Dr Felicity Heal FBA

British social and religious history of the C16th and C17th; social practices of elites, especially hospitality and gift-exchange; the political and cultural nature of religious identity in Britain and Ireland

Elected 2015

Felicity Heal graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1967. She was a research fellow at Newnham College, and taught at the University of Sussex before appointment to a lecturership at Oxford, and fellowship at Jesus College in 1980. She was elected an emeritus fellow in 2011. She was chair of the modern history faculty from 1999-2001, and deputy head of the Humanities Division 2009-11. She is a consultnt editor for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Her research has focused on the religious and social history of early modern Britain, her current interests being principally gift giving, the social structure of London, and iconoclasm.

Current post

Jesus College, University of Oxford Emeritus Fellow

Past appointments

Jesus College University of Oxford Emeritus Fellow

1970 -


The Power of Gifts: Gift-Exchange in Early Modern England 2014

Reformation in Britain and Ireland 2003

The Oxford Handbook of Holinshed's Chronicles ed. with Paulina Kewes and Ian Archer 2012

Hospitality in Early Modern England 1990

The Gentry in England and Wales, 1500-1700 with Clive Holmes 1994

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