Professor Elizabeth Anderson FBA

Egalitarianism in history and the present, particularly with respect to labour, race and gender; social and moral epistemology, values in social science, pragmatism

Elected 2020

Headshot of Professor Elizabeth Anderson FBA

Professor Elizabeth Anderson specializes in moral, social and political philosophy, feminist theory, social epistemology, and the philosophy of economics and the social sciences. She is particularly interested in exploring the interactions of social science with moral and political theory, how we learn to improve our value judgments, the epistemic functions of emotions and democratic deliberation, and issues of race, gender, and equality.

She has written numerous articles on value theory, the ethical limitations of markets, facts and values in social scientific research, feminist and social epistemology, racial integration and affirmative action, rational choice and social norms, democratic theory, egalitarianism, and the history of ethics. Professor Anderson is currently working on the history of egalitarianism.

Professor Anderson is a MacArthur Fellow, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Fellow of the British Academy.  She designed and was the first Director of the Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at UM.

Current post

University of Michigan Max Shaye Professor of Public Philosophy, John Dewey Distinguished University Professor, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor

Past appointments

University of Michigan John Rawls Collegiate Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies

2005 - 2013

University of Michigan Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies

1995 - 2005

University of Michigan Adjunct Professor of Law

1995 - 2000

University of Michigan Associate Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies

1993 - 1995

University of Michigan Assistant Professor of Philosophy

1987 - 1993

Swarthmore College Visiting Instructor in Philosophy

1985 - 1986

Harvard University Teaching Fellow

1983 - 1985

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