Professor Roger Pearson FBA

Western Europe France French Language and Literature History Historical Studies of Language and Literature

Elected 2009

Voltaire and the Enlightenment; Mallarme; nineteenth-century French poetry, with particular reference to the role and function of the poet as lawgiver

Current post

Emeritus Professor of French, University of Oxford; Emeritus Fellow, The Queen's College, Oxford

Past appointments

Queen's College University of Oxford Emeritus Professor of French, University of Oxford; Emeritus Fellow

2017 -

University of Oxford University Lecturer (C.U.F.); Fellow and Praelector in French, The Queen's College

1977 -


Voltaire Almighty: A Life in Pursuit of Freedom 2006

Mallarmé and Circumstance: The Translation of Silence 2004

Unfolding Mallarmé: The Development of a Poetic Art 1996

The Fables of Reason: A Study of Voltaire's 'contes philosophiques' 1993

Stendhal's Violin: A Novelist and his Reader 1988

Unacknowledged Legislators: The Poet as Lawgiver in Post-Revolutionary France 2016

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