Shelby M C Davis 1958 Professor of History, Princeton University
Past appointments
PrincetonShelby M C Davis 1958 Professor of History, Princeton University
2003 -
London School of Economics and Political Science University of LondonLeverhulme Research Professor and School Professor in History, London School of Economics
1998 - 2003
London School of Economics and Political Science University of LondonLeverhulme Research Professor
1997 -
Yale UniversityRichard M Colgate Professor
1982 - 1997
Christ's College University of CambridgeFellow
1979 - 1981
The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History 2006
Acts of Union and Disunion Profile 2014
Namier 1988
In defiance of oligarchy: the Tory party 1714-1760 1982
Britons: forging the nation 1707-1837 1992
Captives: Britain, empire and the world 1600-1850 2002