Charts and graphs

Guidelines on our use of charts and graphs


Our charts and graphics are clear, consistent and professional. Tints of the secondary palette have been defined to ensure harmonious and consistent graphics with enough contrast between colours. Multiple tints are used for charting related fields (A, B, C), with other colours used for unrelated fields (D, E).

Bar chart and pie chart demonstrating colour harmonies


Tints are used to offer greater contrast and legibility to charting. Tints can be applied to any of the secondary palette and work in two directions – from base colour to darker tone, and base colour to lighter tone.

  1. Base colour
  2. Darker tone
  3. Lighter tone
Shades of blue in a colour chart


Depending on the chart and the number of different fields to be represented, the choice of tints will vary. Exampled right are the tint values for charts using up to 8 tints.

Chart of blue tint values

Colour values

For full colour tint values please download the swatches pack below.

Colour swatches of tint values

Colour order

Colours should always be used in this sequence, to ensure consistent presentation. For bar and pie charts, tints should be used for separate, related fields. For line charts, brand colours should be used instead of tints, to help ensure sufficient contrast and legibility.

Columns of colour in blue, grey, yellow, red, teal, greenpurple, orange and pink


Most chart types should be chosen to most logically complement the data set. Primarily we work with bar, line, and pie charts.

Bar charts single colours

Colour can be used to group related data. Exampled right, blue is used for working types (A—C), grey is used for those in education (D), and yellow for unemployed (E).

Data labels should be used above chart columns to aid accessibility.

Bar chart showing data labels

Bar charts multi colour

Stacked bar charts use a clear white line to separate data fields within this same bar. X-axis labels can be oriented to 45° if the subtitles are too long to work horizontally.

Example of stacked bar charts

Pie charts single colours

Pie charts use a clear white line to separate data fields. The inner white circle must be 70% the total diameter of the pie chart.

Example of pie chart

Line chart

Line charts do not use tints, and instead use the base secondary colours following the order shown above (Colour order). Data labels should be added to the chart, ideally on the right-hand side of the x-axis, to aid accessibility.

Example of line charts

Headers, Sources, Graph data

Titles are set in Founders Grotesk Semi-Bold and labelled (Figure 1) and go up sequentially throughout a document.

All other data is set in Graphik Light.

Example of bar charts


We use a simple labelling system to ensure consistent typesetting between documents.

Bar labelling

Text can sit above or below colours and where space is limited can sit on top. White or black must be used to ensure greatest legibility.

Example of coloured plots

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