Who is eligible to apply for additional support?
Any current British Academy award holders, as well as those who intend to apply for a specific British Academy scheme in the next six months. Potential applicants will need to demonstrate that they meet the eligibility requirements of the scheme they intend to apply to.
How much is available per individual applicant?
We have not set a limit and do not intend to at this stage, while we begin to understand what people need the funds for and how much such requests may cost. We may set a limit on the amount per applicant in the future.
What kind of reasons can be appealed to when applying? Are there exclusions (things this fund won’t cover)?
Applicants should make clear why they are requesting additional support, and how it is necessary to complete their application to the Academy or their funded research project.
For example, they may be the primary carer for a young child and need additional support to cover the costs of their care during a research trip, or additional funds to cover the cost of travel for their child on such a research trip. Another example could be the need to hire someone to help apply for a grant as the applicant's disability means they require support to navigate the grant management system.
Day-to-day childcare or other caring responsibilities costs are not eligible but caring costs necessary for research trips/leave would be considered eligible when they are provided by a Government-approved childcare provider (i.e. a registered childminder, nanny, playscheme, nursery, club, school, or a home care worker working for a registered home care agency).
The fund will not cover the cost of items that we would reasonably assume would be covered by or available at your employing institution, such as a laptop, nor will it cover any normal day-to-day costs, such as your usual childcare costs.
Who assesses the applications?
Applications will be assessed by British Academy staff, considering the costs, the timescale and appropriateness against our eligibility criteria. Resulting recommendations will be considered by the Vice-President (Research and Higher Education Policy) Professor Simon Swain FBA and/or Chair of the Research Awards Committee, Professor Ed Page FBA and a final decision confirmed.
What criteria is used to assess applications?
Applications will first be assessed against the eligibility criteria. If they meet the criteria, the need itself will be considered as well as how the additional support will facilitate the best possible research or the completion of an application to one of our schemes.
How soon after applying should I expect to hear back?
We aim to have a decision back to applicants within four to six weeks of their application to the fund.
Do I have to be able to prove that I intend to apply for British Academy funding?
You will be asked to identify the fund you intend to apply for and to demonstrate that you meet the eligibility criteria for that scheme.
How many individuals do you expect to be able to support with the £100,000 budget?
We do not expect individual applications to request more than £5,000 of funding, and many may be considerably less than this. Our hope is to be as inclusive as possible and support many people with the fund. We have not set a limit and do not intend to at this stage, while we begin to understand what people need the funds for and how much such requests may cost. We may set a limit on the amount per applicant in the future.
Are funds allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis? What will happen if it is used up before this year's awards cycle ends?
In order to help people get the support they need as quickly as possible, we plan to have a rolling application process, so applications will be assessed on a first-come, first-served basis. Further funding is guaranteed for the Additional Support Fund until the end of the financial year 2024-25.
What happens if I received additional support but don’t end up applying for a British Academy grant or fellowship?
We would expect you to provide a reason, including feedback on whether the funding was insufficient, or did not otherwise enable the application as intended, as part of the reporting process for the award, as well as accounting for anything that was spent and returning any unspent funds.
Do I need to provide evidence of spend against my original application?
Yes, you will be asked to provide a report including an account of what you have spent and how. Any unspent funds will be required to be returned to the British Academy.
Can I appeal a decision if my application is rejected?
Yes, decisions may be made on the grounds of improper procedure as per the Academy’s Code of Practice. Anyone wishing to make an appeal against a decision should write to the Chief Executive of the British Academy no later than two months after the result of the application is announced. They should cite the specific decision and set out clearly the substantive basis of the appeal. Only applicants themselves may appeal, though they may include supporting letters as relevant. The Chief Executive will respond in writing within 30 days.
I have already received Additional Needs funding in relation to my British Academy award. Can I apply again?
You may re-apply to the Additional Needs Fund if you have a different access or support need to the one which originally received funding.