Professor Alan Barnard FBA

Comparative ethnography of southern Africa; contemporary hunter-gatherers; the history of anthropology; the social anthropology of human origins, especially the co-evolution of language and kinship

Elected 2010

Fellow type
UK Fellow
Year of death
Year elected

Last post

Emeritus Professor of the Anthropology of Southern Africa, University of Edinburgh

Past appointments

University of Edinburgh Emeritus Professor of the Anthropology of Southern Africa

2016 -


Anthropology and the Bushman 2007

Social Anthropology and Human Origins 2011

Genesis of Symbolic Thought 2012

Language in Prehistory 2016

Research Practices in the Study of Kinship 1984

A Nharo Wordlist, with Notes on Grammar 1985

History and Theory in Anthropology 2000

Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: A Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples 1992

Kalahari Bushmen (children's book) 1993

Social Anthropology: A Concise Introduction for Students 2000

Los pueblos cazadores recolectores: Tres conferencias dictadas en Argentina / 2001

Social Anthropology: Investigating Human Social Life 2006 (2nd edn)

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