30,000 BP
(Section: H7) £7500

Professor A Memon University of Aberdeen
Obtaining best evidence from senior eyewitnesses: investigating changes in practice following the Vulnerable Witness (Scotland) Bill
(Section: S6) £7020

Dr G Menz Goldsmiths College University of London
The privatisation of migration management: new incentive structures and new avenues for lobbying for non-state actors
(Section: S5) £5414

Dr I Mevorach University of Nottingham
Empirical investigations of the applications of global models of cross-border insolvency to the multinational corporate group case
(Section: S1) £2939

Dr S Middleton University of Sheffield
Law and economy in eighteenth-century New York City
(Section: H9) £5586

Dr L Miles University of Aberdeen
Social dynamics and interpersonal synchrony
(Section: S6) £7203

Professor J L Miller Queen Mary, University of London
The military presence in England and Ireland in the reign of George I
(Section: H9) £2451

Professor M J Millett, FBA University of Cambridge
Hayton Roman coins project
(Section: H7) £6741

Dr G Millington Roehampton University
Beyond the cosompolis: racism and multiculture on the edge
(Section: S4) £6165

Dr N J Milner University of York
Star Carr 2008
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr Z Mir-Hosseini School of Oriental and African Studies
Politics of family law reforms in Iran and Morocco
(Section: S1) £7150

Dr Misra Lancaster University
The politics of failed states: Mara Salvatrucha and gangland violence in Central America
(Section: S5) £6830

Professor S J Mithen, FBA University of Reading
Fiskary Bay, Isle of Coll
(Section: H7) £7399

Dr N Momigliano University of Bristol
Settlement history and material culture of Bronze Age-Early Iron Age southwest Turkey: the site of Caltilar, Lycia
(Section: H7) £5449

Professor R Monelle Independent Researcher
Towards a re-evaluation of the analytical methodology of Donald Francis Tovey (1875-1940)
(Section: H11) £4993

Dr A Monks Birkbeck, University of London
Playing Irish, performing Ireland: emigration and tourism in performance
(Section: H6) £1373

Dr E Moore School of Oriental and African Studies
The archaeology of Buddhist Burma (Myanmar)
(Section: H7) £2400

Mr J S Moore University of Bristol
Re-editing the Cartae Baronum of 1165-66
(Section: H8) £6884

Dr J V Moore Cardiff University
Thomas Moore, Satirist
(Section: H6) £1670

Dr Morales University of Manchester
Grassroots activism, social capital and democracy: a comparative study of Germany, Spain and Switzerland
(Section: S4) £6950

Dr L Moretti Worcester College University of Oxford
Room for musical performance in the Este and Gonzaga courts (1400-1540)
(Section: H11) £2600

Dr C M Morgan Keele University
Writing the October crisis
(Section: H6) £2674

Dr E Morier-Genoud Queen's University Belfast
The politics of war commemoration in Mozambique
(Section: H10) £7335

Dr C Morris University of Nottingham
Amateur meteorology and the production of contemporary climate knowledge
(Section: S3) £6345

Professor A D Murphy University of St Andrews
Edward Dowden and origins of English
(Section: H6) £5350

Dr D Murphy University of Stirling
Making histories: towards more complex genealogies of Francophone African literature and cinema
(Section: H6) £7190

Professor S B M Neale University of Exeter
Don't look now? British cinema in the 1970s
(Section: H6) £2475

Dame J L Nelson, DBE, FBA King's College London
Upgrading accessibility to PASE website
(Section: H8) £7500

Dr D Newbery University of Cambridge
Commitment and dynamic consistency of climate policy
(Section: S2) £3400

Dr D Newman University of Durham
Pharyngealization in Arabic: a cross-dialectal study
(Section: H4) £7500

Dr S Newman Goldsmiths College University of London
Politics most unusual: sovereignty, religion and violence in the 'War on Terror'
(Section: S5) £2915

Ms B Nicholson Independent Researcher
Kosovar and other refugees in Albania in the interwar period (1919-1939)
(Section: S3) £6880

Dr G  Norris Aberystwyth University
Authoritarian predispositions and fear of crime
(Section: S6) £1930

Dr B Norton Goldsmiths College University of London
Music and urban change in Hanoi, Vietnam
(Section: H11) £4550

Dr L  Noszlopy Royal Holloway, University of London
John Coast: life and work across borders
(Section: H6) £4547

Dr I O'Flynn Newcastle University
A deliberative network analysis of ethnic relations in the United Kingdom
(Section: S5) £7282

Dr J R O'Gorman Sheffield Hallam University
Do humans' implicit attitudes demonstrate a preference for kin or friend?
(Section: S6) £7185

Dr M O'Malley University of Exeter
The life of cells: philosophy and history of cellular research and theory
(Section: H12) £2827

Professor J W Offer University of Ulster
Herbert Spencer and currents of Liberalism into the early twentieth century
(Section: S4) £5000

Dr J Oldmeadow University of York
Casual attribution and stereotyping: developing a new methodology for investigating stereotype formation
(Section: S6) £3823

Dr V D Opfer University of Cambridge
Organizational strategy, political context and the perceived influence of educational interest groups in the United States Congress
(Section: S5) £6750

Dr J Opland Independent Researcher
An edition and translation of selected historical and biographical writings of S.E.K. Mqhayi
(Section: H3) £6500

Dr I A Orlowska University of Edinburgh
From 'tradition' to 'modernity': symbolism and ritual in political culture of the Ethiopian empire, 1850s-1930s
(Section: H10) £7500

Professor M Osborne University of Glasgow
Non-formal education and poverty reduction: a comparative study
(Section: S4) £7500

Dr C Ota University of Brighton
Moving against the grain? An examination of the efficacy of touch based interventions in fostering children's social relationships in a climate of suspicion
(Section: S6) £6912

Dr T Owens University of Nottingham
Beneficiary assessments of NGOs in Uganda
(Section: S2) £7500

Mrs N M Padfield Fitzwilliam College University of Cambridge
Cambridge European sentencing and early release project (CESERP)
(Section: S1) £6930

Dr M Page University of the West of England
Implementation of gender equality in local government - towards an interpretive framework
(Section: S4) £6968

Dr C Panayotakis University of Glasgow
Roman drama in fragments: the Atellane comedies of Pomponius and Novius
(Section: H1) £600

Dr H V Pant King's College London
The US-India nuclear deal: triumph of politics over institutions
(Section: S5) £4185

Dr J Parkhurst London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The framing of evidence in policy developments: The United States ABC policy for HIV prevention in Africa
(Section: S4) £7246

Dr D L Parsons University of Birmingham
'Sitwellism': Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell and 1920s modernism
(Section: H6) £2355

Professor L M Paterson University of Warwick
Lyric responses to the crusading movement in Medieval Occitan and French
(Section: H6) £7498

Dr C E M Paver University of Exeter
Aspects of memorialization in historical exhibitions about the national socialist era
(Section: H6) £2157

Dr F G Pedriali University of Edinburgh
Great irregulars. On major small issues of human misunderstanding - Bruno, Cervantes, Sterne, Gadda
(Section: H6) £3975

Professor J D Y Peel, FBA Independent Researcher
Comparison and conflict in Nigerian religion: Yoruba Muslims and Northern Christians
(Section: S3) £6963

Dr R Peel University of Plymouth
Emily Dickinson and the Hill of Science
(Section: H6) £1683

Dr Z Pelczynski Independent Researcher
Sorting the Plamenatz archive
(Section: H12) £6913

Dr A Pereira University of East Anglia
Police Ombudsment in Brazil: enhanced accountability
(Section: S5) £6833

Dr D Pero University of Nottingham
Civic and political engagement among 'New Migrants' in Britain, mobilization, civil society and integration
(Section: S4) £7260

Dr K Peters University of Exeter
Examining the lack of female surgeons: the role and identity and belongingness
(Section: S6) £7118

Professor D Peters-Corbett University of York
The moral result: Martin Johnson Heade, Frederic Church, Theodore Winthrop and the painter's responsibility
(Section: H11) £4011

Professor G Philip University of Durham
The early history of an upland landscape: the basalt region of Homs, Syria
(Section: H7) £6978

Dr J P Phillips Royal Holloway, University of London
A database of Crusaders to the Holy Land, c. 1095-c. 1149
(Section: H8) £5200

Dr A Pike Newcastle University
A 'British' brand? the case of Burberry
(Section: S3) £6683

Dr T Pincus Royal Holloway, University of London
Returning back pain patients to work: perception of their role amongst Osteopaths in the private sector
(Section: S6) £7390

Professor K Pine University of Hertfordshire
The changing role of gesture in the linguistic development of typically and atypically developing children
(Section: S6) £5945

Dr L  Pine London South Bank University
Education and the socialisation of youth in the Third Reich, 1933-1945
(Section: H10) £900

Dr M D Pittaway Open University
National Socialist rule and its impact in the Austrian-Hungarian borderland, 1938-1946
(Section: H10) £7262

Dr N Pizzolato Queen Mary, University of London
Workers and revolutionaries on the shop floor: labour migration, urban transformation and workers' struggle in Detroit and Turin (1947-1980)
(Section: H10) £3678

Professor J E Plastow University of Leeds
A history of Eritrean performance
(Section: H3) £6181

Dr Polinskaya King's College London
Ancient inscriptions of the Black Sea Region, IOSPE: first English edition and electronic dissemination
(Section: H1) £4000

Professor J F Pollard University of Cambridge
The Vatican's attempts to impose the 'Italian model' of Catholic action on the rest of the Catholic world, 1922-1939
(Section: H10) £2400

Professor D J Power University of Wales, Swansea
The Anglo-French aristocracy 1150-1260
(Section: H8) £4684

Dr R Primorac Royal Holloway, University of London
An overshadowed literature: mapping the field
(Section: H6) £7250

Dr S Prince University of Exeter
Institutionalising mandatory mediation in court-connected civil mediation (non-family) in Florida
(Section: S1) £4228

Dr C Prior University of Hull
Britain's Holy Wars: political thought and ecclesiastical polity, 1580-1642
(Section: H9) £1295

Dr C Prior University of Leeds
Imperial mindsets: British colonial officials in Africa, 1900-1939
(Section: H10) £7028

Dr J Pugh Newcastle University
The spatial turn and political subjectivity
(Section: S5) £3564

Dr S Quinn University of Stirling
Perceiving temporal regularity across modalities
(Section: S6) £2285

Dr Quiroga Newcastle University
The sword and the word:  A portrait of General Primo de Rivera
(Section: H10) £1330

Professor M Rady School of Slavonic and East European Studies University College London
An edition and translation of the law of Hungary, 1490-1526
(Section: H8) £7305

Dr T Rakow University of Essex
Assessing complex graphics for communicating medical risks to the public
(Section: S6) £7426

Dr M Ramirez University of Sussex
A practice-base perspective to building knowledge in Peru's mango industry
(Section: S4) £6355

Professor M Rampley University of Teesside
Unity in multiplicity: the Vienna world's fair of 1873 and cultural policy in the late Hasburg Empire
(Section: H11) £4904

Professor F Rapport University of Wales, Swansea
Narrating the Holocaust: innovative approaches to narrative analysis of Holocaust survivor oral testimony
(Section: S4) £4920

Dr S Ratcliffe Keble College University of Oxford
On sympathy
(Section: H6) £950

Dr P Rau University of Portsmouth
English modernism, national identity and the Germans, 1890-1950
(Section: H6) £924

Professor I Reader University of Manchester
Pilgrimage production, promotion and representation in contemporary Japan
(Section: S3) £2625

Professor J Redmond University of Birmingham
Summitry in an Enlarged European Union: too many places at the table
(Section: S5) £3740

Professor E D Reed University of Exeter
Security and human rights: conflict of complemetarity?
(Section: H2) £4578

Professor Lord C Renfrew, of Kaimsthorn, FBA University of Cambridge
Keros and the international spirit of the Cycladic Early Bronze Age
(Section: H7) £7500

Ms M Requa Queen's University Belfast
Comparative study of the domestic incorporation of international legal rights
(Section: S1) £2830

Dr F Rice University College London
The role of cognitions in adolescent depression
(Section: S6) £7309

Dr F Richards Open University
British-Australian migrations: the musical impact of movement between Australia and the UK  c.1830-2010
(Section: H11) £4795

Dr P Richards Independent Researcher
Modernity, continuity and change in Dogan art and material culture
(Section: H11) £7500

Dr B Rieger University College London
The Volkswgen Beetle in Mexico
(Section: H10) £4915

Mr J Rix Open University
Early Intervention: parents perceptions and children's experiences
(Section: S4) £4000

Dr Rizov Middlesex University
Comparative productivity analysis of manufacturing industries in the UK, Germany and France using micro data
(Section: S2) £7400

Dr D Robb University of Dundee
Post-war writers of the 20C Scottish literary renaissance and broadcasting, 1945-65
(Section: H6) £1846

Dr D G Robb Queen's University Belfast
New research in German political song
(Section: H6) £5630

Professor C A Roberts University of Durham
Indigenous or incomers? A mobility study of people with pre-Columbian venereal syphilis at Hull Magistrates Court
(Section: H7) £2765

Dr H Roberts University of Exeter
A critical edition of the works of Bruscambille
(Section: H5) £870

Dr C F Robinson University of Oxford
Sa'id b. Humayd and the documentary culture of the mid-Abbasid caliphate
(Section: H3) £3690

Professor P Robinson University of Reading
The importance of Bernard Spencer
(Section: H6) £6472

Dr M Robson University of Nottingham
Hester Pulter, Poems
(Section: H5) £2495

Dr J M Rodd University College London
How do we represent and process the meanings of ambiguous words?
(Section: S6) £7480

Professor N Roe University of St Andrews
A new critical biography of John Keats
(Section: H6) £2000

Dr A M Roos-Benton University of Oxford
Dr Martin Lister (1638-1712) a biographical study of an early Royal Society luminary
(Section: H9) £2545

Professor S Roper University of Warwick
Taking risks in the face of uncertainty: the impact of perceived uncertainty on small and medium-sized firms' (SMEs) investments in 'green' innovation
(Section: S2) £6462

Dr Rosenthal Independent Researcher
Economic efficiency, nuisance and chancery law: sewage pollution, 1850-1900
(Section: S2) £4375

Dr M Roser University of Plymouth
The spatial correspondence hypothesis: effects of orienting in response to central and peripheral spatial cues on early visually-evoked components
(Section: S6) £4800

Professor A Ross London Metropolitan University
Young people's propensity to behave pro-socially and altruistically towards others
(Section: S4) £7464

Professor K Rotenberg Keele University
Developing measures of trust beliefs and trustworthiness in children from Japan and the United Kingdom
(Section: S6) £7458

Dr D Rowbottom University of Bristol
Stance and rationality
(Section: H12) £1490

Dr J Rowe Independent Researcher
Protective and risk factors for offending in young adults with Asperger's syndrome
(Section: S6) £3252

Dr S Roy University of Nottingham
The politics of institutionalising the Women's movement in India
(Section: S4) £6513

Professor C L N Ruggles University of Leicester
Ancient Hawaiian skies: further archaeoastronomical fieldwork in Kahikinui (Maui) and the Big Island of Hawai'i
(Section: H7) £5900

Dr S Ruston Keele University
Vital romanticism: literature, science and medicine in the romantic period
(Section: H6) £4547

Dr M Sadan Wolfson College University of Oxford
Economies of ethnicity: material, visual and oral cultures and the formation of ethnic identities in the Burmese colonial and postcolonial state
(Section: S3) £6275

Dr N Saint University of Leeds
The origins of Georges Didi-Huberman's art writing
(Section: H6) £785

Professor M Salama-Carr University of Salford
Translating scientific discourse - nation building in nineteenth century Egypt
(Section: H6) £1819

Dr J Sallabank School of Oriental and African Studies
Investigation into the role of a language support officer in endangered language revitalisation
(Section: H4) £5925

Dr C Samson University of Essex
The Innu 'trail of tears': a social documentary of survivors' accounts of the relocation of the Mushuau Innu in 1948
(Section: S3) £7236

Dr B Sanghera University of Kent
The moral aspects of economic survival and political resistance in Kyrgystan
(Section: S4) £7410

Professor M Sargeant Middlesex University
The perception of age, in respect of older people, as presented in the media
(Section: S1) £4415

Dr J Sauer University of Kent
Stimulating organic farming in the UK: lessons from Scandinavia
(Section: S2) £4775

Dr J Scheele University of Oxford
The trans-Saharan knowledge economy: teachers, traders and migrants
(Section: S3) £4198

Professor A Schonle Queen Mary, University of London
Architecture of oblivion: ruins and historical consciousness in modern Russia
(Section: H10) £3830

Dr J Scobbie Queen Margaret University
Fine-phonetic detail in the specification of grammar: exploring differences in articulatory settings across languages
(Section: H4) £5600

Dr T B M Screech School of Oriental and African Studies
Obtaining pictures: production and consumption in the arts of 18th century Japan
(Section: H11) £7350

Dr Seetah University of Cambridge
Exploiting the star of the Indian Ocean: understanding colonialism through diet in post-medieval Mauritius
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr S Semple University of Durham
Space, place and performance: archaeological and topographic perspectives on Assembly in Southern Sweden
(Section: H7) £5086

Dr A Sen University of Manchester
A luggage tag on his toe: ethno-histories, custodial deaths/disappearances and state torture in urban India
(Section: S3) £6265

Dr G Sergi University of Nottingham
A sense of identity: the role of the movie guilds in the cinema
(Section: H6) £1870

Dr P Shapely University of Wales, Bangor
Public and private sector partnerships and the emergence of the entrepreneurial city
(Section: H10) £6127

Professor E J Shattock University of Leicester
Selected works of Margaret Oliphant
(Section: H6) £2086

Dr D Shaw University of Glasgow
The role and impact of consumer uncertainty in ethical buying decisions
(Section: S4) £4676

Dr J E Shaw University of Sheffield
By grace of the prince: petitions and equity in early modern Tuscany
(Section: H9) £3769

Dr N Shea Somerville College University of Oxford
Methodology for the scientific study of P-Consciousness
(Section: H12) £6277

Professor J Shepherd Anglia Ruskin University
'Crisis? What Crisis? The 'winter of discontent' 1978-79 in British politics
(Section: H10) £7211

Dr H B Shin London School of Economics and Political Science
Pushing ahead with mega-events: the housing outcomes of mega-event hosting on low-income families in China
(Section: S3) £7420

Dr C Short University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
The art theory of Wassily Kandinsky, 1909-1928: the quest for synthesis
(Section: H11) £1763

Dr Simmons Liverpool John Moores University
The association between phonological recoding and qualitative changes in children's reading, arithmetic and writing
(Section: S6) £5227

Dr A J Simpson University of Manchester
An anthropological pilot study of psychosocial support for HIV/AIDS affected children and adolescents in Zambian schools
(Section: S3) £2332

Dr E Simpson School of Oriental and African Studies
The idea of Gujarat in history, ethnography and text
(Section: S3) £6720

Professor I A Simpson University of Stirling
Modern Human Settlement in tropical South Asia: Micro morphology and microstratigrahy of two late Pleistocene-early Holocene rock shelter sites in SW Sri Lanka
(Section: H7) £6195

Dr Skarabela University of Edinburgh
The role of animacy in alternating possessive constructions: a cross-linguistic study of priming possessives in Czech and English preschoolers
(Section: H4) £5285

Professor R Skeldon University of Sussex
The linkages between internal and international migration in and from Peru
(Section: S3) £4323

Dr Skinner University of Bristol
The roots of solidarity: the foundations of anti-apartheid in Britain and the United States, 1946-64
(Section: H10) £5165

Dr S Smart University of Exeter
Hohenzollern wives: the representation of the electresses of Brandenburg and Queens in Prussia 1646-1713
(Section: H5) £1164

Dr A Smith University of Leeds
The forging of the Catalan Nation, 1880-1939
(Section: H10) £3977

Dr B W Smith University of Durham
The varieties of moral experience: a phenomenological investigation
(Section: H12) £6820

Dr G W H Smith University of Salford
Erving Goffman: an intellectual biography
(Section: S4) £2660

Dr J Smith University of Exeter
Group power and accountability
(Section: S6) £6550

Mr P Smith University of Reading
The role of scheme managers in multi-unit developments and the nature, scope and incidents of apartment ownership
(Section: S1) £1428

Dr S Smith University of Hull
Plantation slavery and settlement on St Vincent and the Grenadines, 1763-1834
(Section: H9) £1153

Dr L Sollars University of Glasgow
Social context and mudbrick: developments in non-invasive survey technology at North Kamak, Egypt
(Section: H7) £833

Professor P Sparke Kingston University
The modern interior: designing inside modernity
(Section: H11) £3663

Dr K Spence University of Cambridge
Colonialism in ancient Egyptian Nubia: a reassessment of the town of Sesebi
(Section: H7) £3448

Dr C Spencer Chatham House
Transatlantic relations in a changing mediterranean context: smaller steps to security?
(Section: S5) £6000

Dr G Spencer University of Portsmouth
Protestant identity and peacemaking in Northern Ireland
(Section: S4) £6050

Dr T Stack University of Aberdeen
Concepts and experiences of citizenship in California
(Section: S3) £5512

Professor L Stanley University of Edinburgh
The unknown Schreiner: researching the previously unpublished manuscripts of Olive Schreiner
(Section: H6) £6780

Dr A Stevens University of Cambridge
The Amarna stone village project: exploring the urban periphery in Ancient Egypt
(Section: H7) £7229

Dr Stevens University of Exeter
Perceptions of fairness of campaign rhetoric in the United Kingdom and the United States
(Section: S5) £4653

Dr B Stewart Homerton College University of Cambridge
The Middle Stone Age of the Lesotho Highlands, Southern Africa
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr M Stewart Heriot-Watt University
Understanding emotion in the voice: are impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorder due to semantic context of prosodic factors?
(Section: S6) £7216

Dr M Stibbe Sheffield Hallam University
Civilian internment in Australia (Cisleithania) during the First World War
(Section: H10) £2815

Dr J Stoeber University of Kent
Maladaptive perfectionism and mental health in British and Chinese students: comparing individual and social aspects
(Section: S6) £7402

Dr V Stojanovik University of Reading
Sentence processing in children with Williams syndrome using eye-tracking
(Section: H4) £7260

Dr M B Stokes University College London
France and American Film: studies of cultural exchange
(Section: H6) £4360

Dr G C Stone, FBA Hertford College University of Oxford
A philological edition of a late-seventeenth-century Upper Sorbian manuscript
(Section: H4) £1570

Professor L Stonebridge University of East Anglia
Law writing: fiction after Nuremberg
(Section: H6) £2012

Dr J Stuart-Smith University of Glasgow
Investigating ethnic accents: an acoustic phonetic analysis of Glasgow Asian
(Section: H4) £5470

Dr C Sullivan University of Wales, Bangor
Writers as bureaucrats: office holding 1600-2000
(Section: H6) £4176

Dr Sultana Middlesex University
Distributional implications of enclosure of floodplain commons in Bangladesh
(Section: S3) £6738

Dr R Sultanova School of Oriental and African Studies
Remembrance the things past: Central Asian music at the beginning of the 20 century
(Section: H11) £2300

Dr A Summers Independent Researcher
Relations between Christian and Jewish women in Britain, c. 1840-1940
(Section: H10) £3254

Dr J Sutton University of Leeds
Organised charity and social activism in present-day Russia
(Section: H2) £5140

Dr H J Swift St Hilda's College University of Oxford
Voices in Medieval French narrative (12th C. to 15th C.)
(Section: H8) £4601

Dr J P Szarka University of Bath
Making the case for climate policy: policy discourses and actor engagement
(Section: S5) £5700

Dr Szendroi University College London
Processing cost of reference set computation: quantifier raising
(Section: H4) £6027

Dr S Taji-Farouki University of Exeter
Ibn 'Arabi and his shrine complex in contemporary Damascus
(Section: H2) £3425

Dr T Y Tan School of Oriental and African Studies
"Lost songs" of Kang Hai (1475-1541)
(Section: H3) £6378

Dr Taylor University of Glamorgan
The development of commitment to subordinate and super-ordinate social groups
(Section: S6) £6190

Professor S J C Taylor University of Reading
The Clergy of the Church of England database 1540-1835
(Section: H9) £6610

Dr Tennant Independent Researcher
Corporate holiness: pulpit preaching and the Anglican missionary movement, 1760-1870
(Section: H2) £4560

Dr D Theodossopoulos University of Bristol
Authenticity, cultural representation and indigenous tourism in an Embera community in Panama
(Section: S3) £1980

Professor S Thomas De Montfort University
Nature metaphors in virtual landscapes
(Section: H6) £5235

Dr A Thompson University of Leeds
The terrible but unfinished story: commemorating genocide
(Section: H6) £7480

Dr C Thompson Nottingham Trent University
The Maria Graham Callcott project: the woman writer and the cultures if travel, science and publishing in the early nineteenth century
(Section: H6) £5788

Dr V G Thoms University of Wolverhampton
Haunting Martha Graham: Gender, Body and Identity
(Section: H6) £3577

Dr P Thornemann Wadham College University of Oxford
Monuments Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI: monuments from Southern Phrygia, Lycaonia, and Cappadocia
(Section: H1) £5000

Dr Z G  Tiba University of Cambridge
The changing nature of famines: new theories, conceptual developments and the case of Malawi
(Section: S5) £6828

Dr Z G  Tiba University of Cambridge
The changing nature of famines: new theories, conceptual developments and the case of Malawi
(Section: S3) £6828

Dr U Tidd University of Manchester
Critical biography of Simone de Beauvoir
(Section: H6) £2585

Professor G Till King's College London
Globalisation and naval development in the Asia-Pacific
(Section: S5) £5776

Dr J Timmermann University of St Andrews
Kant's 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals'
(Section: H12) £1803

Dr A Timming University of Manchester
Analysing the work-based effects of the commute: a multivariate approach
(Section: S4) £7379

Professor A Tolmie Institute of Education
Analogical reasoning and generalisation in children's science explanations
(Section: S6) £7458

Dr M Topping Cardiff University
Phototextual journeys: francophone travel literature and the photographic gaze
(Section: H6) £4195

Dr E N Torgersen Lancaster University
Analysis of spoken London English using corpus tools
(Section: H4) £6877

Dr G A Treglia University of Durham
The socio-cultural dimension of US government 'Indian New Deal' policies towards Native Americans, 1933-1945
(Section: H10) £4000

Dr M Treherne University of Leeds
Reviewing Dante's theology
(Section: H8) £2800

Dr C L Tully University of Wales, Bangor
H.G. Adler and Franz Baermann Steiner: selected letters 1939-1952
(Section: H6) £2127

Dr Turton Queen's University Belfast
The role of the family in the Russian revolutionary movement: the case of Zinoviev's arrest
(Section: H10) £1034

Professor J M Twigg University of Kent
Clothing, consumption and age
(Section: S4) £3790

Dr C Uller University of Essex
Numerical discrimination in 10-month-old infants
(Section: S6) £7500

Dr D Urquhart University of Liverpool
A history of Irish divorce
(Section: H10) £2729

Dr C Urwin Independent Researcher
Is group-membership basic to infant mental health? Establishing a method
(Section: S6) £7469

Dr A Vadillo University of Exeter
Work and days: the journals of Michael Field 1888-1914
(Section: H6) £7491

Professor K Van der Pijl University of Sussex
Transnational dissemination of the Anglo-American international relations discipline in the EU
(Section: S5) £7000

Dr van Dooren University of Hull
Seed governance in Mexico: the shaping of maize seed systems in Sinaloa
(Section: S3) £6150

Dr M Van Ittersum University of Dundee
Hugo Grotius and the United Dutch East India company: the long good-bye (1621-1645)
(Section: H9) £1978

Dr M Vanstone University of Wales, Swansea
The early years of the Court of Criminal Appeal
(Section: S1) £2750

Dr K N Varley Independent Researcher
The resistance and liberation of Corsica during the Second World War
(Section: H10) £1865

Dr H Vassallo University of Exeter
The body besieged: conflict and trauma in contemporary francophone women's writing
(Section: H6) £3334

Dr N Vaughan-Williams University of Exeter
Lines in the sand? Non-territorial bordering practices in global politics
(Section: S5) £5530

Dr R Vermeulen University College London
The syntax of topics on Japanese and Korean
(Section: H4) £3079

Professor S H Vice University of Sheffield
Claude Lanzmann's _Shoah_
(Section: H6) £983

Dr S Vigneron University of Kent
A comparative study of the trafficking and restitution of cultural property in the UK and the USA
(Section: S1) £3869

Dr P G Vitebsky University of Cambridge
Baptist and Hindu conversions in 'tribal' India: changing language, emotion and morality
(Section: S3) £7460

Dr V Voruz University of Leicester
Foucault and criminology
(Section: S1) £1740

Professor N Walker University of Edinburgh
Europe's constitutional mosaic
(Section: S1) £7356

Professor L Wallace Coventry University
A study to assess the need for and the feasibility of an intervention to increase the quantity and quality of sexual and reproductive healthy education provided by parents to their daughters with type 1 diabetic mellitus
(Section: S6) £7413

Professor R M M Wallace Robert Gordon University
Reception of country of origin information as expert evidence in the context of the asylum determination
(Section: S1) £7452

Dr K J Walsh University of York
Stymoakis and Sikyon landscape archaeology and environmental reconstruction
(Section: H7) £7438

Professor R Walters Open University
Environmental policing in Italy
(Section: S4) £7500

Professor B  Ward University of Manchester
By Elvis and all the saints: the American south and British popular music
(Section: H10) £6649

Dr N Warikoo Institute for the Study of the Americas University of London
Discourses on multiculturalism among university students in Britain and the United States
(Section: S4) £7470

Dr A Warnes University of Leeds
A peculiar product: transatlantic literature and the commodification of tobacco
(Section: H5) £2505

Dr S Warren University of Sheffield
The politics of trusts schools - the politics of persuasion and the mobilisation of interests
(Section: S4) £7028

Dr E Waterton Keele University
Overcoming obsolescence? Museums, heritage and identity in the potteries
(Section: S3) £6577

Dr D Watling Royal Holloway, University of London
Processing of facial emotions: neurophysiological evidence of hemispheric specialisation
(Section: S6) £6750

Dr K Watson Lancaster University
Lenition in 'old Scouse': a corpus study of Liverpool English plosives
(Section: H4) £5281

Dr M Watson University of Sunderland
Lexical and semantic effects on reference frame printing
(Section: S6) £1140

Dr S Watson University of York
The formation of the English hospital, 1080-1307
(Section: H8) £7442

Dr Weekes University of Sussex
Memory for serial order in bilingual children
(Section: S6) £7500

Dr U Weger University of Kent
Counter-directional eye movement during reading
(Section: S6) £7197

Dr G  Westermann Oxford Brookes University
Investigating past tense formation in adults
(Section: S6) £3502

Dr D C Whaley Newcastle University
Manuscripts for the Skaldic poetry of the Kings' sagas
(Section: H8) £4061

Professor M Wheeler Independent Researcher
After John: the fourth gospel in nineteenth-century English culture
(Section: H6) £5325

Dr D Whetham King's College London
Applied ethics and international humanitarian law in low intensity conflict: compare and contrast the approaches and results of the training and education delivered by Sandhurst and West Point
(Section: H12) £2364

Dr A White University of Bath
Family migration as a livelihood strategy in contemporary Poland
(Section: S4) £7290

Professor T M Whitelaw University College London
The Knossos urban landscape project: the long-term dynamics of an urban landscape
(Section: H7) £7500

Professor R C Whiting University of Leeds
Trade unions in British politics and society 1970-1990
(Section: H10) £1562

Professor A Whittle, FBA Cardiff University
The earliest Neolithic in Lower Bavaria
(Section: H7) £7500

Dr I Wilkinson University of Kent
The problem of suffering in the works of Max Weber: applications to "social suffering"
(Section: S4) £1980

Dr A Williamon Royal College of Music
Key 2 music: a study of the cognitive, social and behavioural effects of group musical learning
(Section: S6) £6884

Dr A Williams St Peter's College University of Oxford
Jonathan Swift's _Journal to Stella_
(Section: H6) £6607

Dr A J Williams Keele University
Music in Germany since1968
(Section: H11) £3298

Dr A R Williams Other Institution
Experimental jousting
(Section: H8) £3280

Professor C Williams Cardiff University
Official language commissioners
(Section: H6) £6337

Professor C M Williams University of Wales, Swansea
J. M. Staniforth and the News of the World, 1893-1921
(Section: H10) £4050

Dr S Williams University of Cambridge
Unmarried motherhood and welfare provision in rural, urban and metropolitan settings, 1700-1900
(Section: H9) £7325

Mr T Williams University College London
Trade, pilgrimage and power: exploring the silk roads from the Oxus to Merv, Turkmenistan
(Section: H7) £7480

Dr B Williamson University of Bristol
The Madonna of Humility: development, dissemination and reception
(Section: H11) £5400

Professor J Williamson University of Kent
Causality study fortnight and the levels of causality
(Section: H12) £6580

Dr F Wilson University of Sussex
Responding to globalization: fiscal strategy in Indian states
(Section: S2) £7310

Dr S G Wilson Courtauld Institute of Art University of London
Socialist realism: Russia and France, 1930-2010
(Section: H11) £7500

Dr P Wood University of Oxford
The Chronicle of Seert and the emergence of Christian political though in late antique Iraq
(Section: H8) £880

Dr S A Woods Aston University
A chronological meta-analysis of ethnic group differences in cognitive ability and aptitude test scores in the UK, EU and US
(Section: S6) £7220

Dr S R Woodward University of Nottingham
Denim jeans: an ethnographic study
(Section: S3) £6480

Professor V Worth-Stylianou University of Exeter
Birthing tales in French medical texts 1500-1630
(Section: H5) £6977

Dr B Wu University of Nottingham
Rural sustainability and migration in ecological fragile areas of China
(Section: S3) £6500

Dr D L Wykes Other Institution
Surman database of dissenting ministers
(Section: H9) £7500

Dr T Wynn University of Exeter
Dramatic exchanges: theatre and public in Eighteenth-Century France
(Section: H5) £5990

Dr Yaneva University of Manchester
The architectural presentation: techniques and politics
(Section: S4) £5999

Dr Yanez-Bouza University of Manchester
ECEG-database: a bibliographic resource for the study of eighteenth-century English grammars
(Section: H4) £6415

Dr M Young-Scholten, FBA Newcastle University
How do uneducated adult immigrants become readers?
(Section: H4) £6017

Dr J Zachhuber Trinity College University of Oxford
Sacrifice and modern thought
(Section: H2) £2730

Dr P Zakreski University of Exeter
Creative industry: the female designer in the art-industries and Charlotte Yonge's _Beechcroft at Rockstone_
(Section: H6) £2204

Dr M Zalewski University of Aberdeen
Sex and gender in the international: examining the past, exploring the future
(Section: S5) £7456

Dr D Zaum University of Reading
The legitimacy of international organisations
(Section: S5) £7305

Dr J Zinken University of Portsmouth
Sharing responsibility in conversation: English couples dealing with everyday chores
(Section: S6) £2955

Dr H Zou Loughborough University
The role of venture capital in the growth of Chinese high-tech new ventures
(Section: S4) £7100

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