Professor Agostino Paravicini Bagliani FBA

The history of Papacy in the Middle Ages (11-15 c.): with particular attention on cultural anthropology, self-representation, symbolism, rituality and prolongation of life

Elected 2008

Fellow type
Corresponding Fellow
Year elected
Medieval Studies

Current post

Honorary Professor of Medieval History, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; President of SISMEL (Societá internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino)

Past appointments

Società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo President

2008 -

Union académique internationale, Bruxelles President

2005 - 2007

Swiss National Science Foundation, Berne Vice-President (Humanities and Social Sciences)

2004 -

Other Foreign Institutions Professor of Medieval History, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

1981 -

Other Foreign Institutions Professor of Medieval History, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

1981 -


Micrologus' Library (editor) (Florence, Sismel Edizioni del Galluzzo, vol. I-LIII) 1997-

Morte ed elezione del papa. Norme, riti e conflitti. Il Medioevo 2013 Viella, Rome

Micrologus. Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies (editor) (Florence, Sismel Edizioni del Galluzzo, vol. I-XX+) 1993-

The Pope's Body (Chicago, University of Chicago Press) 1999

Boniface VIII. Un pape hérétique? (Paris, Payot & Rivages) 2003

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