Funded by
Davies, Dr Gareth
University Lecturer in American History, University of Oxford
History / Political History
State of Disaster: The Changing Politics of Catastrophe in the United States, 1793-2012
Follett, Dr Richard
Reader in American History; Deputy Head of School & Director of Teaching & Learning
University of Sussex, School of History, Art History, Philosophy
History / Social History
Troubled Minds: Slave Revolts in American Memory
Friend, Dr Stacie
Senior Lecturer, Heythrop College, University of London, Philosophy
Philosophy / Aesthetics
Matters of Fact and Fiction
Horst, Dr Jessica
Lecturer, University of Sussex, School of Psychology
Psychology / Developmental and Educational Psychology
Learning Names for Object Categories
Khalfa, Dr Jean
Senior Lecturer in French Studies, Trinity College Cambridge
Modern Languages / French language and literature
Rediscovering Fanon: understanding Frantz Fanon's thought in the light of his unpublished work
Latham, Dr Kevin
Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology and Anthropology of Media, SOAS, University of London
Anthropology / Social & Cultural Anthropology, other branches
Media, mobility, networks and place: Chinese immigrants in contemporary Italy
Smith, Professor Roland
Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art, University of Oxford
Classics and Ancient History / Language, literature, history, culture, art and archaeology of the Byzantine world
The Late Antique Portrait Statues of Aphrodisias
BA/Thank-Offering to Britain Senior Research Fellowship
Professor Mark Swenarton SF120008
James Stirling Professor of Architecture, University of Liverpool
History of Art / History of architecture
The housing programme of the London Borough of Camden under Sydney Cook 1965-73