Professor Aurora Egido FBA

History and Critique of 16th and 17th centuries of Spanish Literature in its variables subjects, genres and authors, from Garcilaso to Gracián (including Santa Teresa, Cervantes, Góngora and Calderón, among others), with studies and critical editions

Elected 2013

Fellow type
Corresponding Fellow
Year elected

Aurora Egido, PhD on Spanish Literature at the University of Barcelona, is full Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Zaragoza, Fellow of the Real Academia Española and Corresponding Fellow of the Real Academia de Buenas Letras. She has been Professor at the University of Barcelona, the University Autónoma of Barcelona and the University of León. Spanish Language Assistant at the University of Cardiff and at Westfield College (London), Visiting Professor at UCLA, Johns Hopkins and the University of Cambridge (Great Britain), she has been also a Distinguished Professor at CUNY and Vice Chancelor of Humanities at the International University Menéndez Pelayo. Honorary President of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas and of the Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro, she won the "Palmes Académiques" in France, the Award "Baltasar Gracián" and the National Research Award in Humanities "Ramón Menéndez Pidal". She has published editions, books and articles on theatre, poetry, prose and the relationship between literature and painting in the Spanish Literature of XVI and XVII centuries. She has studied in particular the works of Garcilaso, Fray Luis de León, Santa Teresa de Jesús, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Soto de Rojas, Baltasar Gracián and Calderón de la Barca, among others authors and subjects.

Current post

Emeritus Professor of Spanish Literature, University of Zaragoza; Member, Real Academia Española

Past appointments

Other Foreign Institutions Emeritus Professor of Spanish Literature, University of Zaragoza

2016 -


Fronteras de la poesía en el Barroco 1990

El gran teatro de Calderón: personajes, temas, escenografía 1995

El Barroco de los modernos: Despuntes y pespuntes 2009

El discreto encanto de Cervantes y el crisol de la prudencia 2011

Bodas de Arte e ingenio: Estudios sobre Baltasar Gracián 2014

La búsqueda de la inmortalidad en las obras de Baltasar Gracián 2014

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